INSANE 35 kills in 2 minutes. Amazing skill

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gunshooter, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. gunshooter

    Pretty much dominated those noobs... learn to play infantry. I laugh when people complain about the prowler, it's the best tank.
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  2. Goomba

    Where's the dubstep and editing.
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  3. Crazy Airborne

    lmfao. you were flanking them, and you got kills cuz they werent paying attention, they barely even shot back at you. lol @ "insanely skillful streak" still waiting for the "amazing skill" part. you took advantage of them. well done.

    also, no one disagrees the prowler is great against infantry. fight a tank battle or two and you will disagree.
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  4. gunshooter

    this isn't a joke video
  5. centurionvi

    Truly a god amongst men.
  6. FullDread

    camping a sunderer in a tank... yeah epic skill.
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  7. Goomba

    I don't follow.
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  8. gunshooter

    This guy died in this video and mad.
  9. Vibe

    Lol, just how did I know it was a tank camping sunderer spawns before I even clicked the thread.
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  10. FullDread

    I play TR, so
  11. Tungsten

    I dont know man, those look like hard-scopes to me.
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  12. TheGroggyOne

    Umm, wow, you've taken advantage of some people that are inferior to a tank and can't fight back. Most of em took 2 shots, real skill there. I am impressed you actually would post it, I'd be too ashamed too and would've turned capture off the moment the guy ran down the hill.

    Now, go kill 35 magriders and vanguards in a row with a prowler and come back. That'd be something worth wasting bandwidth on.
  13. andygoth

    As someone who uses a lightning with a HE turret I have to say this has more to do with how over powered the HE turrets are than skill,

    You can just farm a sunderer all day.
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  14. Plunkies

    Maybe not intentionally.
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  15. Jac70

    I think you typed 'insanely skilful' where you meant to type 'splash damage' :cool:
  16. Pella

    I came to watch some skill. Instead left disappointed.
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  17. Ciddie

    Where was the "amazing skill" ? can I have my money back please.
  18. Moxin

    Farming Skill :D, game is based on it...didnt you know it all ? Everything yells for XP...

    congrats gunshooter for 35 kills in only 2 minutes...there is not always the chance for it to find so many soft targets concentrated.
  19. gunshooter

    Yea I don't see you getting 35 kills in 2 minutes.. envy is a sin.
  20. Goomba

    Just grab the nearest Bad Dubstep and mute the video. Problem solved.