Is Quad core processors better than six cores?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by aazo5, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. BlackDove

    My advice is not to do that. What GPU's and what monitor configuration do you have? Unless you really are CPU bottlenecked, and with a 3820 I doubt you are, it's going to be a waste to upgrade from a 3820 to a 3930K for this game. Also, if you've never changed out a CPU before, you probably don't want to practice on a 3820 and a 3930K, especially with whatever kind of cooler they use on there. You'll have to clean and reapply a decent thermal interface, and who knows what kind they used on it. It's likely to be a pain in the *** to remove and replace the cooler on an Alienware.
    • Up x 1
  2. aazo5

    No, i'm not going to yet. Just in the future (Like a year). I have a Nvidia GeForce GTX 680. Not dual.
  3. f0d

    i have a 3820@5ghz and PS2 barely uses 25%

    you are right that clock speed matters more as ps2 barely uses 2 of the 4 cores, the other two mostly sit idle
    by my usage i think both 3820 and 3930k are overkill for this game - even an i3 will probably do ok lol
  4. Alexlightning7

    32Gbs of RAM is EXTREME overkill. I GARENTEE under any gaming situations, you will never go over 8 Gbs. Also, the CPU is pretty overkill. If you have so much money to waste, go ahead, but since you said you only have 1 680, downgrade your CPU to a i5-3570k or if you really want it, a i7-3770k and overclock it. put the other money into SLI 680s, or possibly just a GTX Titan.

    The performance gain in nearly every game other then Planetside 2 will be...... Nothing. Not a single thing. 95% of games will be GPU bottlenecked. That means that a better CPU wont help at all, but a better GPU will improve your frames.

    unless your buying this PC for ONLY planetside 2(which is kinda dumb), I wouldn't get that CPU. It may give you the best fps you can get on a modern CPU, but it costs quite a bit more then what you need to pay.
  5. aazo5

    Okay. Settle down. But good information.
  6. BlackDove

    WTF? He already has the 3820 in an Alienware desktop. Why would he downgrade it? That's absurd.

    If you just said it's the best... why not get it? It's not a ripoff like the 3970X is. If he wanted to convert that into a really high end machine, he could just sell the 3820 and the 680, and put in a 3930K and a Titan.
  7. aazo5

    By the way, I found out, it's pretty easy to remove the liquid cooling system (Well it's not TOO hard). There are videos on Dell for how to remove the Liquid cooling system and Processor. But from everyone's help, i'll just wait to get the better CPU. I might get dual GTX 680s though.
  8. ZEPLN

    It's using all of that clock speed but not all of the 8 logical threads on your processor, hence the 25%. The game is CPU dependent and bottlenecks on even the most advanced processors currently available.

    2 680s is the same price as a Titan. Just buy the Titan. I absolutely love my 680... but I would jump on the Titan in a heartbeat.
  9. Dhart

    hmmm... this game is not designed for dual core... so extra cores matter little;

    Chews up far too much RAM. If it was dual/quad/plus core game... this would not be the issue it is today.!
  10. escannihilator

    I have the 3820 (oc to 4.1) and the game runs pretty good, like op said if you go 2011 socket then you gain more lanes in your pcie and also is for multiple gpu's dual, tri and quad sli platforms
  11. VexTheRaven

    Are they "better"? Definitely not. Are they a better value? Absolutely.
  12. bNy_

    Comes down to what you want to do with it really
  13. bNy_

    1. 32GB of ram doesn't necessary need to be overkill... I use between 8-12 with planetside on. But I also do a lot of work and like to have 20 tabs on browser open, don't turn off flash videos and s oon. But yes, 16GB of quality memory will be enough even for the most hardcore user.

    2. Pretty much all games are CPU based. If you strictly want gaming (no streaming and such on the side) you don't need more than 4 cores though.

    Point being, there is a way bigger risk of getting bottlenecked by having a worse CPU together with a better GPU than the other way around (it's pretty much impossible if you have the right settings).

    This is for a few reasons, but to mention the most important one would be that the CPU is what most settings rely on. To give an example. You can run pretty much every game with fluent (40-50+ FPS) on older rigs with a very good CPU but worse graphic card, reverse the roles and you will have problems even starting those games. Graphic cards determines more what kind of settings you can allow a game to use though.

    To elaborate, graphic cards are good for AA+AF, textures, shadows, special effects like bloom and well.. The resolution.
    Pretty much everything else is CPU based. Anyways, this is what allows you to play new games with decent FPS because as long as you turn off or lower some settings it wont be any problem for the card to process.

    Then we have a few games like planetside 2, the saboteur and GTA IV (at least when it got released, dunno if they fixed it) that utilize the power bad due to terrible coding. So if you only plan to play PS2 a good graphic card would be rather good to have since the game in the state it is now only will use like 25-30% of the CPU even if it should take more than that to keep up with the large worlds, so a good GPU will pick up frame rates here and there and make it lot more playable.
  14. aazo5

    Okay. Thanks.
  15. Dragam

    Yeah, that wouldnt be retar.ded at all...throwing the 680 he already has into the bin, to buy a titan card, which cost the same as 2x 680 cards, yet only has 50% more performance than one 680 card...

    The logics of people on this forum...
  16. ZEPLN

    Sorry, I missed that he already had a 680 in his computer, in which case SLI-ing 2 of those would be a good idea.

    My bad... no need to get butt-hurt about a mistake though.
  17. Dragam

    I appologize in that case - im just used to people on this forum being like 2+2=5.
  18. BlackDove

    He could always SELL the 680. The Titan is still better than 2x680's in certain aspects, since it is a single GPU, and doesn't have SLI scaling issues, or have to worry about frame metering. Given the choice between a Titan and 2x680's in SLI, I'd definitely get the Titan. No SLI, greater power efficiency, better GPU chip itself, option for DP floating point, 6GB 384 bit framebuffer, and it's incredibly quiet as well.
  19. Dragam

    He could sell it, but he would only get a fraction of the price that he originally paid. Frametimes (microstutter) isnt an issue at all with 600 series sli, and the sli scaling is great with all new dx11 titles - its only in really badly optimized titles like this, which is based on old dx9 tech, that sli works badly.
    Far cry 3, bf3, tomb raider, crysis 3, hitman absolution, bioshock infinite etc etc etc 680 sli gets better performance than titan.

    The ONLY thing that talks in favour of titan, is less watt usage than an sli setup... but using that much money, to save some watt usuage is just...
  20. BlackDove

    I agree that Nvidia SLI is pretty well optimized for most things, and the microstutter is more of an AMD thing. However, we are talking about the guy wanting to play PS2, which is about the worst optimized game I've ever seen.

    Have your temperatures gone up since GU7 btw?