In what situation would Lockdown be superior to ZOE?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRealMetalstorm, May 23, 2013.

  1. Hagestol

    If I wanted more dakka I'd play TR. VS is about mobility, so no - but I would trade ZOE for jetpacks. In a heartbeat.
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  2. gigastar

    A corridor.

    Oh wait, theres only one of those in the game, and its tatically worthless.
  3. 123ocelot

    when the nc max comes and puts up the pretty useless shield to stun all opponents to instantly surrender UNDER ITS DOMINANCE
  4. Grittz_n_Gravy

    Lockdown fractures in open field against armor. Lockdown bursters the reload speed stops any notion of a ESF trying to turn and bug out. Holding a generator room from a push. Getting the jump a group of infantry if you have a little support.

    There are plenty of ways the lockdown becomes utterly devastating. The ZOE has a bit more utility and is a bit OP with it having and indefiant ability use and i believe the TR may have gotten the short end of the stick in the max ability category but it is in no way bad.

    I know the emperor has brain washed you all but it doesnt mean you cant get creative...
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  5. XRIST0

    Its not like a max with dual blueshift has no "Dakka"

    Sometimes more Dakka means absolutly nothing .

    But atleast you were honest about it , i wouldnt swap either if i were you lol .
  6. Prudentia

    You take: 10 TR Maxes and 2 Engis, a hill or cliff, 20 fractures or pounders, and an enemy tankzerg
    deploy on top of the hill, lay 2 ammopacks enjoy

    LD is 90% defensive
    Aegis is 90% offensive
    ZOE is 33% offensive/33% defensive/33% rave
  7. Compass

    In situations where you control the high ground, Lockdown is superior.

  8. Hagestol

    Always honest, or at least I try to be ;)

    If the lockdown is to weak - ask for buffs. MAXes are supposed to be strong, and only NC maxes have been strong so far. They are supposed to be feared, but VS maxes were rare sights before today (outside of some for AA).

    I welcome more MAXes on the battlefield, I want to see testudos, I want to see locked down rooms for TR where the only chance you have at entering is throwing 2000 resources worth of speciality grenades in and hoping you make it. I want chaos. And I want it now.

    Nerfing isn't the way to go to achieve that. If you think ZOE is over the top then its perfect - because A) VS maxes were almost never used, so they probably have some blame in that and B) MAXes are supposed to be over the top.

    If that means they have to increase timers and or resource costs, then I'm fine with that. I just want people to fear them.
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  9. XRIST0

    How could you possibly buff Lockdown though ? honestly , i have been using it most of the night and the only thing its effective at is taking down air rediculously fast .. Which will get removed eventually im sure of it .

    You cant do anything with a Lockdown max except camp somewhere and farm idiots who run directly at you .. or spam Fracture rounds at tanks 500m away like a noob :rolleyes: useless .
  10. Posse

    I'd take it for AA defenses, everywhere else I'd keep ZOE, but not because it's better (since I didn't try Lockdown I cannot judge that), I'd keep ZOE because I find the Lockdown skill quite boring.
  11. Izriul

    State the obvious? OP asked in what way is it superiour. It is superiour in that way, or does that not "count" because ...oh wait, there isn't a reason.

    Lockdown also OBLITERATES vehicles with pounders, have you seen the damage? Get in a choke point and mow down all the clueless pubs running through with mercies too. Have an engi behind you protected and that's one choke point that won't be getting breached any time soon.

    Would I swap it? Is this a trick question, are you one of those extremely predictable people that would say "no, ofc you wouldn't" if I said no, and "Then you're stupid" if I said yes? I'm going to bet yes.

    I also don't need to swap it, I have both, I like both, and both have their perks. Lockdown is a very good special and if you can't see that, it's not actually MY problem, I'm happy with it though I don't have max rank YET since I just bought max rank anchor but I will be getting it at some point, that said, the whole MAX unit for all factions doesn't appeal to me, least on the VS side until ZoE and now it has equal appeal, and I still won't be buying dual vortex's like I had fractures.

    Playing all 3 factions I can leave the bias at the door, that said, how about I give you the same answer that VS has been getting for months? "Use it in a group! it really shines then!!!!!" Personally, I think it's a crap argument, but hey, NC/TR seem to think it's great, or is that only when it doesn't account for you?

    Why would it get removed, I see no reason for it to, it's strong, but with past history, SoE seem to like that.

    Then aren't you lucky that the majority of the PS2 playerbase are exactly that, idiots who run directly in front of you.

    But hey, it's the same argument for the prowler, yet that works - extremely well, and you don't HAVE to use lock down, max's don't suddenly become weaker when they don't, and when the situation occurs to use it, it becomes a lot stronger. Pretty good trade off.
  12. Deronok

    Any place a turret would be useful, but with the benefit of additional armor, and being able to have an engineer behind you repairing you.
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  13. Shadeofcircle

    Don't you mean without? ;)

    Base turrets are far superior.

    And if you are talking about open field. Well. Locked down you are a giant target for instant kill AV weapons and you are not going to stay locked down for long.
  14. Niamar

    The only buff lockdown needs is the ability to recover from lockdown mode a little faster.

    How about this, give every max ZOE, and give VS max jet packs...
  15. Oheck

    With lockdown you are either defense, or support. You turn your max into a turret with limited rotation. Work out whatever strategies you can from there.
  16. Zombo

    a glowing ground target screaming "Shoot me"? hello?
    dying to rotaries and stock main guns instantly? hello?
    getting about 1 shot less to take out an ESF while lockdown gives you 3-4 bullets less needed? hello?
  17. Grittz_n_Gravy

    More miss information...
    That pick glow that you think picks you out of a crowd, really tell players to run and pray its not already too late. The max wasnt didnt blend in the first place so your no more of a target then you were. If anything less...
    The MAX had a 80% resistance to bullets ZOE drops it to 60% not that huge of a difference, your not dying instantly to anything you do take more damage but not a crazy amount.
    Im not sure about the ESF Damage but im sure its much more than 1 shot less, stop over exaggerating, both burster types are powerful in their ability modes. Granted TR's are better
  18. zib1911

    More DAKKA!

    You should get 2 more chain guns that come up over your shoulders in deploy mode.
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  19. Zombo

    you never used ZOE did you?
    The damage buff is minor, you dont get a 20% reduction, actually less, so you have 80% health effectively against small arms, the real boost is the speed, which is still only as fast as a normal soldier jogging

    try it out in VR right now, be suprised
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  20. Grittz_n_Gravy

    You are right about the speed increase not be dramatic but imo it shouldn't, but it is still considerably higher than a standard infantry jogging. Especially at closer ranges where a meter can be the difference between life and death. And with the game code ADADAD with any class is bugged at the moment anyway because what looks like your barely moving on your screen on ours your doing shuttle runs and that added strafe boost makes it worse with the lack of momentum implemented in the game.
    Check out this thread about the speed:

    And as for the armor, yes you take more but if it was 4 clips that would kill the max it would be 3.5 now. Your probably getting 1 shot by multiple people if you drop that fast. And yea a rotary should kill you in 1 mag a max would barely survive 2/3 of one at full health before hand

    Once again i dont know much about the DMG buff but from being on the receiving end in both armor, air, and infantry it nothing to scoff at.

    I encourage people spread this info across the forums so people can think outside faction bias and try and be a bit more objective about the ZOE max.