I'm going to start TKing people that do the following

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Revel, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. Revel

    Shoot my mines to blow them up, and then drop their own mines in their place. I've seen this several times now.

    Justified or not?
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  2. BaronBobBlitzkrieg

    Yes. Some of my friends have had this happen, i've had people shoot my C4 right after i place it, too. I swear if i actually lived through the last time, i'd have shotty'd the jerk. OH! Not to mention people like to blow up sunderers sometimes to place their own in the same spot!
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  3. Onetoo

    Totally justified.

    Also, if you are ever intentionally team-killed, you have an obligation to write their name in a journal and C4 them every time they pull a vehicle.
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  4. MilitiaMan


    I would TK you for a klondike bar.
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  5. Revel

    I haven't started a black list yet on jerks, but if someone did that to me I think I'd have to start.
  6. NachoFoot

    I was going to say, "players that plant mines into spawns."

    I threw a grenade on top of the enemy spawn hoping to kill someone on top. Someone planted tank mines inside. I blew up everyone inside including the terminals.
  7. riker

    i agree, i placed a turret in a very good and tactical spot and killed 2 guys, friendly engie knifes me in the back...C4s my turret and places his own right where i was
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  8. Ash87

    Better, shoot their tank mine, shortly after they drop them

    As in, while they are still standing right beside it.
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  9. RovingDeath

    What a waste of C4... Doesn't he know he can knife a turret for free?
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  10. Morpholine

    I TK engies trying to repair my Magrider.

    Of course, it's unintentional, but still.
  11. Brusilov [TR]

    I can understand shooting the C4, as enemy C4 looks similar... Shooting friendly Anti-Personel mines, does't really sound like an accident.

    Throwing a grenade or firing a rocket at a Sundy while a friendly is placing C4 or mines is something that i always wish that i had thought to do on purpose, when it accidentally steals me the kill and I get the phat XP lewts for it... eheheheh
  12. riker

    probably not
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  13. Morpholine

    Heck, he's an engy. It's not like bullets hold him back either.
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  14. AnotherNoob

    That is just stupid.. just put the new mine slightly in front of the others, you will set both off and get a bigger blast, but you will still get the kill... (stupid on the other guys part)
    A lot of the time when you tk mines it is because the "friendly" icon doesn't render unless you are really close...
  15. BH Brigade

    I had a TK dilemna the other night. We were assaulting a biolab, and someone had parked a sundy pretty far away from one of the jump channel things up to a pad. However, he parked it quite far away from the biolab, (like a 30 second run up to the pad). I was considering TKing his sunderer, so I could put one right next to the pad, to reduce the downtime for friendlies and get more friendlies inside the base, quicker. Thoughts?
  16. Revel

    Was it out in the open, or well hidden someplace where random aircraft or the random LA or Infiltrator with c4 wouldn't notice it and sneak in to blow it up?
  17. dough

    Blowing up friendly equipment will gain you the ire of every friendly that watches you do it. There just isn't a reason to do it other than greed or arrogance. And if we are all trying to achieve team goals, the absolute worst thing you can do is act against the team by blowing up equipment, etc. Don't to it.. or don't be surprised if you are on everyone's kill on sight list for a week or two. A leader in my outfit started trying to excuse it, and I told him that there IS no excuse, and a lot of folks agreed with me.. which shut him down... thankfully

    I've never seen this in PS2 where I could also identify who did it (too much distance).. but in PS1 I saw this type of thing many times.. and me and my outfits mates would kill that person on sight for at least a week or two, and let all other outfits know what was going on so they'd know WHY.

    Some folks will always try to find excuses to do something that is stupid.. but at the end of the day you are either contributing to your team, or to the enemies team.

    Finally.. a sundy that is a distance away from the intended target might look badly placed.. but its probably also safer due to its distance. I've seen plenty of folks move sundys forward when it was a bad idea.. and they got blown up.. Me personally I'd rather have a sundy more safely placed than no sundy at all.

    If the sundy is overly exposed, it will die soon enough, and you can take YOUR sundy which you presumably safely parked somewhere else and activate it..

    Finally.. against determined foes, there is NO good sundy placement, unlike what is suggested by others.. I've seen very smartly placed sundys blown up very quickly by determined enemy action. At that point its less about placement than about who has the right mix of equipment to defend/attack the sundy.
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  18. ent|ty

    No, not justified. If you are a good player you will make up any XP you may lose, and you don't have to stoop to their unsportsmanslike level.

    All you'll do is start a TK war.
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  19. Robes

    Those are the best kind of wars

    - TKing groups with c4-loaded flash since 2012
  20. BH Brigade

    Thanks for the reply :D