I went and done it. Lasher Auraxium.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RasFW, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. RasFW

    So I started today at around 80 kills on the knife. Now I have 232. Damnit, I love the phoenix. :D
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  2. Root

    Congrats! All i can seem to draw up with that thing is tons of assists. Assists are like, awww. I suggest the Pulsar LSW, only because it'd probably be pretty easy.
  3. RasFW

    Bah! Looking for a challenge. I'm on my way to Forceblade Auraxium (900 kills to go!), but then I'm thinking hmmmm what about MAX Punch Auraxium?
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  4. Terrarion

    I saw you couple times storming the phoenix hive! (and killed you too!). Now I see why you are so persistent to return. Though using emp is a dead give away, everyone will get alerted.

    Also congz on lasher aura.
  5. RasFW

    The first time, nobody knew what happened and I killed 8 people with the knife. The second and third times, I saw y'all start to scurry. So I did eventually stop using them.

    Its nice that it makes people OHK with the knife. But yeah, dead give-away. I'm debating using my concussion grenades, but I know that's a tall order if I want to get a lot of knife kills really fast. Because I have to be pretty far to not hit myself, then knifing everyone twice.

    Eh. I'll figure it out eventually.
  6. Root

    Could always set a time limit for the Pulsar LSW, 3 days is well within reason. :p Umm, MAX Punch/Knife/Beamer are always good ones. Skyguard's prolly another annoying one similar to Lasher, massive assists.
  7. RasFW

    Lasher was far from annoying to get. The guns a beast. Learn to land the orbs and don't ADS and you'll be racking up kills like nobody's business. I only use the splash damage to finish off a guy who's run around a corner.
  8. Root

    I like it when there's no friendlies around. Otherwise it's assists or grief warnings.
  9. Madmojo

    Orion, LSW, SV88. All very easy to get Auraxium.
  10. Sebyos

    Ursa the poor left over kid that I like.
  11. SolitarioSoldat

    want challenge? go NC and do this
  12. Alex Heartnet

    Try getting it with Lightning AP. It can be a very deadly weapon in the hands of a good tanker, but most of your kills will be of the vehicle variety, which slows down medal earning a lot. And said vehicles tend to be heavier then your lightning...

    Also, a lot of your tank battles will be decided by the guy who can reload a split second before the other guy. You will probably want reload speed 1 if you try this. Do keep in mind that the Lightning is not a MBT, so do not treat it as such.

    LOL I had the same feeling when the Flash rumble seat was introduced. Having a bunch of 2/2 flashes charging my HEAT lightning made for really easy kill streaks.
  13. RasFW

    Those are all straight-forward guns. Nice collection of medals, though! I'm looking for something people don't use often. We need more special guns. :(
  14. Lafladitu

    Congratualations Vanu comrade

    I still have 586 kills with the Lasher so still have quite a while more until I get mine aswell.
  15. Thpthpthp

    Would be interested to see someone get auraxium with a Eidolon.
  16. Joram

    I saw a guy streaming on twitch with the auraxium medal with the Eidolon. Its not that awfull if you use it with an engi and a x6 scope sniping, is still horrible but the no bullet drop will get you some kills.
  17. Maximum_Noob

    I'm loving the eidolon. Learn to use it and it is very rewarding, and deathly accurate.
  18. TheBloodEagle

    How many kills for Auraxium with the knife?
  19. Kanzy

  20. Goretzu

    The Jackhammer. :eek: