If you could have one weapon from the other 2 factions what would you take?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NinjaTurtle, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. Villanuk


    NC, NC6, I love this gun..

    VS, Zoe naturally
  2. Audi03

    Pulsar C from the VS.
    JackHammer from the NC.
  3. Santondouah


    'you already tried using it at least ?
  4. DevDevBooday

    Unfortunately, he is that good.
    • Up x 1
  5. Mastorass

    VS :Zoe, Magrider, Orion, SMG's

    NC: Vanguard, Scattmax, Jackhammer, SMG's
  6. SushiCW

    I would absolutely love to have the Vortek Rotary on my Mossie.
  7. CrashB111

    I'll take Vanguard shield for $300 Alex!

    I'll take ZOE / Lancer for $500 Alex!
  8. CL4p2p

    The standar sniper from NC , it is a bolt action so you can OHK Headshot instead of Terran and Vanu

    Nc is so f*ckin overpowered, most cheated faction of all the game
    yes it is a troll.
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  9. Pie Chasm

    NC6, EM6 from NC

    ZOE + Comets from VS
  10. Avlaen

    sva-88 and phoenix/lancer as a TR player
  11. DashRendar

    I've unlocked the PPA on all my VS accounts. Really wish I could have that on my Reaver!

    1. For NC, what I would take from the TR/VS is just something that's good at killing infantry... why do NC vehicles suck at killing infantry? I want a Marauder/PPA analog for my vehicles because shotguns just suck. That's the big thing, maybe a single shot HE rocket style thing with a fast reload.

    2. And ZOE.
  12. Kurohagane

    Gauss SAW and Hellfire missiles. Shooting glowy balls going "shwoo" makes them feel like they're made of some light gas or something, and it's so enjoyable to use the TR pods :(
  13. huller

    so basicaly you want a halberd?
  14. DashRendar

    No, a Halberd sidegrade for AI. I've detailed it in a previous post. Less impact damage, larger splash radius, faster refire time and less velocity/more drop.
  15. Posse

    TR: TAR (the best AR hands down, might even consider playing medic if I had that).
    NC: Titan AP (a Magrider with the damage output of the Vanguard? Yes, please)
  16. Lafri

    As TR:
    Orion or Lancer from VS
    Depending on the VS weapon I get, If I get the Orion I take the Phoenix and if I get the Lancer I take the god saw from NC
    As VS:
    Jaguar from TR
    God Saw from NC
    As NC:
    Orion from VS
    Fractures from TR
  17. Kyouki

    SVA-88, and the Blitz smg
  18. Regpuppy

    VS: Lancer, even if I'm the only one who had it on my faction, I'd use it to troll vehicles who can't render me or my beam of pain.

    TR: Either dual mercies or onslaughts, haven't decided. (heard fractures might get an AI nerf) Just so my NC max isn't range locked anymore and because I'd want a lancer more than the VS max weapons :p
  19. McToast


    I play all three factions, so I'll choose for my NC char :).

    TR: Fracture, Mutilator or Mercy. I want an AI (lol@Fracture) MAX weapon that doesn't suck outside 10m while moving.

    VS: Mh, I don't want any weapon from the VS. But ZOE... Mmmmmmmh :).

    the Toast
  20. Puppy

    Vulcan. Extremely fast killer of anything when in normal (pretty close up) combat.
    TR Deploy(Max or Tank). I can't remember how many times I'm sitting somewhere sniping or defending where I could use Deploy :p
    Marauder. It was powerful before Fury got nerfed. And now it's just plain bette to have :3
    Striker. About as powerful as a pre-nerfed Annihilator.
    TR SMG(forge the name). Has the highest DPS for SMGs. Would be nice to be able to use SMG Infiltrator but SMGs just kill so slow.
    TR Tank. Highest DPS.

    Welp I think that's everything. :p As you can see I like TR weapons. To bad I think the VS lore is better ^^;