I want to use the Vortexes, i really do... But they just look...So....BAD

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Village, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. Village

    All the current MAX weapons looked fantastic i thought, all going along with art style and alien look of having internal hidden grips, appearing well suited to the suit. Then the Vortex comes along, which looks simply like a MAX dual wielding infantry weapons and completely clashing with the previous chosen art style of the Vanu MAX. The Fractures and Ravens look great and go along well with the chosen style of their respective MAX suits, huge weapons bolted onto their mechanical forearms, why do we get such weak looking weapons?

    When i first heard we were getting long range charge weapons, i was expecting to finally get the amazing concept weapons on the Vanu MAX as below, where when you charged the internal disk started spinning, glowing and making an epic turbine noise just before the shot. We should finally get this fantastic, alien looking weapon.

    What the Vortex should have been.

    Instead we got this:
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  2. xIronsnakex

    I completely agree with this, if the VS MAX got a weapon that look that cool, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. ...but for the time being, we're stuck with le derpcannons.
  3. Van Dax

    comet master race.
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  4. Pikachu

    The average vanu weapon looks ugly. :L
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  5. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    Agreed on that. The Vortex isn't a looker.
    Though I really liked the old Weapon looks on the MAX more than what we currently have.
    I still hope to get a 2h weapon for the MAX at some point.
  6. VeryCoolMiller

  7. eldarfalcongravtank

    the vortex does not only look bad, it is bad! it already started off wrong with its initial concept when the devs got lazy and just copied the lancer design/functionality from the VS HA. in comparison: did the TR max get a copy of their HA strikers? no, they got very effective autocannons known as fracture. did the NC max get a copy of their HA phoenix? no, they got very strong wireguided rocket launchers known as Raven. what did the VS max get? a lousy lancer copy for each arm that performs bad and looks crap

    i for one still use my comet. it's not the best anti-vehicle gun due to the slow projectile velocity, so leading targets is difficult. however, i can occasional use the comet as grenade launchers against infantry due to the good splash and direct damage. i'm still eager to get a completely overhauled vortex though. until then, i'ma stick to my comet!
  8. Evil Monkey

    I just wonder why all Vanu weapons look like someone holding a frozen fish.
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  9. eatcow0

    vulcan harassers forced me to use my dual vortexes. Used to never use them, but realized how amazing they are against harassers. Now when I see a tank column, first thing I pull is the vortexes. Oddly I like them better over dual comets for av scenarios. At some point I am going to unlock the lancer.
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  10. Ravenorth

    I agree with the OP, I never even wanted to buy Vortexes, because they look so horrible. If they would look like something on that picture, then no matter how bad weapon it would be be, I´d get it anyway, because it just looks badass.
  11. Pikachu


    1 time my tank got destroyed by a vortex MAX.
  12. Odan.be

    So you would not use a good weapon because it looks bad in a computer game ???
    If it gets the job done.. it gets the job done... might even look like a giant *****... don't care...
    Damn fashinatas... you want a gucchi bag and trousers too ?
  13. Village

    Yes please. We need skull high heels for our Vanu MAX also. They would suit my skull mask well.

  14. Van Dax

    If you are going to pay real money for something a video game that is similar to a thing you already own in that game but looks worse and costs more do we not have a leg to stand on?
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  15. Vortok

    Level 3 Vortex charge is like a hot potato - just can't hold on to it.
  16. Valena

    I don't know, the weapon sucks but I like the way it looks. I feel like Optimus Prime when I'm using one, and that makes me feel like a badass.

  17. Metal Insomniac

    Seems I stand alone here, but I've always thought they looked quite badass.

    Not even trolling.
  18. Adept

    It's not a bad looking weapon, but it looks somewhat stupid when dual wielded with another Vortex.
    However it's vehicle killing potential is very good. I've destroyed all kind of vehicles including flying ones with relative ease - don't bother charging it except for ultra long range non-moving targets. Mows down everything in seconds.
    Very weak against infantry, but it would go too far if you'd be able to kill everything.
  19. Van Dax

    If they had made it a single weapon held like a rifle it would have been a lot cooler and acceptable.
  20. Spookydodger

    I agree. It went from being alien claw monster to being a unimode transformer with an oversized pistol.

    That and the Vortex is really even more situational than the Lancer and the Comet already does a pretty admirable job.

    If you want to long-range snipe armor within 400 meters of you, it's not bad, but frankly for the cost and look, there is better.