Is planetside 2 coming to playstation 4?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by chilly154, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. TeknoBug

    Doubt it, although I wouldn't count out the possibility they may in a couple years from now. I remember when PS3 came out, the game library was very sparse and the PS3 wasn't a strong seller until the game library started coming in (~2 years later), SOE will need big titles to launch the PS4 with.

    And their claims that the PS4's hardware spec will make PC users envious, really... an AMD Jaguar CPU and 8GB ram (which is GDDR5, likely shared with the CPU's integrated GPU)? AMD's Steamroller is around the corner and DDR4 ram isn't far down the road- that claim is silly at best because a year after the PS4 release, the PC hardware will already be a generation or two ahead.

    I'm curious to what type of hardware the XBox will release with.
  2. TheEvilBlight

    Trying to imagine people with PS4 controllers trying to fly by pressing buttons instead of using the controller. Suckers.
  3. Wasdie

    I could see a version of Planetside 2 being broken off and ported to the Playstation 4.

    I was actually hoping that Sony would jump on the F2P bandwagon a bit more for the Playstation 4. Open up their online network, allow devs to have more direct control over patching and content update. I think a PS4 version of Planetside 2 would have been a brilliant way to sell that console.

    Imagine buying a Playstation 4 and it ships with Planetside 2 and other F2P games already install on the harddrive for free.

    Due to a lot of reasons, if they do this, the PC players would never play with the PS4 players so there wouldn't be any worry there. The PS4 is more than capable of running Planetside 2. The only thing that would have to be reworked is the menu interfaces. The actual gameplay wouldn't change much, it would just slow down quite a bit.
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  4. DeusExMachina

    Fortunately not. Because PS4 will have Destiny.
  5. Loegi

  6. TeknoBug

    Remember "Planetside: Next"? That could be the title for PS4 if they ever consider it, a dumbed down version of an already dumbed down PS2.
  7. chilly154

    You know it be cool if they can get planetside 1 to ps4.
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  8. the pestimist

    sounds awesome
  9. Ronin Oni

    uhm, so will PC

    not that it'll be worth a damn
  10. Ronin Oni

    Shadowrun would like a word with you...

    The reason they don't is because gamepad and m/k in a FPS is a no contest game.... gmaepad users are at an extreme disadvantage.

    If they do Planetside for PS4... it would be a slightly scaled down, PS4 only version....

    not because of netcode though :\

    But because noone on console wants to play against PC
  11. XenomorphZZ

    Wait a second...

    Does this mean were going to be left in the dust like PC is compared to BO1/2 updates?

    I mean is there going to be a point where the PS4 version of Planetside 2 out paces the development of the PC version?

    Or is the current SOE dev team not going to be involved in the development of the PS4 version aside from some intial support work?
  12. DeusExMachina

    Well, it'll be a fps with persistent world... so it seems it'll mmofps.
    And they'd have to have some really mentally challenged devs (edit1://and it's being developed by bungie so that doesn't seem to be the case) or damn greedy marketers to f*** it up more that SOE f***ed up PS2.
    So i don't see your point, could you elaborate?

    And btw thanks for the info that it's coming also for PC.
  13. Ronin Oni


    which, also means likely garbage IMO.

    I'm pretty much only interested in PC exclusives anymore.

    And HALO may be "well made" but I'll be damned if I'd call that series "good" since Halo2 where they fell behind the FPS market IMO.

    Quite frankly, Bungie doesn't instill a whole ton of confidence for me (campaign will prolly be decent with "classic" ie; old and cheap gunplay) and the fact they're with Activision now only makes me that much more disinterested.
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  14. DeusExMachina

    It's a good manner to add "edit" marks, especially after someone has quoted or liked your post, before adding the new content.

    Tbh i haven't played HALO almost at all, yet still it's an AAA title that received less complains from user than BF or COD series. And i like BF (take away bfp4f). It also means that they have a strong foundations when it comes to fps titles.
    What i like though is Oni, and Oni had a great gameplay. The story outline wasn't bad either, and gameplay is what matters in mmofps.

    The fact that they're working with Activision is also not my cup of tea, but if they won't get to greedy then at least they have some good funding to start it up.

    Multiplatform... that's my biggest concern here :/ it'd be great if it was PC exclusive. Unfortunately PC exclusive haven't been getting much love recently. I just hope that Cyberpunk 2077 will be aimed at PCs... ehh, but that's another topic.
  15. Acuta

    Why not? Trion is releasing Defiance in April on Playstation, xBox, and PC (and SyFy channel as a TV show, oddly). And it's still a decent looking PC game rather than just a crappy console game on PC.

    Revenue is revenue, and the more $$ SOE makes, the more/better games they can make and the better they can support existing titles. Win/win IMHO.
  16. tsubakki

    i know smedley said he was exited about it and said to read into that as we wished, but that was it, and he could have been talking about any game SOE has produced,
  17. ps2x518

    I was thinking of this earlier today. It would actually be very functional on a controller because PS1 is more slow paced, versus PS2's twitch based gameplay. And PS1 is so old now I doubt they would have any problem porting it directly over to PS4. Maybe when it goes free to play. Also, the touch-pad would work perfectly for PS1 inventory system.
  18. Ronin Oni

    weird... previously once a post was liked it was uneditable.... guess they changed that. Anyways I had clicked edit right away and edited it right after posting, so AFAIK you hadn't, and last I knew it blocked edits after being liked.

    Anyways, maybe it's good... but I'm not holding my breath. When I see more I'll actually start to form an opinion.
  19. VexTheRaven

    Plenty of games are made by Microsoft and aren't on the Xbox or the PC. Hell, pretty much every major game company has divisions for every console. It doesn't really matter whether they own the console or not. Different games, different consoles, different needs.
  20. Nocturnal7x

    Yes, and even console gamers will not put up with that lag fest, especially not for an FPS.