If you could have one weapon from the other 2 factions what would you take?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NinjaTurtle, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. Covah

    Lancer from VS

    Jackhammer from NC, or Gauss SAW i can't decide.
  2. oherror

    Since i play TR most of the time i would take from VS the lancer and from the NC assault jackhammer.
  3. JonboyX

    VS: ZOE powered Blueshifts. Om nom nom nom. That one is easy.
    TR: Oooh, tricky. Close call between current Fractures, the 2x shot HEAT cannon, and the Vulcan(H) - but I'm going to go with the Vulcan(H). Clearly it was the striker, but now it's just back to being very good, I'm going to opt for something that looks fun to use too.
  4. Hosp

    VS: ZOE
    TR: Mossie or Vulcan
  5. Tommyp2006

    Lancer and Titan AP
  6. AnuErebus

    As NC: Either Mercies or Onslaughts from the TR and Orion or Lancer from VS.

    As TR: Guass SAW or EM6 from NC and Lancer from the VS.
  7. HooWoo

    I was being sarcastic bro
  8. Raraldor

    I'd want the Sirius. Not that it's better than my blitz, but I just prefer the fast fire rate for an SMG
  9. Liewec123

    i feel exactly the same since i main NC, the PPA fills the roll that lolpods do with high splash damage aimed int eh general area of your target/targets.
    meaning you can also take A2A missiles so you're pretty much anti everything spec (though less grond vehicle damage that other noseguns or lolpods)
  10. Flukeman62

    VS serpent-because ROF is king in my veiw
    NC Enforcer
  11. Mxiter

    -Infantry: Lancer, jackhammer, cyclone, gauss rifle, gauss saw or SVA-88 and mercenary or PulsarC.
    -Grinders+ZoE for insane base fights.
    -Vortek rotary (best close range rotary), vannie shield and saron.
  12. Van Dax

    titan ap + vulcan

    you will learn to fear my mag.
  13. KoS-1

    hmmm spandex women!
  14. MilitiaMan

  15. FoxGhost

    As ridiculous as that may be, right on top of my wishlist would be the desperado! NC weapons generally don't suit my playstyle at all, but I love the design so much, and, you know... style over substance! :D I'd love to get me some desperado!

    Second would probably be the phoenix, that seems to be a blast!
  16. Crackulous

    NC - Jackhammer
    TR - Armistice
  17. Zotamedu

    ZOE and Mattock. The tears would never ever end.
    • Up x 1
  18. MasterDemoman

  19. RHINO_Mk.II

    Blueshifts & Vulcan.
  20. Lancener

    TAR from the TR, that gun is great. Despite the hate this weapon gets I'd want a phoenix from the NC, would be a fun launcher to mess with.