[Suggestion] Infiltrators get a utility pouch

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Ballto21, Feb 10, 2015.

  1. Ballto21

    i feel this is more geared for the infiltrator class discussion but ill post it here for now.

    Infiltrators and engineers share the AI mines, and i think that if infiltrators were given a certifiable mine pouch suit slot to carry more than two mines at once it wouldnt change much other than slight convenience. Moreso for stalkers than anything else.
    >Snipers would still probably run ammo belts usually
    >SMG would run either ammo or grenade bandoleers because EMP is fun.
    >If it stays at only 2 out at once but you can carry say 4 instead of two it would just help stalkers sit still for a bit longer, and of course all playstyles could probably find some use out of more mines.
  2. Pfundi

    They dont share them. I bought my first betty on the infi and I cant equip it on my engie.
    Same for VS but other way round.
    But hey, why not?
  3. Ballto21

    i mean they can both use them, not as a universal unlock
  4. Ballto21

    Quick bump to see if anyone else agrees?
  5. Vaphell

    certainly no harm in having this. If we can get a suit for moar nades, why not a suit for moar mines?
  6. Atis

    You sure you want to pay tons of certs and give up suit slot for 1 extra AI mine?
  7. Ballto21

    I figured since infiltrators can only use AI mines instead of all the other crap engies can we could have more mines at once like 4 or 5 to compensate, and instead of having 4 or 5 out at once we can still only drop two at a time. Like i said, mostly stalkers would make real use of it since at least i run ammobelts or grenade bandoleers 90% of the time
  8. DQCraze

    Ya i would also like the mines to be replenished by ammo packs.
  9. Ballto21

    theyed probably need to cost more nanites for ammopacks to replenish
  10. Atis

    Engies are mine experts, if they cant run more than 3 AI mines, devs decided that 3 AI mines is max possible before ppl start ******** about "no-skill" kills.
    And stalkers are not supposed to have much of strong weapon or lots of ammo. Good cloak + any decent killing potential is bad combo.
    • Up x 1
  11. Ballto21

    i never said anything about changing the engineers landmines. and stalker cloak isnt fantastic for anything but grinding sidearm directives. having 4 landmines (or three or whatever) but keeping it at only 2 out at a time wont change anything but mean that someone can sit by the terminal longer dropping mines before resupply
  12. Atis

    you suggested sniping/recon/backstabbing class carrying more mines than deployable expert class. Stalker is good for recon and sabotage CC flipping.
  13. Ballto21

    Stalker works for about two minutes and someone pulls a darklight doing anything but camping a terminal. And carrying more mines (or equal) at once is much different than deploying more mines at once.

    As for sniping i dont see people using it instead of ammo belts.
  14. Kubin

    Your comment actually fertilized my brain with a thought (yay! we just had a mindsex together! ;D) and it gave birth to an idea: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2...-for-cloakers-enhanced-light-absorber.214862/
  15. Atis

    You dont get it. If devs ever allowed idea of carrying more mines, engi would already had such upgrade.

    And I met very sneaky stalkers, who avoided few ppl with darklights for like 10 mins in limited area and killed some of them. Yes, its very niche, but its ok if not all are as popular as HA.
  16. Ballto21

    I think were both not getting it.

    Engineers can already carry and deploy up to three mines at once.

    Infiltrators carrying three but only deploying two at once would change virtually nothing, other than slightly extended landmine chase scenes and longer explosive camping at terminals
  17. Foxirus

    As it stands now, The utility pouch has no effect on how many AI mines you can carry. So it would not work for the infiltrator regardless.
  18. FateJH

    It does. The final rank of the Utility Pouch is the Engineer's third anti-personnel mine. All ranks before that are either C4 or anti-tank mines.
  19. \m/SLAYER\m/

    maybe im wrong, but you can deploy only 2 AI mines and you need to spend 3100 cerst to get 1 more mine:eek:
  20. Atis

    Very few ppl would use their suit slot for one mine on stalker, extra Commissioner clips can net more kills than one mine unless you pizzarun it in crowd.

    Even if you justify it somehow, it doesnt worth a hassle, plus break engi image of explosion expert.