Integrate global redeployment within the respawn system. Recent changes do not cut it, here is why

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by UberBonisseur, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. WTSherman

    How about we just remove the spawn points from the bases? You want a forward spawn, bring a Sunderer/Galaxy/Valkyrie.

    Given the size of the map we could use Tech Plants, Amp Stations, and Biolabs as "check points" (which would make them significantly more important since they're now your only hardened forward spawns). That would effectively cut the map into roughly 1kmx1km chunks that people have to travel through before they reach the next hard spawn.
  2. Makora

    Spawning in on squad gals and sundies (not deployed) should be tied to your Squad Deploy timer. This feature was implemented to help keep the squad together. So was Squad Deploy. Why they are separate is beyond me.

    Just one of the many peeves I have.
  3. Hosp

    This was my idea: