Infiltrators are op

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AxiomInsanity87, Nov 18, 2015.

  1. Azawarau

    You can reduce the effectiveness of the shield while still having it fit in with he class description
  2. AxiomInsanity87

    You could just just accept that the classes are clearly defined in their roles and that no amount of crying about it will change that.

    You could just do that.
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  3. Azawarau

    They are

    And heavies are doing their role a little too well
  4. AxiomInsanity87

    By what standard?

    Are infis stealthing too well?

    Medics healing too well?

    Engineers repairing too well?

    You don't have any point to make beyond crying to try and justify a nerf.
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  5. Azawarau

    Each of those classes has reasonable counters and weaknesses

    Heavy assaults arent so much in that category but a slight change could help that
  6. AxiomInsanity87

    Link your char stats to confirm that you have enough experience to be taken seriously.
  7. Azawarau

    Ive played for 2 years and im a lvl 99

    I focus on objectives more than KD but have Kd builds as well

    Thats not particularly important to the subject though
  8. AxiomInsanity87

    And what? I have played for 3 years now and play the objective almost exclusively unless running logistics.

    The fact you've played for 2 years and yet say what you say makes your nerf cries even more ridiculous. I'll link you my stats from the ps4 version as i don't want to fall out with pc friends notice how much i play the objective and yet barely use the HA?.

    I come into fighting heavies constantly and yet have no issue. My k/d is a little lower on pc, my accuracy higher and all vehicle usage is more even.

    Lets see your stats. I think i could tell you where you go wrong. If you play the objective then k/d matters more as you can't take or guard an objective while dead.
  9. Azawarau

    Quick question

    Why say nerf cries and act so aggressively

    Its rather rude and unproductive and lowers your character to almost a troll

    Instead of using fighting words you could be productive
  10. AxiomInsanity87

    Fighting words?

    Keep to the other thread please. Having 2 convos on the same subject in 2 different threads is pointless.
  11. Azawarau

    Thats what happens when you make a thread like this
  12. AxiomInsanity87

    I got the threads mixed up, i'm sure i'll lose sleep over it.

    Still waiting on them stats.
  13. FateJH

    This is a sarcastic thread but I think OP has an odd point. I've seen evidence of players being much sneakier than even the best Infiltrators I've met when they're not relying on their cloak. The cloak gives the wrong impression of stealth to players. Removing it might actually lead to a class revelation of some sort.

    (Sadly, I don't think it would work for Light Assault and lead to a brilliant class update idea like the class needs. If you took away its jump jets, you would have nothing at all.)
  14. Azawarau

    As an engineer who targets sunderers ive learned to be sneaky without cloak

    With cloak though its that much easier except that the sound can be a minus.
  15. AxiomInsanity87

    I hate snipers with a passion but they don't deserve that lol.
  16. TheFlamingLemon

    Infiltrator cloak is UP. They should be 100% invisible while cloaked, and to prevent hackers killing them while cloaked they should be invincible too when cloak is active. Also, the delay after they uncloak to start shooting is way too high, they should just be able to shoot while cloaked.
  17. AxiomInsanity87

    You know, that sounds like a really good sidegrade ;)
  18. HadesR

    I think I'd prefer a Chameleon type " cloak " so rather than making you invisible ( ish ) it would take on the rough appearance of what's behind you ... But only while not moving ...

    I highly doubt it would be feasible due to technical reasons , but it would be nice to have a more " stealth " class rather than one that relies on quasi-invisibility to fake the stealth ..
  19. Eternaloptimist

    Nonononono! I'm just learning how to creep up on people and knife them in the butt. Leave it be for a while. Getting filleted by an infil is so damned irritating I decided to be one! Don't deny me on this....blowing your worthless head off from a million meters with a OHK rifle is just not the same (seriously, not sarcastically).
  20. Daigons

    I'll gladly give up Cloak in exchange for being able to use the Archer as my secondary.