Infiltrators may be getting a crossbow?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Ravenorth, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. Sworaven

    I know a lot of games have had crossbows in the past but still, if this were true, it could have the potential to be a fun little weapon. I think a lot of people would use it just because it looks kinda cool. And it would be nice for more people to discover that there are more Infil-playstyles than just 'Hilltop Camper' and 'SMG Infil'.

    Actually, I'm kinda glad they pulled away from the standard look of a crossbow. It's good to see some imaginitive weapon-design for once, even though it's only a render.

    I'm not sure if I understood what you were trying to say but the crossbow might be the announced new NS semi-auto weapon.
  2. Snipe-yo-face-yall

    Sweet! A truly silent kill maybe... I wonder how damage it would do...
  3. MajiinBuu

    Yay! Now I can be a wookie with a bowcaster!
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  4. acksbox

    It's likely supposed to be representative of an advanced or futuristic crossbow. Even now, conventional prods are far from universal.

    Strictly speaking it wouldn't be a crossbow without a prod of some sort, but that doesn't mean it cannot be an interesting crossbow like weapon.
  5. Tenebrae Aeterna

    I know, it's just my favorite part of a crossbow and what defines them, aesthetically, in my eyes. That's not to say it isn't still a cool's just not as cool as it could be for me personally.
  6. m44v

    I bet is going to have a hell of a bullet drop.
  7. Terraphiel

    Call me crazy but my first thought was that it could be a grapling hook. In the end it's probably a crossbow, yeah. But my imagination says those things at the side are there to hold on to while you're being pulled up and the wheel thingies contain the rope. Just wishful thinking I guess and not having a clue why they would add a crossbow when theres weaopons that fire bullets :confused:
  8. Meliorist

    Crossbows on auraxis? I bet the VS cringed, what a technological leap backwards.
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  9. JorgeSarcos

    So in the Laser age we have medieval age guns because we can, might as well add the catapult lol or this:

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  10. DeadliestMoon

    Dude, this thread was made in January of last year...
  11. reydelchicken

    Well you can already get better bullet velocity than the magrider guns by flinging peas with a spoon IRL.

    So a crossbow would probably be OP, I mean 100m/s!?!?
    That's probably 2x faster than the magrider bullet.
  12. JorgeSarcos

    I didnt Necro`ed the Thread, dont blame me xD
  13. m44v

    nah, not a necro, DeadliestMoon is living 1 year ahead in the future.
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  14. DeadliestMoon

    Didn't check the year. But if I was, I'd tell you that Steam Machines are a huge flop.
  15. Stinneyt

    Crossbows? Sure. Next they'll introduce pen and paper communications.
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  16. Ravenorth

    Okay guys, seems like my speculations were wrong, they are adding a crossbow in the game, which is the same NS crossbow as in the picture, but not for infiltrator update... Its going to be some crappy(probably) Valentines day special weapon similar to flare and that Christmas freeze gun.

    Images from the latest test server patch:

  17. JorgeSarcos

    Awwww... Cupid?
  18. ISKNausicaa

    Downloading the new PTR patch meself (9 gig ><)

    but damnit, seriously? A new potentially interesting weapon turned into a holiday gimmick, makes me want to punch kittens.
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  19. Ravenorth

  20. Sworaven

    I was kinda hoping it would be viable primary weapon, not another gimmick. So far only those pictures have been released, how the weapon will work is still a mystery. So there's still hope it won't fall into the same category as the Flare/Freeze Gun.

    We're getting a crossbow, that's for sure. If it's actually going to be useable, that's another thing.

    Wait!? You can already test them on the test-server?