I don't think sniping will get any attention again.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Hoki, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. Hoki

    One of the largest changes to the game during our patch was the whole nanoweave fiasco. It needed to be changed fundamentally, and it was. There were many good reasons for that change but in the end, everyone was gravitating toward nanoweave and it was ******* snipers hard, very hard.

    So our patch, aside from nanoweave being fundamentally reimplemented, has a good amount of negatives to sniping. We got some great new toys but some of our other toys got **** on, which is primarily why I hardly snipe at all anymore.

    They ****** around with the maximum and minimum damage of sniper rifles.
    • This is the biggest deal of all for me. Many kills that I got before the changes were from bodyshots, and for my preferred rifles that dropped from 750 - 550, to 650 - 400. This was done for purposes of preventing OHK headshots from really long ranges, a concern that.. I think was either disingenuous or born of irrational fear.
    • Anyways a lot of 2 hit kill scenarios have been raised to 3. And the 3 hit kill scenarios have been raised to 4 at NW5 and the longer ranges.
    The added delay to hold-breath stabilization really threw me off and to this day I still cannot always predict when my goddamn crosshairs will stop swaying.
    • Idk why this was done. Its not something anybody ever complained about or suggested. I have a feeling that an internal power struggle was going on about the changes to NW and it resulted in some concessions. Again, probably driven by an irrational fear. "if you want this, you have to give me that"
    • Maybe this doesn't slow down elusive1's or mustarde's ability to make montages that make sniping look OP, but it really messed with my performance. Maybe I suck. Maybe that was the intention, to limit who can effectively snipe short windows of opportunity. Idk~
    The devs don't snipe, so they can't relate, and they don't care.
    • What they did to the min damage, especially for tier1 and tier2, was so ridiculously unnecessary that the decision could not have possibly been based on anything real. Only out-of-control untested, unchallenged theory could have led to that decision. And that, to me, is demoralizing. The people that are tweaking our weapons.. don't even use them.
    • Any sniper that plays this game and enjoys sniping gets a thrill from hitting those challenging shots. What makes those shots more challenging are slower muzzle velocity, and higher drop. And ps2 deliberately penalizes those harder shots. The shots that are harder to make, are penalized. So even if the devs do snipe, they don't enjoy it. They do so begrudgingly. When they get shot from the other side of the continent, they don't think "man, what an awesome ******* shot", they think "god sniping is ********, lets nerf it". That, to me, is also demoralizing.
    Non-snipers don't care either.
    • This thread won't get any attention. The major NW headshot problem was fixed. Headshots kill now. If they don't you're too far away, get closer. In fact, lose the sniper rifle and PTFO. All non-snipers share this attitude. (including soe) People who do enjoy it, don't. (for the most part)
    • Sniping is actually in a cozy spot atm. The pros are still pros and capable of making awesome montages. Everyone else that aren't effective at sniping, don't seem to care and would rather use a bullet hose anyways. Very few non-pros care enough to leave feedback. And the devs don't even care enough to monitor the performance of the weapons they've penalized. Just, oh whatever, use an SMG.
    • To which I reply, indeed I have. And while I'm far more effective this way.. I just have to ask again, what exactly was the point of nerfig BASR again? Sniping is hard and less effective at PTFO.. SMG is piss easy and is way more effective at PTFOing.
    My darts!
    • I.. basically don't use them anymore. They used to be stealthy and provide me with information, but now they tell the enemy more information about me than they tell me about the enemy.
    • Meanwhile the motion sensor is absolutely amazing. Definitely way better at PTFOing and keeping me aware of people that are sneaking up on me.
    So yeah, I don't think we're going to get anymore attention. I don't expect any of the devs to ever look at sniping ever again. The inf as a class is in a great spot. The pros can still make montages that make sniping look easy. We can now PTFO better than ever before. The crossbow and revolvers synergize with SMGs amazingly well. Motion sensor are the ****. Nobody gives a **** about snipers not being able to shoot engineers off of turrets at super long ranges anymore. Nobody likes snipers in general.
    The class is completed. Mission accomplished.
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  2. Gemenai

    Sadly as you said no Dev is a sniper and most of the playerbase think snipers are op or unfair, despite never done sniping themselves.

    Sniper rifles just feel like a joke. I mean look at them, the velocity is low like ****. At 250m+ hitting a moving target in the head is quite difficult. But hey why increase velocity an also increase chamber and reload time if you can set a maximum OHK range right?
    (And the sound isn´t great too. Only rifles that sounds like ar the NC ones IMO)

    And those darts yeah i know that feel. Since i maxed the spotter i never used darts again. I remember the time when a sat there on the hill sniping and shooting the darts and engineers even fought about who could throw me some ammo, to keep the sensors online.

    I would say before there any changes in a god way for this specialisation of the infiltrator class, we will rather see sensor bolts for the crossbow buffed.
  3. _itg

    For me, the biggest problem with sniping is the way infantry started jittering at long ranges ever since that "performance update" a few months ago. Clearly, the devs didn't think it was a problem that this bug effectively removed a playstyle from the game for large fights. Since the last update, the bug has gotten a bit better, but it's far from gone.
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  4. EIMR

    This is really true. I recommend that you upload it to Reddit so a dev will see it
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  5. Gibstormv2

    Sniper rifles are fine, You can get one shot kills to the head well outside of the effective range of other guns.

    At the extreme range of the bolt action the only other gun you need to worry about are other sniper rifles
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  6. McToast


    I love BASRs.
    Snipers are fine currently. If you can't manage to hit and kill your targets it's not because of the weapon.
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  7. Nerazim

    Yup, this makes sniping very miserable when it gets bad.
  8. Germaux

    Yeah snipping isn't that popular and when i am running around with sasr i mostly find a group of low br's ( tunnelvision snipping ) . But most people feel themselfs usseles when snipping, what is not true... And there aren't that many youtubers in planetside that are snipping exept Koolaidline but he isn't uploading anymore.
    And i also got the render infantry problems...
  9. TraatAdmiral

    I think the mechanics are in a good place right now, but recently there've been a couple of bugs that have really screwed us over. The headless one, the jittering at range, lack of animations always working; these are much more of a problem for me than the changes to scope sway and damage.
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  10. I play by many names

    This. Not every weapon should be something just any scrub can pick up and do well with. Some should have higher skill ceilings such as the BASR currently do that require a decent learning curve and experience to use them properly.

    The only issue I have with sniping right now is this, which is a 'confirmed bug' according to Sony. granted they seem to have no idea what the actual bug is because they keep stating it only happens at close range. It can happen at ALL ranges. Wonder how long till they 'fix' it, if they bother fixing it at all.

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  11. vanu123

    I just want them to fix the jittering of players at mid-long range in midsize-large fights.
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  12. iller

    I came here..... directly from Tribes Ascend. ....when this game left beta, and Tribes was just then dying it's last gasp (b/c its devs wanted that stupid MOBA cash grabbing instead). And I'll be surprisingly upbeat here for a minute....

    Sniping not getting dev attention?? ...sometimes it's a good thing. A very good thing. I've played some shooters, that last one especially, where sniping just got nothing but nerfs along with having any of its bugs ignored too. Snipers are practically adored in this game compared to Tribes Purists, lemme tell ya.

    I also don't think they're completely done with the ESSR's either. They just redid the Striker again and that godawful VS pistol in the same update practically so there's still a chance atleast the signature BASR's will get a proper touch up.
  13. DrBash00

    I am NOT a sniper, and i am really bad at sniping (but maby i should start doing it, to improve my aiming skill in general ^^).
    But i also think sniper need some love, because at the moment guys camping the vehicle spawn are the only sniper somebody could "fear", or the guys with auto sniper in the infight....

    But real sniping is thanks to very slow bullets and server lag a hard thing to do.... (real sniping = LONG LONG ranges)
    And not ranges where the heavy will get you down in 5 seconds with his maingun.
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  14. itechen2


    in my experience getting better at sniping does not exactly translate to better aiming in general. it just makes you a better sniper.
  15. itechen2

    damage on snipers just took a hit. if you dont play sniper you would not have noticed, but dont come in here and just dismiss the fact they just made sniping useless at long range (which is exactly the purpose) and say snipers are fine. the damage nerf alone was enough to kill sniper gameplay

    tell me, what exactly is the point of a 12x scope? your sniper rifle has now become a glorified telescope.
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  16. BloodyPuma

    My honest opinion after latest general update:

    1. New infantry render distance. One of the best moves ever! I see no performance hit on any of my rigs. Maybe we should push it even further? Ok... maybe we should test it more deeply - very distant animations (500+) are not animations. Its a bitmap moving like a wooden duck on a range :) And there is a caching problem. Sometimes animation plays while the guy is already dead. Still, love the change.

    2. Less jittering - great.

    3. Still, we need weapons that can OHK on the new render distance. Currently you need 2 shots to the head with Tier 4 Basr. Target must be out of focus, afk or very distracted, any other sane person will just move and... no kill. Body shots - dont bother - only AFK.
    Problem arise. x12 semi-autos, especially VANu shooting straight - do the job better then Bolt-actions. 2 x no-drop and fast versus 2 x sway + drop + slow refire? That is a big mess.

    4. Forth tier sway delay implant - yey, more people will start sniping, more target practice ;)

    My proposal:

    1. Do not change damage on sniper rifles. If you want to go body shots - pick semi auto.
    2. Do, !absolutely! do change headshot multiplayer on tier 3 and tier 4 BASR. From 2.1 to 2.5. That means - any head shot, at any range. no matter what = kill. I need reward for those extreme long range shots. Especially on running targets.
    3. Do not add bigger magification then x12. Trust me. I would be the first one to abuse it to create infantry dead zones ;)

    Bonus 4. We should create "bolt action club". Little crowd to harass developers on reddit/psu/here/twitter/facebook to listen to our wishes.

    Those were my 3 cents as a dedicated sniper. Feel free to disagree.
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  17. itechen2

    i dont understand

    when you say tier 3 BASR, what does that even mean? how can you upgrade a rifle to tier3 and tier4 i have never seen/aware of this in my 9 months of playing this game?
  18. itechen2

    after playing with this new patch a bit more, i believe what is happening is sniper damage was not changed exactly but damage on ALL guns has change so that distance plays a stronger role in damage fall off.

    and i personally feel this is ok to a point, however damage done using a sniper rifle should have been unaffected by the overall changes.

    the lethality of using a sniper rifle needs to remain high to balance out the fact that sniping is extremely difficult and easily countered.
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  19. itechen2

    for example you can no longer OHK a infiltrator with the commissioner outside of 10 meters
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  20. Sze wee

    I dont get the logic of lmgs having much higher velocity than some of the sniper rifles.