Implant energy is no longer sustainable

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by tijolo, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. DeadlyPeanutt

    I agree with OP, i'm ONLY running tier one implants, mostly regen. I used to have no problem keeping energy in them, but lately i've been running out.

    screw it... if DBG is not dropping batteries, I won't use the stupid implants.
    I'm certainly NOT going to pay hundreds of certs for implants, now that DBG has reduced drop rates.

    DBG needs to get with the frigging program and get this straightened out.
  2. Dethonlegs

    Perhaps, if all you do is play infantry or fly. If however you like to spend most of your time tanking, then using Tier 4 EOD hud is a must. Even then it won't help in time when driving at full speed.

    Unfortunately I blew the massive amount of Tier 3's I had just to get it and now I regularly run out of energy. I won't drive without it so just find something else to do. Mineguard is out as I like stealth game play.
  3. Ronin Oni


    RUn T1 and T2 implants.

    T3 is for cert sinking and T4 is for burning through stocks or "P2W"
  4. Ronin Oni

    Now that's a flat out lie....

    I never run EOD, ever. I've always, ALWAYS used only the default targeting implant as a vehicle operator.

    Having a hard counter to ATM's is NOT a "MUST"...
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  5. Geddes

    Just get a job and pay2win,
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  6. RedArmy

    i only run hold breath rank1 as infil, and regen 1 on anything else - thats it. i honestly think anything else for implants are kinda useless
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  7. DeadlyPeanutt

    Enough batteries should be dropped to keep any implant running. If not, implants become a lame attempt by DBG to get players to spend certs/real money. Also, spending my time crafting implants in order to make chargers takes away from my game time, which is annoying.

    When enough batteries were being dropped to keep the implants running, there was not an issue, now the things are becoming an annoyance instead of a feature. Limiting the amount of batteries is like limiting the amount of ammo and asking players to pay certs to buy enough ammo to use during battles.

    Simple fix: ammo packs recharge active implants to full 100,000 storage capacity. Then there is no issue. Anyone who is in a battle gets a free implant recharge to the implant they're running.

    From the wiki: A tier 1 and tier 2 implant create a Super Charger. A tier 2 and tier 3 implant create an Ultra Charger.
  8. DeadlyPeanutt

    screw that. too many other games around.
  9. FateJH

    A non-LA doesn't actually need Safe Fall to quickly abseil a tower from any of its main areas without taking damage. You don't even need it to quickly descend from the crown of the tower safely.
    You can also be caught-out by an observant player and you'll never know whether it was radar or the fact that cloaking isn't invisibility.
    (I'm assuming you're saying that the other guy has Enhanced Targetting right now.) A decent Infiltrator can land kills with good aim.
    Those aren't big advantages at all. At the best, they establish minor conveniences for the user that remove typically one non-critical aspect he would have think about at irregular intervals.

    Most people feared Battle Hardened or Regeneration would become the bane of the game, yet there is still no shortage of people who die when shot (enough times).
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  10. Mythologicus

    If the implant actually worked, then it would be a must-have. As it stands now it doesn't detect anything that I haven't either already seen or run over. The alternatives really aren't great, either. The default targeting implant doesn't tell you anything that you don't already know or that really affects you in any way, since as you're lobbing massive tank shells around the actual health value of a target doesn't matter, only how many shells are needed for the job.
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  11. Mythologicus

    When I've used it, Regeneration seemed pretty nasty but only under ideal circumstances. Clear Vision was also a bastard when concussion grenades were (more) useful, but that was only a situational thing as well. The vast majority of implants are designed to affect very particular circumstances and as a result are highly situational, meaning most people will be burning their 'valuable' implant energy on something that they may not even get any use out of in an entire gaming session (EOD/Clear Vision).

    Regeneration for instance is only really going to help someone who can control the frequency of engagements so that the regen can take effect. The user is still going to die if a whole squad walks into a room at once. The user will still die if that squad walks into the room one at a time in quick succession. The user will probably survive and be in an excellent position to continue due to regen if the whole squad walks into the room one at a time over a much longer period of time. Regeneration gives an advantage there, but only in that one very specific scenario. This is the case with the vast majority of implants.

    And honestly I can't say I'm even aware of flinch in this game so I don't know how Battle Hardened even helps. :p
    Well, except for when I'm trying to aim my Lancer and something explodes close-by, but I'm not going to run an implant just for that. Pretty much my thoughts on implants, right there.
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  12. Call-Me-Kenneth

    the real problem is that we don't have a toggle on/off button for implants.

    if we had one we could change the implants to be actually useful and could add something to the gameplay, bumping up the energy cost even more, but allowing players to choose when to spend energy, while still having a maximum allotment of energy per spawn. thus nerfing KD whoring heroes.

    but it wont ever happen, simply because the PS4/Xbone don't have enough buttons. you cant bind it, then you wont get it.

    just another great example of the limited interface on consoles ruining what otherwise could have been great gameplay.

    and yeah, that's the reason a lot of crap is on the game now, from the lack of proper flight controls to a horrible UI with menus that have over 200 items in them and no way to sort them or filter them properly, they decided to turn this into some console hybrid game, even when all you have to do is log 10 minutes on the ps4 to see how this game is domed to fail on consoles. been months now pouring Dev time and money down a sink that will yield no returns.

    sigh... its such a shame.

    besides all his faults, smedly had a vision for a MMOFPS, that vision has been dead for months now.
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  13. FateJH

    Actually, the no-off-button and no-implant-energy-without-Chargers thing were intentional decisions during the design phase of the second (current) Implant mechanic. The decision to hard-bind mouse remapping in flight was made all the way back in Beta. These were things that existed long before the PlanetStation 4 decision.
  14. AlterEgo

    I have 16 ultra-energizers stockpiled...

    I'd say I'm good for the next year or so:p
  15. Ronin Oni

    lol k

    please don't properly focus your fire based on who can be killed fastest... your enemies love you for it.
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  16. CorporationUSA

    I don't know if it has been said yet, but switching continents seems to drain implants to zero. If you have them on auto-refill, turn that off and test it for yourself. There is a bug reported for this on the bug website already. Find and upvote that bug if you are experiencing this problem so they will actually fix it.

    edit: here's the link
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  17. Dethonlegs

    Ok, I'll qualify that.... I think it's a must on low pop servers like Briggs. You might be able to get away with running something else where there is heavy friendly traffic running over them for you. I'd be interested to hear what other tankers run.

    Targeting is nice, but you can sorta tell the health of what you are shooting at from the amount of smoke it's putting out. Counter intelligence may also work, but not tried it.

    If there was an implant that let you know if a Vanguard had used it's shield, then that would be my go-to.
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  18. Mythologicus

    A giant cloud of black smoke tells me just as much as a health bar.

    A health bar that shows exactly how much health something has also isn't going to be worth a damn when something takes 1-2 shots to kill regardless. If I shoot a smoking tank in the rear it's probably going to die, and if it doesn't die then how much health it has left isn't really relevant because whatever comes next (be it topgun shots, random fire from elsewhere, my second tank shot, burning damage or even collision damage) is going to kill it anyway.
  19. Goretzu

    I dunno having EOD 4 on a vehicle or MAX is pretty useful and will repeatedly save you when you would have died without it, maybe not quite as much as Sensor Shield 4's general amazingness or Clear Vision 4 specific amazingness, but still pretty powerful.
  20. Ianneman

    Seems like a really great idea to make this game even harder for new players. Yes, that will really help this game survive and make it profitable in the long run!