I don't think sniping will get any attention again.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Hoki, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. RobotNinja

    I haven't played in about a year and I noticed many changes to PS2 when I played today. First off, I definitely noticed snipers have been ****ed over and I'm not even talking about nanoweave. I also noticed SOE has gone and fundamentally changed and nerfed a number of weapons...that I paid cash for. Not just "tweaked" but fundamentally completely changed their function.

    I have got to assume that SOE just ****ing hates its playerbase. Like...hey...patch time...let's see how many bugs we can bring back from 2012 and see how many people we can screw over out of things they paid money for!

    For what I spent, I got my money's worth for PS2 but I'm glad there are some promising new games coming out in the coming year where the developers don't devise ways to screw their paying customers on a monthly basis.
  2. cykael

  3. QuantumSerpent

    Tier 3 = RAMS .50M/EM4 Longshot/Parallax
  4. BloodyPuma

    Tier 3 - V10
    Tier 4 - Parallax

    Catched "tier" naming here on forum.
  5. _itg

    That's a plausible scheme (assuming Ghost would be T1 and XM98 the T2), but it's not one anyone actually uses. The scheme you'll see on the forum goes like this:

    Ghost--CQC BASR
    XM98--Tier 1
    V10--Tier 2
    Parallax--Tier 3
  6. BloodyPuma

    THX, my bad.
  7. MisterSlim

    I've mained cloaker since day 1, and I don't mind the damage sniper rifles do now, for the most part. Headshots kill out to a decent range (and render range for the T3s). I don't mind the mechanics of the bolt, the mechanics of breathing, or even the cloak mechanics (but being able to recloak after firing a shot should be more reliable, even after the December update).

    The things that do bother me are our velocities. I shoot competitively IRL, and if you handed me a sniper rifle that fired a round at 650ms, I would laugh at you. Even if they had to change the drop/velocity ratio, I think our 'high velocity sniper rounds' should be high velocity. I understand that it is just a game, and the devs could give a laundry list of reasons why velocities are so low (we're on another planet, etc). However, I think using faster rounds would feel a lot better than the snails we are firing now.

    Another gripe I have is the lack of immersive variety. Right now, it mostly consists of finding a scope you like and choosing the BASR with your desired effective range. I think that when we choose our weapon, we should have to think about what we're grabbing. I think each rifle should look a whole lot more different than they do now (this is a bit more nit-picky). I think each rifle should have a different amount of sway and hold breath durations (due to weight differences). I think we should have ammo types to choose from. Do you want something jacketed that can pierce a target and do a little damage to one standing behind him? Do you want something that does increased bodyshot damage, but flies slower and has a bit more drop? Just a few things to make sniping in the game feel more immersive and more interesting.

    My final complaint is a more personal issue, and that is with the directive sniper rifles. After getting a minimum of 5800 sniper rifle kills with various rifles, my Parsec makes me sad. I adore the idea of a loud, super long range, fast sniper rifle. Instead, the directive sniper rifle (hardest sniper to get in the game) has a OHK headshot range of 265m, and a 30m/s velocity increase over the T3 rifles, along with a little more bodyshot damage. I think these rifles should be loud. After all, the descriptions mention their sound. Give them a deafening crack, not a copy-paste of the T3 sound. Give them the ability to OHK with a headshot out to render range, and a faster bullet, haven't we earned it?

    This is just my view on a few points. I am in no way claiming these views to be correct, they are only my biased two-cents.
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  8. itechen2

    no im not trolling and no that didn't help. i still have no idea what the hell a sniper rifle tier is.

    what is the SARS? tier 4?
  9. itechen2

    what the heck?
    what language is this? catched is not a word used in the english language
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  10. _itg

    I take it you mean the SAS-R? That's the NC equivalent of the Ghost, which is VS. If you weren't aware, all three factions have identical sniper rifles except for the name and model. As for what the tiers mean, they're essentially just a faction-neutral way to speak about all three of those identical sniper rifles. If I want to talk about the Longshot/Parallax/RAMS 0.50, I might just refer to the "tier 3 bolt actions." The higher the velocity, the higher the tier number. The CQC bolt-actions are treated separately because their access to low-zoom scopes gives them a different function.

    Come on, man, if you're gonna be a grammar N4zi (can't believe they censor that word on this forum), your own grammar better be impeccable. You need to capitalize the first word in each sentence as well as the word "English," end the last sentence with a period, and put "catched" in quotes.
  11. Havic

    I've played infiltrator since day 1, really dont have any complaints with sniping atm. The mechanics work fine, if you snipe enough times you dont need a breathing bar, you know when your scopes gonna sway. I still have some minor issues with the sensor dart not working, and I wish there was more variety with add on equipment for the rifles. I know the majority hate the slow velocity ( I dont really care for it either) but once you figure out how aim the velocity is really a non factor. Just have to practice leading your target
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  12. miraculousmouse

    Man why are you snipers so entitled? A lot of you like to sit back at 200m and just plink stationary targets, and think you're so "pro" and useful for doing so. Losers. Learn to cqc snipe.
  13. itechen2

  14. itechen2

    OK i give up. Trying to reply with a quote from my phone totally not working
  15. moriarrr-ceres

    250 meters effective range is ridiculous for me i don't even notice the drop when i'm using the x12
    At the same time you can snipe with a rocket launcher at 450 meters.......
  16. iller

    It's actually a limitation of most game engines where on nearly all of them, the hit detection model which is made up of cubes colliding into other cubes, breaks down under the Netcode stress past the 5,000 units per second point and the "boxes" basically teleport past eachother without ever intersecting in the very limited Tick-rates that even the client can update them at to the server. I think DICE might have simulated workarounds for this and last I heard UE4 was also trying to design a solution as well. But either way, it's just like "Cloaking" materials and transparency shimmer in graphics Cards drivers.... the playstyle and demographic that it would benefit most, is one of the most niche in the gaming industry so it's only ever likely that a genius coder who's #1 activity is stealth and sniping will ever devise a real solution for multiplayer engines.

    But everything you said, I agree with, especially in needing different ammo types. Some Ammo's I'd love to see:
    • Light AP rounds (only 3 rounds per mag for balance reasons).
    • Flash point rounds for Semi-Autos: blinds target when their point of impact is within their cone of spotting.
    • EMP rounds: low damage, 3 meter AOE
    • Lasher rounds for the Phaseshift
    • Concussion rounds for the TRAP's dismal single-fire mode
    • Radioactive AOE-DOT round for the RailJack (2 round mag)
    • Anti-Nanites to double Regen-delay / Healing / Rezzing times.
  17. itechen2

    huh? are you saying you don't notice the significant role that distance now plays in the damage delivered to the target? i do not remember now where i saw the graph but the same information is found right on the wiki and looking at the NC SAS-R for example http://planetside.wikia.com/wiki/SAS-R look at min/max damage and it says max 700 before 10 meters

    so basicaly SOE thinks that guns lose power after 10 meters. thats just crazy talk. the SAS-R, at 250 meters drops a total of -300 damage from the initial 700 damage the SASR gets for base. what kind of nonsense is that, and how could you possible not notice such a steep damage drop off. snipers are getting a total shaft here and it is plain as day. if you didnt notice it you clearly are not paying any attention to detail.
  18. itechen2

    i do get your explanation. but i never saw it explain that way before, that is to say not until you posted it exactly as you did.

    the way the other guys were saying it. it was any ones guess what there meaning was and who could blame me. i went back to re-read the previous posts and they still do not make any sense to me even i replaced the word catched with caught and his sentence still makes absolutely no sense.

    o well. it doesn't matter. i can understand the tier system on your explanation alone.
  19. Hoki

    I wish I could delete this, wtf happened?

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  20. iller

    Another thought occurred to me on this topic that we may have taken for granted...

    When we all first starting playing this (I'm assuming most of us have been here since the ugly days when it rained Shells, Pods, and Zephyrs non stop on every inch of an infantry fight and insta-killed most of us...) -- Being an infiltrator and a sniper especially was generally the most useless thing you could be doing for any squad. Atleast LA's could drop C4 on the HE tanks that were all lined up around every base farming the Spawn. And HA's really had it made that day they released the Decimator. That's when the Vehicle farmers started to question whether SOE really had their best crutch in mind. While we begged and pleaded for vehicle hacking to come back, we all knew it was futile b/c it might upset the tanking gods.

    But development went on ... and this being SONY, (no surprises here), a lot of that development usually ends up being Nerfs. Zyphyr was the first to get its wings clipped. Then HE rounds were made less like instant point-and-click FragGrenades summoning and everyone in Tanks just switched to AP instead to fight other tanks. Then the worst blight of all, RocketPods, got the nerf they so had so desperately earned. ZOE had its couple of months, but it ain't feeling too proud about itself anymore...that's for sure. And now even the PPA and Banshee got nerfed too. We're basically all that's left that can do any real damage to infantry at long Range. And unlike all those other things, we are squisky, require more patience, finesse, and that keeps us under the radar, literally, and figuratively

    Which hopefully means we'll just be overlooked COMPLETELY. And that's my real point in this... Most of the community is soooo used to the meme that snipers are useless, that they've failed to even notice how much the angry churning masses of Infantry ClusterBalls are congealing on a daily basis in great stalemating globs. Not just inside but also around every base, on top of them, and even on the low-lying hills. Places once thought too dangerous to tread. Most of their Necromancers crouched down but pushing the "tide" forward through sheer determination and attrition. The Vehicle Fanatics hate it. They stare down on the infantry-hedonism like Grinches at Hoos. Lamenting it every chance they get on Forumside:eek: , and waxing nostalgic about how much better the game was when they so easily rendered us snipers so pointless. ...Meanwhile the Infantry who froth at the mouth, still tend to do so towards a 5-1 KDR MAX
    (not towards little old us...hiding in the shadow of that cliff, with a 10-1 Killstreak)

    This is why I think we WANT as little attention payed to sniping as possible, outside of our ESSR's maybe being changed.
    We're in a good enough place because public opinion is still too busy thinking we're useless, to notice we might have a role now
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