I hate this crossbow and cloak

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by gh05t, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. webba

    I love the new cloak and cbow! Every infiltrator sitting harmlessly in a corner giggling is one less smging me in the back when Im sniping or stopping me doing the same to his mates. But that is me personally, there are people who genuinely enjoy the stalker thing for the sneaky mind games and not for the killing, which is good because the killing would be op if it was better than it is now.
    I just hope soe expands hacking and makes the sneaky more useful for a team so that people who enjoy this can contribute more too.
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  2. Blackhand

    Just curious if emp grenade taking down someones shields would make the xbow a 1 hit kill? Been awhile since I played, and posted here.
  3. Frosty The Pyro

    crossbow does something like 650 damage IIRC (someone can post the exact full number, but its realy high for a single hit) so yeah, one shot after an emp easy.
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  4. cruczi

    I suppose the crossbow is more like pump action. The hand grip is used to "pump" a new bolt into the chamber. With bolt action rifles, a new round can only be chambered by first letting go of the grip.

    I was under the impression that the straight pull bolt would only chamber the next round but not the round after that, so you could shoot twice while scoped in, like in BF3.
  5. Skeith

    it baffles how people are actually convinced that stalker + OHK crossbow at 30 meters it's going to be op

    ok first, if the crossbow would be able to do so it would still have the same TTK of 2 commissioner shots in the chest

    we can alredy OHK people from 300+ range using the hunter cloak wich has far less counter play then the stalker/crossbow combo

    using the stalker you are exposing yourself in the middle of the enemy faction,where they can hear your cloak sound and unless your standing completely still(and due to the bug even when you are) they are going to spot you,plus at 30 meters the decloak noise is huge,any guy with functional ears it's going to notice that there is an infiltrator nearby.

    and most important of all why do you judge stalkertrators to be op just because they can get a kill on an unaware enemies on close range?,wait isnt that what they are supposed to do?,the crossbow was created to limit your dueling potential, to grant you the ability to perform silent takedowns at close range,if it cannot do this i see no reason of picking it over my commissioner,and if you have a boner for silencer weapons just pick your empire pistol, 1 shot in the head and 2 in the body will suffice to take down anyone you want.

    but right now stalkertrators have no real purpose in this game since infiltrating inside an enemy base doenst really have a purpose since hacking is so limited for us and we even have fewer terminals then before.

    yes and in planetside 1 infiltrators had C4 permacloak that goes to deep state INSTANTLY, vehicle hacking,locket sabotage,spawn room hacking,Command console hacking, and the ability to destroy base generators that could leave an entire enemy base defenceless, is that in planetside 2? NO , so i dont see how our utility and our ability to kill has to be so hindered, may i remember you that our class specific ablity wich is the recon tool was given to everyone?

    this update was a kick in the nut for the infiltrator class, my outfit doesnt use them at all anymore,there is literally 0 reason of grabbing one of them when you could get an engineer with the recon bolt.
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  6. KO-tic

  7. Plunutsud pls

    Spent 50 certs to try it out and now I want my certs back :D

    It's only good for sitting around while afk to get passive certs and WDS points.

    Take ten steps and stop to wait until it recharges; no primary weapon; no firing while cloaked; still vulnerable to Darklight = no thanks.
  8. Blackhand

    Eh, first night it came out I tried the Stalker cloak and found it very amusing. I just ran onto a recently captured point, crouched near a wall and giggled the whole time while Vanu soldiers ran around shooting blindly trying to figure out where I was. That alone was worth the 50 certs.

    I actually am very pleased with it, although I wont be using it much for awhile. Don't have the certs for it or complimentary skills at the moment. I'm sure soon enough, someone will post a video of using it effectively, and then we will all want to give it more of a chance.
  9. salembeats

  10. Benevon

    Did you really think it was going to be good for anything more than sitting around and taking pot shots? It's lack of mobility was always it's intended purpose and is no surprise to me. Personally, I enjoy it when that's all I feel like doing. I get some giggles, especially when I can hide in a corner and watch somebody run face first into my claymores (claymores ALWAYS make me lol when I get a kill, especially 10 minutes after the fact). Other than that, it's Hunter Cloak all the way.
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  11. Shiaari

    Let's see here: Hacking turrets? Check. Hacking terminals? Check.

    You want to know what the devs gave you to replace all of that "utility?" A primary weapon. You couldn't carry a primary weapon in PlanetSide 1. Period.

    So, take your pick. You can stay permanently cloaked and sacrifice that sniper rifle, or you can carry the sniper rifle and have a limited cloak. You can't have both. You never did.
  12. mythalict

    A little late, but the crossbow actually my favorite secondary now. Since I can aim with it I find it a little more helpful for one hit kills in tight situations, than using any other pistol. As for the stalker cloak, I think it is trash. It doesn't really fit my play style in any way, and I'm sure that is the same for others. To illustrate my point, you can check my recently uploaded frag vid, the first clip, and some others later on show how I like to use the crossbow.

    Btw, watch the second clip in the vid :)
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  13. Benevon

    The problem most people have with that point is the limited amount of things you can hack. PS1 had doors to hack (which I understand was crucial for taking some bases), you could hack vehicles, etc. An infiltrator had more things to do to benefit the team as whole. You did very little killing with that pistol but you were crucial in other regards.

    This game, however, just doesn't have that depth for an infiltrator. Sure, hacking a vehicle terminal to pull a sundy can turn the tide, or stealing that AV turret can cause some havoc but it's not as deep as PS1. That's what a lot of people want.
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  14. Benevon

    Fun video, but the times you had to pull the Xbow out, wouldn't it have been just as easy to use a commy or Uboss? Both of which would have finished them off after a bolt action body shot and with a faster ROF. Just curious. If you like it, by all means keep using it. The Xbow just feels like a niche weapon to me (it sure is quiet though).
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  15. Shiaari

    That's right. None of those things are present, but they gave the Infiltrator class something hardcore Infiltrators begged for in PlanetSide 1: a sniper rifle, plus a one hit kill/headshot mechanic that was absent from PlanetSide 1.

    If you recall, not only could Infiltrators not carry a primary weapon, but sniper rifles (the one sniper rifle in the game: the NS Bolt Driver) required at least two shots to down a target as a bare minimum. In fact, it was a design philosophy. In most games snipers were always overplayed, and SOE resolved that issue by taking away that very basic sniper mechanic: the one hit kill headshot.

    Well, now that mechanic is back, and it's not just back, but now the exclusive domain of the class that can cloak.

    Basically, the stalker cloak is a take on the original PlanetSide 1 Infiltrator mechanic. Permacloak, but lacking firepower. Now, I'm not sure exactly how useful that is in PlanetSide 2, but one thing we know that we cannot have are permanently cloaked players that can kill other players in one shot. That's why SMGs were introduced into the game in the first place. Shotguns were taken away from Infiltrators, and in their place they were given another type of CQC weapon.

    Now, I'm not entirely sure how effective those large caliber pistols are. I don't use them. I'd reckon a stalker carrying a commish would be a force to be reckoned with. But, I could be wrong.
  16. Benevon

    You would be right about a stalker inf with a commish. Though the are loud and cannot be suppressed.

    As for the part I highlighted, first I will say that you are right in the fact that having a permacloaked player with OHK potential on every class cannot and will not happen. Secondly, about "not sure exactly how useful that is in PS2", that's the problem a lot of people have with the stalker cloak, and the whole game in general. They want the choice to be that sniper OR be the utility with little firepower. And have more things to do should they choose low firepower.
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  17. salembeats

    ^ Yup, this.

    The Repeater (default TR pistol) is what I choose as my sidearm when I anticipate needing to make follow-up shots on heavily injured mid-range targets like the ones shown in the video (coming from someone who has unlocked and auraxiumed all of the TR sidearms, including the crossbow).

    What should be going through your head is:

    "I don't need to be doing a bunch of damage, I just need to land a few hits".

    The Repeater and the crossbow are the two extremes on opposite ends of the spectrum:
    The Repeater is a "Mini SMG" -- great at landing a bunch of hits which don't do much damage individually.
    The Crossbow is a "Mini BASR" -- great at doing a lot of damage in one shot, but less effective at landing that shot.

    It is best utilized by the two lightest classes in the game -- Infil and LA.

    It gives sneaky killing capacity to well-positioned Infiltrators who are using Stalker cloaking or suppressed-SMG Infiltrators who want to start each engagement with the upper hand.

    It gives Light Assaults a quirky short-range version of a suppressed BASR. What this means is that an LA can get a lot of alpha damage into an unsuspecting target from an obscure perch, and then finish him quickly with his suppressed carbine.

    It basically gives everyone else (especially Engineers) the option to throw away their sidearm for some extra situational awareness (sensor darts).
  18. Shiaari

    Give us back vehicle hacking. That'll put a dent in the number of Sunderers for sure! =D
  19. CuteBeaver

    Stalker cloak isn't for everyone. I have been enjoying it tremendously though. As for how effective the crossbow is in combat...
    If you intend to do allot of knife kills then very. Otherwise just stick to a pistol which is more flexible. The crossbow is basically like a semi auto//short ranged sniper rifle. It follows similar rules to the ghost in CQC. Emp + body Shot = win. Another option would be Body Shot + knife. Unlike the ghost, range isn't your friend and the crossbow requires for you to have the upper hand. You must fire the first shot, and the second shots effectiveness, and your time to live is determined by how unexpected the first attack was.

    Another good idea is choosing the HS/NV for a little bit until you get your double shot ambushes down. Remember aiming for the head should only be done on targets which appear injured either by their behavior (seeking cover) or enemy infiltrators because of their lower health. Its far best to make use the element of surprise to win. I selected the 3.4x scope because it doesn't encourage me to fire beyond the weapons range. It also forces me to hipfire when I should. Right now I am on the fence between which scope I like best for the crossbow. HS/NV or 3.4x for those easier headshots when I do need to make them.

    I really LOVE the crossbow for stalker cloak because it rewards good position, and not panic firing. You have to aim well with it , and hipfire while on the move. From what I have discovered while playing you should anticipate enemies pathing so you can be alongside them. Be polite, don't block the enemies way to the window or block the doorway. Allow them to come to you, and once their back is turned ambush. An escape plan is also wise. Also pick something to hide against with a textured background which doesn't give away your distortion if you can. Stay away from light sources as well.

    Another interesting discovery. I found proxies to greatly extend my life, or at least make each life last longer while learning my limits. They allow me to run away more effectively. Medkits are nice don't get me wrong, and normally with other cloaks I would use them over proxies. However with the crossbow and with stalker cloak for that matter, once your cover is blown thats it. I'v been doing much better killing enemies on my tail using proxies rather then trying to engage them directly.

    I'v also been flirting with becoming more aggressive, and hauling *** in the middle of a field and then just "disappearing" by picking good background textures and trying to be polite so enemies don't trip over me. There is so much potential for this cloak. I feel like i just started playing infiltrator again its wonderful.

    Anyway still in the process of gathering crossbow footage. However the first clip of my recent montage for valentines day will help illustrate what I was describing.

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  20. DatatheGenius

    Everyone is seeing me through my cloak, even BR 9s... And this is even when I am crouching in a corner.. They just walk up and shoot me, this didn't happen before the update with the regular Hunter Cloak!!