I think we might need a camo preview...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ManualReplica, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. ManualReplica

    So before shutting down I was messing around in the store, looking at all the fancy items.
    I saw the helmets and got one for my engineer to hide the smug face we NC troopers always go around with, and then I saw the camos.
    I figured, heck, why not?
    500SC isn't even all that much in real currency, it is less than a pack of cigarettes in sweden and I blow like a hundred crowns a couple a times a week on those so it wasn't god knows what kind of loss.

    So done and done I bought a soldier camo, and then I saw what it looked like on my character.
    I... I haven't laughed so hard in ages.

    Unfortunately the game is herping out on me at the time of writing this, so I can't give you a screencap of what the camo I bought looks like on the NC soldiers (was planning on showing you what it looks like on all the male NC soldier classes), but for the sake of comparison to give you a general idea this is how I'd describe it.
    Imagine cat vomit, the kind where your poor sick kitty is throwing up a liquid sick mess all over your carpet, it's kinda brown/beige colored but there are some bits of sour light green here and there, right?
    Now imagine that cat vomit as a camo that is very poorly applied to the blue and yellow armor of the NC, with part of your character having camo applied and part of it not (you are welcome VS & TR, laugh it up, this one is on me).

    So yeah moral of the story and point of the thread?
    Just pointing out the need for a camo preview and giving you all a heads up when buying camos, they do not really look like the icon shows so don't be fooled.
  2. C0WB0Y

    It just removes the need to teabag. Getting owned by a guy covered in cat vomit is bad enough lol.
    • Up x 1
  3. iGamer1990
