I'm having so much fun right now...

Discussion in 'Miller (EU)' started by Elia Chobanov, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Nexium

    The key ingredient for a good fight for me is being outnumbered, a situation which I would say the TR are having a harder time finding than ourselves. Granted, sometimes your best laid plans aren't enough and you get rolled but I'd rather be in our position.
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  2. Botji

    Didnt expect to find so many reasonable posts in this thread, gives me some hope for PS2 :)

    Imo you cant compare between being outnumbered 2:1 when there are low numbers and when there are high numbers of players. Being outnumbered 3:1 if its just me against 3 other people is sort of OK, I might be able to deal with that but if its 100 on my team and 200 enemies in a base... its a huge difference, not only is there virtually no space to try to be tactical with there is also half a ton of ESFs, liberators, MBTs, MAXs and sunderers around in addition to all the infantry.

    What I mean is being outnumbered might make a good fight but when the entire server is outnumbered close to 2:1 its not a good fight anymore. I really hope there is some good solution for this :/
  3. Mordus

    Right now the only direct way of reducing this problem is for outfits to try and direct the flow of battle.
    When I lead FU platoons I try to avoid 48+ allies hexes and especially continents where TR is a majority pop. A massive base fight with several platoons involved on each side is about as fun as capturing an empty base imo. Finding the fights that are just about right in scale to your own force are the best.
    The best battles I have had have been in the terrain between bases. Enough room for everyone and all assets play a role.
  4. SirIBON

    12 vs 48+ happens too often.
    The Lattice System depends on the Mass, not on tactical movement.
    There the VS lacks a lot. We VS have not the big Masses on Miller. We were ever fewer as the other both Fractions. But we could hold our ground in the past.

    With the old System the TR and the NC ally often against the VS and the VS Contilog on Indar. The VS fight very hard to hold this. (yes i read also about other ally-connections, but i get them never)
    There were Epic Battle at Ceres and other Places.

    Now the biggest Zerg wins.
    There is not much compensation for beeing few. in the Past we could do a lot with tactical approach, but this is now not possible the Ways are fixed on Indar and the next Lattice comes.
    The biggest Fraction will win.
    It is very Human, that the most wants to win. Nearly Nobody want to like being the farm-victim.

    I find myself more playing on other Servers as NC or TR, were i miss the cooperation and teamwork that i know from Miller.
    The way of tactical behavior is there not developed. Even the easiest things how to cap a bigger base are nearly non existent.
    Example: On Miller the defender destroy the Terminals, that lying outside. On other Servers the attackers take the 20exp for Terminaldestuction. Thats no joke.
    I am fortuitous there also in the position in the Underdog Fraction there, but in this i am attuned :)

    On Woodman i am in the NC Fraction, on Cobalt in TR.
    Of course i belong only to one Fraction on one Server. My Loyalty is clear.
    And i can understand, why these Fraction wants to kill VS, it is so easy.
    Sorry mates, especially the VS on Miller. but this is really true. I do not want to be a Betrayer, because i speak bad of my own Fraction. On the other Side, greatest respect for the VS players on Miller. They (we) do a very damn good job.

    The different Solutions i had read. Merge More EU Server.
    I think a bad Idea. That solves only the Number-Problem, but the tactical Skill isnt solved in this way. The new Members of the Low Fractioners will be farmed more often and the Big Frationers will farm more effectivly - and be proud of farming the Server Noobs also.
    Both Gamers, will lose the fun in this Game, as i heard, that even some TRs are boring of farming, instead of fighting.

    More balancing....
    I skip most treads that handle this point.
    Each Fraction has his benefits. Some are more powerful, others are not. In future there will be two solutions.
    The first will happen that all Fractions get nearly the same equipment. That would be the easiest way, but the boring also.
    The alternative will be that the developers will adjust more and more often. Thats happen nowadays. This is quite complex, but shows us more difference between the fractions. Sometimes there comes big shifts and the balance drop extremly. That can happen. Some of the buffs and nerfs are bad, others are good.
    There are a lot of adjustable screw and it is not easy to predict what will happen, if someone use some of them.

    In my Outfit TS sometime the "We have the awfully weapons in game" starts. Very nice the first time. Maybe the second also, but then the Topic is enough for me. We know what we have, and have to live with it.
    The grass is more green on the other side of the wall :)
    I reduce it to:
    no bulletdrop vs direct dmg vs bigger clips - chose wisely :)
    The VS had a good MBT with the original Saron. I love it! And I found an alternative, the Enforcer. But this is only for an other fraction. I read cries about the actual Saron and now i have to laugh :)

    On the other Side, i can also understand, that a non VS players also do not want to die.
    Today, i think if you get killed by a VS Soldier, then you have the same feeling as going to a nursery school and get battered.
    This gives me satisfaction to stay as VS in the Line of People who will fight against the oppressor with the superior firepower and Numbers.

    Thanks for reading this long text.
  5. Bvenged

    Why don't Sony offer a free server transfer from Miller for TR characters only? Make it 1 week limited offer, should help clear out some randoms and other smaller groups.

    Also an absolutely minor exp boost for kills, caps, etc. if your faction is underpopulated. 0.1% boost for every % under the most populated faction. So the common prime-time Miller pops of 50%TR, 30NC and 20% VS means VS gets 3% exp boost and & NC gets 2% EXP boost.
  6. MajorZbug

    Yesterday the pops were more balanced, there was more NC than TR when I logged in. Hope it lasts, it made the primetime alert fun.
  7. thomask93

    There is already such a boost in place, much bigger than you are suggesting :)
  8. Bvenged

    Really? I did not know that. When did they implement it?
  9. HerbertKnivez

    I few GU's ago, its right below your certifications and just above the minimap, if you are outnumbered like that you should be getting around 20% EXP bonus,
  10. MajorZbug