I think its clear who the good guys are

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by noobfeeder, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. VSDerp

    your not good in my eyes if you're not vanu.
  2. Rivenshield

    You're doing it wrong.

    We're nationalistic about our factions. It's part of the fun. I predict soon you will either shrug and leave, or you will choose,
  3. ent|ty

    Nationalism is for suckers.
  4. MrPokealot

    I don't understand why we need to slap good and bad labels, most kids are pretty satisfied beating the other team if they just put them in different colored clothes. Just look at pretty much every contact sport :D
  5. noobfeeder

    They seem to follow "the will of Vanu" like a religion. I don't know the VS are ill defined, but they follow what they believe the ancients would want to a T. That's having faith in something other than science. They are a cult at least if you don't like describing them as religious. Look @ how the VS announcer talks to you and the VS" voice commands. They all have very strong religious undertones.

    "Our enemies will know the will of Vanu"
    "You have not failed Vanu, you have failed yourself"
    "Vanu smiles upon you"
    "Find enlightenment"
    "We are your only salvation"
  6. keniwaful

    The Terran Republic is an instrument of peace and prosperity. It united the countries at the brink of destruction, and with the technologies and resources of the great core countries of Earth, created shuttles and travelled to Auraxis. The NC terrorists, filthy businessmen hungry for money and enraged by the fair regulations placed upon them to ensure equality among the lesser citizens of the Terran Republic, lashed out like animals and killed hundreds of innocent scientists who were all, passively, meeting in an unarmed space ship. The VS were less insane in the beginning, but after being brainwashed by the shattered remnants of an inferior alien race, they became religious heretics and blindly murdered anybody who dared reject their path of, "enlightenment."
  7. Farlion

    The Vanu are just plain evil. The perfect example of why religious fanaticism is a bad thing.

    That means we have both the TR and NC left.
    If the NC would win the war, you'd have an absolute corporate class warfare state. The poor would remain poor forever under the most vile of conditions, while the rich would get richer and richer. They'd all have freedom to a certain sense, but a very limited one, due to the fact they will be under threat of the corporations.

    The TR on the other hand wants to unite all factions to regain contact with Earth. In a very drastic and wrong way mind, but their end goal is noble. Short term, it would take more lives than the NC way, but in long term it would not only improve the quality of life for everyone who is on Auraxis and save millions of lives in the long term.

    The so called "oppression" would also end, because they'd go back to being the Terran Republic of Earth, who by all accounts is virtually the most perfect example of government there could be.
  8. Liquid23

    who's good and bad are not objective descriptions... they are opinions based only on perspective and bias

    that said I fight for peace.... NOW SUBMIT OR DIE
  9. FlayvorOfEvil

    I think the Vanu are the evil crazies who have been indoctrinated by the Reapers who destroyed the galaxy 50,000 years ago. The NC defend themselves from some weird Vanu attack and somehow drag the TR into the whole mess.

    So basically, the NC and TR should ally together under the bonds of common ammo and destroy the Reapers.
  10. Syphers

    NC: Freedom fighters
    TR: Oppressive N a z i s / new world order regime
    VS: Fanatic transhumanism