Is planetside 2 coming to playstation 4?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by chilly154, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. chilly154

  2. SgtBreastroker

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  3. riker

    please, i hope to god is doesnt, then they would have no use for the pc version and shut it down
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  4. OddChelsea

    If it does I will be so shocked that I will accidentally conjure up a demonic singing hell pickle.
  5. FA18

    No me gusta, do not want.
  6. TheEvilBlight

    It would need a Xeon Phi Co-Processor to deal with Renderside.
  7. VexTheRaven

    No, that's a dumb question. Why would it? Because the specs are similar to a PC? Why hasn't it come to Mac? Or Linux? Why isn't WoW going to Playstation 4? Or Starcraft? Or any of 500 other PC games for that matter? Why don't we all just do everything on Playstation 4?
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  8. chilly154

    Playstation 4 includes Gaikai's cloud streaming service
  9. chilly154

    Mybe they don't have the money thats why?
  10. Phyr

    It would probably cost too much to keep it running and up to date on a console for it to be worth the time redesigning half the game. It's not as simple as just porting over.
  11. VexTheRaven

    Then why would they make it for Playstation?
  12. Mogi67

    Higby's already alluded to the possibility of it coming to next-gen consoles, particularly the ps4
  13. chilly154

    For more players. Look at dc universe online.
  14. OddChelsea

    No, I don't want to dell with another singing hell pickle.
  15. Onetoo

    I've read that the PS4 will support some forms of cross-platform play with mobiles. Wouldn't it be fine if the PS4 and PC could play together? I certainly wouldn't mind the extra bodies in game.

    Honestly, I doubt it would ever happen, but I think it would be a great way to increase the overall population, not to mention SOE could make more money and continue to improve PS2.

    Anyone remember the game 'Shadowrun' and how the PC version was cross-platform with the Xbox 360? Probably not, it wasn't a mega-hit or anything, but I thought it was fun and CP support in no way hurt the experience.
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  16. OddChelsea

    I'm not against it happening I suppose, I just would be shocked if it did.
  17. TheEvilBlight

    Pretty sure Gaikai's been tossed about ad nauseum. It will definitely require a special subscription just to pay for the cloud backend.

    Dunno if it would quash the hax....
  18. MeltingCPU

    I hope so, we would have a lot more players and those gamepad fools would be told a lesson. :)
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  19. wave

    Absolutely it will be on PS4. The specs are perfect for running this game with 8 cores, 8gb ram and decent GPU. This is good for us computers users since they are going to optimize performance for multiple core cpus and relatively moderate GPU specs. They have a long way to go for optimization of this game but I believe it was always being developed to work on PS4 hardware. Looking forward to annihilating console control nubs.
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  20. SerialNumber1221


    There is a game called MAG on PS3 which was loosely based on the original Planetside...has a cult following for a new IP, biggest multiplayer fps on console to date - 256 players in one match...

    Me thinks a rehash of Planetside 2 will appear on PlayStation 4 dressed up as MAG 2....

    Its easy money or Sony and history always repeats.....