Idling Around the Warp Gate

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FateJH, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. NC_agent00kevin

    Yeah its highly possible to run out of resources. Even being close to warpgated can run you out of resources. Sometimes I like to go out on Indar and fight impossible odds, knowing Ill lose, but gaining XP and certs while I get my few kills in per life.

    WHile its rare, it does happen and usually Ill go stand on Amerish (which the NC usually own) and generate resources for a few minutes.

    That or I am just standing there going through weapons, weapon certs, vehicle certs, or window shopping for camo/weapons and comparing stats.

    No, I dont stand at warpgates all the time, but it does happen.
  2. Jaeger41

    Whenever I'm at a warpgate, I notice there are always a couple of players that seem to be running in place and blinking/flickering. It looks like a bad special effects from the original Star Trek. Is that an indication of hacking, or is there something else going on?
  3. Morpholine

    Lag and/or disconnected player, Jaeger41.
  4. St0mpy

    Yes that too, forgot to mention I like to play Esamir night watch and its often only 1/4 or 1/2 capped for us, so yeah that adds pressure too.

    Wouldnt be so bad if the autobuy actually auto bought to a level and not zero, thats only useful for a single if you already messed up on planning a stash beforehand. Remembering to keep buying in a long gaming session isnt always on the top of my list so at some point it has to be replenished somehow.

    Anyway to the complainers, Ive bought more than my fair share of station cash for this game, hanging out for tea break between missions is part of my usage, so what? If im all platooned up, or in outfit, its such a hassle leaving and rejoining everything.
  5. wowie

    Top 3 reasons for warpgate idling (Not counting griefing):
    1. AFK
    1A. AFK resource regeneration.
    2. Browsing cert screen/depot screen.
    2A. Testing weapon spread and accuracy on walls and other players.
    3. Organizing outfit play and attempting zergherding.
    3A. Spamming in the [ORDERS] channel.

    For me it's usually 2, but I have done a little bit of 1A.
  6. Gisgo

    Yeah they are hacking at the warpgate! BEWARE!
  7. Linedan

    Try playing an engineer on a busy night. Mines here, mines there, mines everywhere. I burn all my infantry resources constantly trying to keep stocked up...yes, there are times where I've had to log on and just stand around a warpgate to sponge resources. But I usually do it in the morning when hardly anybody is on anyway.
    • Up x 1
  8. Jaeger41

    Just to be clear, these are players from my own faction. There was one time we actually had an enemy inside our warpgate, so that was an blatant hack.

    So, one person says it's a hack, and someone else says it is just a lag/disconnect issue. Which is it?
  9. Gisgo

    First explain me why someone would lag hack at his own faction's warpgate.

    This isnt directed to you but generally being paranoid and seeing hackers everywhere doesnt help.

    In this case its a graphical issue, i believe it affects people with nvidia graphic cards.
    I have that bug from time to time and it sucks big time.
  10. St0mpy

    oh dear

    there was a short period of time where the server would glitch out and things like grenades go off but never derez, anything you flew couldnt die but went to red till you got out, and yes, including people of the opposing team appearing in each others spawn rooms where all are invincible.

    So no,that was just some dodgy beta server coding that no longer exists.
  11. ent|ty

    They're probably bots and we just don't know it. Made to look like there's more people playing than really are.
  12. AnnPerkins

    I just wanted to take a moment to remind NC and VS that you do have guns. You do not have to use mines in every situation.
  13. wowie

    You're right. When we're not using mines, we're using magriders.:D
  14. Xocolatl

    Would be nifty if there is a way to signal that people wants a ride on the Gally, etc, from the launch pad. Maybe make a dedicated pad which can give warning to the map that there are people waiting to be transported?
  15. LameFox

    There are lots of idle people in the warpgate because where the hell else are they going to go idle?

    It's a great place to test your weapons (not damage obviously but recoil, drop, spread, etc), learn to fly, mill around before an attack, check the map for your next destination after your last fight ended, go AFK for the phone or food or whatever, look through certs, change in-game settings and key bindings, tab out to look up weapon stats or something, engage in plane-wrestling, wait for a safe but slow source of xp by repairing landing planes and rearming people firing at stuff... and whatever else, there's millions of reasons.
  16. Sith

    This will work if there's an overall resource gain in the sanctuary. However, which servers are filling continents? Coming from a Low pop server, this issue doesn't bother anyone.
  17. Korimer

    I can't hang out in saftey while I go take a s*** now?