How to turn off night?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zombekas, Dec 27, 2013.

  1. Cowabunga

    Really? REALLY? Go away troll.
  2. Klypto


    They need darker nights. If you can't see perfectly fine at Planetside 2 night get a better monitor or better eyes.
  3. Makora

    The answer is simple.

    Deal with it.
  4. Sathayorn

    I wish this thread would get stickied... Complaining about the world getting darker at night... Epic.
  5. TommyXXL

    just change the monitor profile from it's panel until you find a brighter one.
  6. Codex561

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  7. Cowabunga

    Because - It changes up the gameplay considerably. It gives "you" as a platoon leader or squad leader different scenarios (or environments) to work with, which in place gives the gameplay a richer feel. Also for the individual grunt it forces you to play differently during the night. Equipment wise it would actually give the RNV sight a purpose and flashlights some sort of meaning. Also it just looks damn cool with all the tracer fire.

    There are lots of neat things a darker night would introduce to a game I've been playing since beta.
  8. Devrailis


    It was us, the NC all along! It was all part of our plan, to demoralize the TR by blocking out the sun with our Phoenix and Raven spam. The nights are darkest when we have a full platoon firing off our freedom rockets in unison, blocking out the light and sending the TR into the depths of despair.
  9. John_Aitc

    The darkest night does not last for very long at all. Higby provided us info about it in response to the numerous "Bring back beta night" threads. The darkest time is immediately after sundown and before sunrise. The majority of the night lighting is the same as it has been for months.

    My suggestion for these times of day are to get in a vehicle if you find infantry play too difficult. You can still help your Faction while you wait for the short dark period to be over.

    (If you need to fiddle with monitor settings, I think you want to tweak Gamma, not Brightness)
  10. Bonom Denej

    HOLY FREAKING **** :eek: . That thread is hilarious.
  11. Inex

    Indeed. The darker nights have been with us continuously since beta, with absolutely no interruption. No possible force in the universe could cause SOE to change the brightness during a time of day now that the game has been out for a year.
  12. Sathayorn

    Especially PPA fire... So purdy...
  13. CommodoreFrank

    Dark nights disappeared during beta. The night we have now is quite bright.
  14. Inex

    Really? I have it on good authority that once something is part of the game then it's here to stay.
  15. Phazaar

    Can't tell if serious or trolling?...
  16. Cowabunga

    It was toned down, the beta nights were very dark and glorious.
  17. CommodoreFrank

    Yes, that's exactly what I said, Mr. Internet Tough Guy. Keep trying to warp people's words to make yourself feel superior. It'll get you far in life.

    Nights are already extremely easy to see in, and just because the OP likes to play with a spotlight shining on his monitor, it doesn't mean it has to change when the majority of players are fine with it.
  18. CrashB111

    Its time for another rousing round of spot the Vanu!

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  19. Locked & Loaded

  20. Hicksimus

    Certified Life Hacker right here.