I think its clear who the good guys are

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by noobfeeder, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. bluEyedillusions

    It's important for people to understand that the NC's corporate sponsers are ON Auraxis. Before the war started, they had generations to set up a colony; there are places on Auraxis untorn by war where people live, grow crops, run businesses. There are factories and corporations in these cities. THEY fund the rebel group.

    It's possible that the NC would still like to put a government in place on Auraxis that favors corporations, but I think the majority of the NC don't really care WHAT happens as long as they can end the tyrannical rule of the TR.
  2. noobfeeder

    I actually think they are the same corporations that started the NC, as many of the companies listed in the lore article about the founding of the NC make weapon/armor products for the NC to this day.
  3. bluEyedillusions

    Oh, they're totally the same people. As the original NC aged on Auraxis, they passed on their companies to their children and so on. However, these trust fund babies had no idea what their parents were up to when they formed the NC. Now they just want to end the tyranny.

    ::edit:: I changed up my original post on my abridged version of the lore to be more clear.
  4. wowie

    http://wiki.planetside-universe.com/ps/Lore http://wiki.planetside-universe.com/ps/Lore_Archive
    NC are freedom fighters mercenaries, fighting working for freedom corporate domination.
    One one kind of tyranny is eradicated, then another kind of tyranny will reign supreme...

    This is why the NC must die. The only reason NC scientists want the Vanu tech is for the monetary value,
    they do NOT plan on using ANYTHING to advance the human race forwards. The NC will only hold us back.

    Feast your eyes on THIS!
    Don't even get me started on the TR. CLASSIFYING EVERYTHING!!!! NO DON'T TOUCH THAT!!!
    DO DON'T LET THE PUBLIC SEE THAT!!! NONONONONONO like an overbearing parent.

    [/in character mode off] Take that. Every faction is evil. VS players just picked the lesser of 3 evils.
  5. JudgeDeath

    NC = Taliban/Alquida/any other rebel group
    TR = Essentially the Empire from star wars, minus Vader
    VS = Enlightened science-folk that see that only way humans can survive is thru technology.

    Yeap ... VS has the moral high ground as they fight for the survival of the whole human race instead of personal gains or dominance.

    For vanu !
  6. noobfeeder

    Maybe I should have highlighted more in my original post of how the current NC is very different from the original NC. They all bout FREEDOM, Space Merica **** YEA!

    And read that entire article you quoted, even these business people are like "yeah its not all about profit we want to help the people" in a memo only meant to be seen by other top executives. It would be very telling if they said they were going to use the "people's freedoms" thing as a front to get the people's support and further their goals, but they had more or less good intentions from the start.
  7. Hellspawn

    Get a grip. There are no "good guys". Each faction is full of stupid, evil monkeys who get a hard on by bashing in each others skulls. The only difference between us and pre-historic man is that we have automatics and they had bones.
  8. TheInterim

    Do you want security and unity, at the cost of liberty?
    Or do you want liberty and freedom, at the cost of security?
    Or maybe perhaps you want progress and advancement, at the cost of both liberty and security?

    In the end, none of it matters.

    It's what you believe takes priority--unity, liberty, or progress.

    (Personally, I'd take unity over everything else, because at the end, humanity is only going to progress further if they work together--even if they're forced to. Then again, I'm a durned socialist.)
    • Up x 1
  9. bluEyedillusions

    That document was from the original NC of earth. When the NC was aimed at putting into a power an evil corporate driven government.

    After the colonization of Auraxis, when colony was separated from Earth, the NC changed over generations to forget the original put-into-power-a-coporate-run-government and simply evolved their goal to end-the-Terran-Republic's-tyranny-on-Auraxis. This happened because the original founders of the NC died off, leaving their children in their places, repeatedly, for generations. The children (and childrens' children) grew up in an increasingly tyrannical colony and knew only that they wanted to end it.

    I honestly believe that both the soldiers of the NC and most of the corporate NC have completely forgotten about the original plan to put a corporate government in place. It says it right in the lore. However, I think most of them are mostly like dogs chasing cars; they have no idea what they'd do if they actually caught it. In other words, I think if the NC won, they'd have no idea what to really do. They just want the TR gone.

    "Yeah! The TR are destroyed!"
    "Now what?"
    "Ummm... party!"

    However, I'm sure there are still many old folks in the NC that WOULD try to put a corporate government in place when the whole ordeal is over.

    Then there'd be a civil war within the colony between the TRUE (government = corporations) NC and the Freedom Fighter NC.
  10. wowie

    There are some idealists, but what you claim is the opposite of what is actually happening: all the idealists are gone... except maybe for a few like you. Your corporations have been rotting from the inside out for a long time, and you are just unwilling to admit that they don't really care about freedom. That light you see at the end of the tunnel? It's a train, and you're running straight towards it.

    As a response to the above post:
    The reason that you want to throw of the reins of others so badly is so you don't have any laws governing how you earn your profits.

    "Freedom" is just a word you are using to power your propaganda machine.

    Terrorists. All terrorists claim that they are "FREEDOM FIGHTERS!!!!1" but they really aren't. At least, the majority of the NC aren't.
  11. bluEyedillusions

    The lore directly conflicts with what you're saying:
    So, in fact, most of the NC are indeed freedom fighters looking to end tyranny. However, there likely a few geezers high up in the NC that would put an evil corporate government in place should the NC actually win. Then there'd be more war to end it with ex-patriot NC fighting evil corporate NC. With a bit of Vanu on the side.

    I present Planetside 3!
  12. Glowcat

    Clearly the good guys are whichever faction I'm currently playing.

    But seriously, you can't say the NC are nothing like their predecessors if you've been listening to announcer lady. The NC are still controlled by suits who care about securing their bottom line and want nothing more than to make it out big by gaining control of all the alien technology with their mercenary "freedom fighter" armies.
  13. Verisimilituder

    TR = fascists (quite literally, this isn't derogatory)
    NC = rednecks (this is derogatory; they think they're fighting for freedom, but they're actually fighting for the almighty dollar)
    VS = ''scientists'' (eugenics comes to mind)
    NS = capitalists (pit three teams against eachother and sell weapons to all 3? cha-ching)

    Gee, I wonder who the good guys are?

    If you don't get it, here's the answer: they're all bad guys (and you'd fit in with the NC).
    • Up x 1
  14. Stormlight666

    If the NC were the good guys their theme music wouldn't be heavy metal. 'Nuff said.
  15. bluEyedillusions

    Despite your name's sake, you're not checking your facts.

    It says right in the lore that the NC started OUT the way you describe, but over generations, started to care only about ending the tyrannical rule of the TR.

    It is, in fact, not as gray as you think.

    See my above post.
  16. wowie

    Alright, lets say you win? Then what? You have no clue, do you? We know exactly what we're doing after we win. We will win. Trust me.
    You want total freedom? You have no idea what "total freedom" is. It is, in a word, anarchy. Remember the ancient country of Somalia? That would be Auraxis if the NC somehow managed to conquer it. Except bigger, and with more guns.

    Well, I'm off to bed. Meanwhile, my sleep-deprived Auraxian will casually shoot himself in the head, respawn in a fresh body, and argue with you endlessly over the private commlinks, because of technology that your faction had nothing to do with.
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  17. Glowcat

    NS is only slightly different from NC and they never seem to need boots on the ground. We can conclude therefore that they were the [successful] NC rebellion and took over everything, leaving their now useless puppets and enemies to continually fight amongst themselves in a small island chain they've been convinced are a set of continents.
  18. Verisimilituder

    You're over-blowing what individual NC think versus what their faction is as a whole. By that logic, there are genuinely good people among the TR and VS, according to the same lore. The NC, as a faction, fights for business interests. The TR, as a faction, fight for totalitarianism. The VS, as a faction, fight a crusade. That individuals actually think they're fighting for freedom just makes the NC faction more pitiable.
    • Up x 1
  19. MaxDamage

    "Anarchism... stands for liberation of the human mind from the dominion of religion; the liberation of the human body from the dominion of property; liberation from shackles and restraint of government. It stands for social order based on the free grouping of individuals.
    The concept was pure, simple, true. It inspired me. Led a rebellious fire, but ultimately I learned the lesson that Goldman, Prudot and the others learned. That true freedom requires sacrifice and pain. Most human beings only think they want freedom. In truth they yearn for the bondage of social order, rigid laws, materialism. The only freedom man really wants, is the freedom to become comfortable."

  20. bluEyedillusions

    What would happen if the NC wins is definitely up for debate.

    Even though the majority of NC in the corporations and definitely just about ALL the citizens they hire for their army, are fighting for freedom, there are probably still corrupt people within the corporate side of the NC. In general, the NC want to end the TR's reign. They would probably want to put a democratic government in place.

    However, I am sure there are still some of those old geezers in the NC (corporate side) who would gladly put into place the original, evil, corporate run government their forefathers wanted.

    That would create a civil war within the NC, post TR destruction. We can't know how that would end up.

    If the VS won the war... well, we're all screwed. There would be nothing left of Humanity. The VS want progression simply for the sake of sick interest. They don't want morals to stand in their way of progression. They're practically what the WW2 German scientists were like; "forget morals, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of these few lab rats."

    They would probably genetically alter people to be more like the Vanu if they could get their hands on Vanu DNA. Luckily, they haven't and the worst they're probably doing is sticking people full of technology. They're probably also doing general genetic engineering, if I had to guess, but the kind evil scientists would do if they had no morals to stop them.

    Question: Why did Briggs (founder of the VS) kill himself after seeing a vision from an Vanu artifact? You have to wonder.

    If you fight for the TR, and the TR wins, you basically set the tyranny in stone. If you fight for the VS and the VS win, you basically screwed what's left of humanity. If you fight for the NC, and the NC win, you have a 50-50 shot at either a good, democratic government, or an evil corporate government (but "we'll cross that bridge when we get there").

    NC is the only choice if you want at least a chance at saving the colony. My opinion, based on the lore, of course. This is my reasoning for switching from VS to NC (aside from loving NC guns' aesthetics/sounds).