I went and done it. Lasher Auraxium.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RasFW, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. RasFW


    Oh, and I guess I did the Orion and Nova, too. Any suggestions on my next gun to hit Auraxium with? Challenge me. :D

    Oh, for what its worth, took me about 2 or 3 weeks.
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  2. VanuSovereignty

    I can not imagine the pain you went through. Now go do it with the lancer.
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  3. Grotpar

    That impressive, considering all I can collect are assists, because they tend to die to my teammates all the time.
  4. Phrygen

    vanu stock pistol
  5. RasFW

    Stock pistol I'm only 500 away. Its not a difficult gun to use. Leader chat suggested knife... Which is tempting.
  6. RasFW

    Think not of the pain of myself, but my allies. :(

    Land the orbs on your targets. Don't ADS. Strafe like a badass. You'll do great.
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  7. Nyscha

    Beamer with a flash light.
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  8. Arenthas

  9. IronWarrior

    1000 already?

    Do you work?
  10. RasFW

    Full time student and flight instructor. Not paid work, but I do.
  11. SpaceKing

    Light PPA.
  12. Lucidius134


    Nice photoshop skills. Everyone knows it's impossible to kill stuff with the lasher:rolleyes:
  14. RasFW

    Already got it.
  15. SinerAthin

    The Vanu Sovereignty thanks you for your sacrifice to the cause. The data you retrieved from testing that notorious gun will most likely help us improve it for future use and will be for the good of all loyal Vanu everywhere.

    (Actually it won't help us at all, but we hope those words will reassure you and help ease your pain and state of mind)
  16. Torok

  17. DuckSauce

    Haha, well done!
  18. RHINO_Mk.II

    If you do go for knife, concussion nades will be your very best friend.
  19. Cl1mh4224rd

    Lasher, not Lancer...
  20. RasFW

    I'm actually thinking EMP grenades, becaust that would make everyone who gets affected a OHK knife kill......

    Also, I'm doing it. Knife auraxium is next. Starting at about 80 kills today.
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