In what situation would Lockdown be superior to ZOE?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRealMetalstorm, May 23, 2013.

  1. Fenrisk

    Yes, because a max that's glued to the floor in a building can dodge a grenade launcher? while one moving at infantry speed can't right?

    If your spamming smoke grenades you normally get friendly killed as smoke in this game rages both sides.
  2. Dragonblood

    Boah....this ignorance is enraging me. NO, YOU CAN'T DEFEND A ROOM, WHILE STANDING AT ONE POSITION, BECAUSE every HA with a dumbfire launcher or Max with AT-Setup will just shoot you and return to cover. ******* try it yourselves, regardless of positioning you lose.
  3. Dinapuff

    Then those randoms deserved their death. I am just saying that VANU and NC abilities are easily detected through smoke, and with that duo plasma launcher I would rather have the increased reload timers than extra damage or a shield.
  4. Phantasma

    Growing turrets is not immediate. It takes several seconds, during which you are completely vulnerable, not to mention leaving the point undefended. If you have a pocket engineer, you don't have to move if you don't want to, never have to stop guarding the point, and can heal up just fine. While he's not healing you, he can man a turret and help you guard the point. Lockdown and engies have fantastic synergy.

    I agree that death is cheap. That affects all sorts of things in the game, but point defense especially. That's why it's good to occasionally change position.

    If you must know, 2 days ago I went on a 26-kill streak with a MANA turret, only stopping when the base fell. I'll admit that's not typical, but I rarely ever die defending with a turret unless people holding the other entrances fail first. If you're smart about it, grenades and rockets are not as much of a problem in reality as in theory.


    This is why I think Lockdown should be buffed.

    I've already covered C4, grenades, and peek-a-boo rockets. Reportedly, MAXs have momentum than infantry doesn't, meaning the ADAD bug doesn't work with them.

    AA is broken is no many ways, neither side is interested in debating it in its current state. We'll wait for the air update and take it from there.

    Yes, it's more situational. It's supposed to be. Adaptability is the VS's faction trait, and always has been. ZOE embodies this better than anything yet. However, Lockdown is too situational.

    I see plenty of Prowlers using it. I don't know why they'd have it if they thought it was a disadvantage. A suspect a lot of this discontent going around is because the faction-specific gear each compliments different playstyles, and there will be people whose play style better matches another faction's ability. There are some VS who would rather have Aegis or Lockdown too.

    I don't know where you're getting that the TR MAX has a worse TTK. By my numbers, TR MAX weapons have a better TTK than VS, Lockdown or not. And 40% isn't exactly a few.

    Windup and standing still aren't TR's faction traits any more than anemic slow projectiles and taking extra damage are VS's.