INSANE 35 kills in 2 minutes. Amazing skill

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gunshooter, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. CrossFire

    i'm sure the op sucks while playing infantry
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  2. Fortress

    I was wondering what I could use to sum up planetside 2 in two minutes, and this video answered my call.

    Good work.
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  3. lilbabygiraffelegs

    omg what the hell were they doing?!!! That aggravates me.
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  4. idclev50

    The only 'amazing' thing, if you can call it that, is that you flanked them.
    If you haven't been playing the game long then 'Well done!' but if you've been playing since Beta started then 'You need to do better'

    But at least you got it on video, I'd like to do some recording but my pc won't be able to handle it :oops:

    BTW, were you using HE rounds?
  5. gunshooter

    trolls ruining mine post
  6. iamrob7

    >Vehicle kills

    >Insane skill

    Pick one.
  7. gunshooter

    Nope I have done this as infantry also.

    Good try though, noob.
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  8. iamrob7

    Oh I see, you are a troll. Well I suppose I have to admire the effort you've put in to look like a complete idiot. I have to ask why bother though? Do you have aspirations of being some sort of Comedian? Seems like a strange waste of your time otherwise.
  9. Mupod

    I love doing that. The best part is resupply refills your shield instantly - my longest grenade streak was thanks to a Sunderer parked right around the corner of an NC lemming swarm that was hanging out near our tech plant's shield for some reason. Burns through your resources real fast though.
  10. gunshooter

    Yeah it's one of my favorite ways to outplay people in planetside 2
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  11. Katana

    Modesty would have gotten you further, 'amazing skill' in the thread title killed your hopes for a happy thread.

    You had a tank, against softies, congratulations on getting them kills.
  12. Nyscha

    Wish I could of attacked your Prowler in my lightning.
    1 flank and you'd be dead.
    Lightning + back armour of Prowler= dead in 6 shots.

    This video is comparable to someone doing a pod spamming video.
  13. Big Cyz

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  14. SKYeXile

    Loving the hate in this thread, nice job outplaying those n00bs man.
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  15. Big Cyz

    ive pwned ur maggie so many times lol get owned skrub
  16. SKYeXile

    Cool story, needs more dragons.
  17. ExarRazor

    to be fair though, that video is like, the holy grail of lib gameplay.

    that one situation that every lib team dreams of, the opportunity to just rain death and destruction.

    even if he had literally just pulled that lib, and didnt have any timer reduction certs, it would have been totally worth it.

    not saying it took any skill at all, just sayin that's the thing lib pilots and gunners live for.

    farming sundies with tanks happenes every day. its extremely rare to get in such a good pounding with a lib without being instantly shot down
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  18. Arcanum

    OP can you coach me on tank fighting I am willing to pay 15USD/hour.

    In all seriousness, since this is a bragging thread it's possible to get even more kills in under a minute at The Crown with a MBT when there's bigger masses coming up to the spawn room.
  19. MilitiaMan

    Yep, I did this the other day on my tr.

    Prowler is a beast of a vehicle.

    I was 85/13 in 45mins, I was just rolling how simple it was to get kills with this thing.
  20. TeknoBug

    That second grenade made me ROFL
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