How the low TTK neuters weapon variety

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gunshooter, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. softgrip

    We have rockets, variety of nades, vehicles, knife, variety of mines, turrets, robot suits and guns. The guns have slight differences. That seems like variety. Sure it could be more, but saying it's just recoil is stupid.

    You mention of UT and Tribes, but not the grand daddy of competitive shooters Quake?

    When I was your age, we rocket jumped to school and circle strafed back home.
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  2. warmachine1

    Then its HA specal weapon model that need change, giving them some unique gameplay.
    When JH must have same TTK as regular shotgun for sake of ballance, then change other area of it.
    • rise clip size to 12/18 extended
    • increase effective range over common shotgun
    • lower recoil of burst mode
  3. gunshooter

    So your solution rather than the make the weapon unique is to just make it a slightly better shotgun.

    Exactly the point.

    So 90% of weapons are functionally the same, but that's ok because the other 10% (which are mostly just copies of eachother with number changes, as well) are different? Not to mention that most of them are equally as non-viable as the HA specials.
  4. Glowcat

    A good way to make weapons more unique without messing with the game's TTTK? Actually give them unique models. Many guns are carbon copies of others where if you're lucky there's a small additional attachment or doodad on the thing.
  5. 13lackCats

    I could tell the difference between Carv and TMG right away.

    Here's an (un?)intended consequence of higher TTK: The urgency of combat is reduced. The lessening of the danger of combat decreases the visceral urge to run or die (thereby affecting performance), an emotion that not everyone deals with equally.
  6. gunshooter

    You could feel the placebo effect of the lower rof. Both guns are functionally similar and play exactly the same with similar recoil meaning you make the same mouse movements.
  7. Xandax

    If remembering back to Unreal Tournament, then the sniper rifle and rocket launcher seems as different here as they did there.
    The weapons are as different in PS2 as they are in Unreal Tournament. Here we just have multiple within same 'group' which you did not have in UT.
    So it's not more variety - but fewer guns you're after.
  8. Karragos

    I do not want every kill to feel like taking down a raid boss.
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  9. 13lackCats

    Not a chance.

    Totally different guns.

    Thanks for telling me what I perceive though. Have you thought about making money with your psychic gift?

    What is your *real* problem with low TTK? C'mon, tell us.
  10. gunshooter

    Please explain how the guns are so varied. Do you hold down left click/burst past a certain range differently? Are some sliders perhaps moved slightly to the left or right? Now that's unique!

    And FYI I am a much better player than you. Just check my stream vods for examples. I'm not going to take lip about "situational awareness" from a guy who struggles to get a kill a life. It's clear why you have a vendetta against anyone that even mentions the ttk.
  11. gunshooter

    Dear Blackcats,

    Please come back to keep bumping my thread.

  12. 13lackCats

    Yes, absolutely.

    Ahh, stats. Yes, stats make you right. If you weren't emotional. Should we take out all the times I die supporting someone, driving sundys, in air combat? No? Let's suffice it to say that I slid to .41 before I learned to play. How about you. When will you learn to play.

    Stop avoiding the question. What is the REAL reason you want TTK increased? I bet its because you have poor situational awareness.
  13. gunshooter

    As I said there's plenty of videos of me running right into battles head on yet still going 3-5:1. Certainly doing far better than you could ever hope to. Your most played class is HA, the only reason you can't do as well as me is due to your own lack of ability.

    For a quick and easy example:

    If I have poor situational awareness yet I do so well in this game, perhaps it doesn't require situational awareness.

    I enjoy the gameplay in this game and I do incredibly well in it. It's just boring because every gun is far too similar. If you get bored of one gun, you're essentially bored of the game.

    If you're going to try to insult someone else as your first line of defense in any argument, at least be good at the thing you're talking about. Simple thing to ask, right?
  14. Vikarius

    my solution:

    Make faction specific Heavy weapons more predominant.
    This means buffing the Lasher and Jackhammer the most and the MCG slightly.
    All weapons that have a certain TTK or under (low side), Reduce ammo capacity. (Shotguns excluded)Increase recoil on all shotguns (Jackhammer excluded)

    I also think faction Heavy weapons should take the place of the rocket launcher on an HA rather then the primary.
    Since ALL faction heavy weapons are designed for anti infantry, equipping such a weapon forces them into a specific role (and increase the equip or *pull out" time of both weapons on HA). If the heavy weapons are made more predominant this makes for more of a choice = consequence scenario when an HA chooses certain weapons. (Example: HA rolls with his squad with a Gauss SAW and Jackhammer gets a couple kills then a prowler rolls up, choice = consequence)
    This same thing should go both ways however. I think for the crossfaction rocket launchers, like the Decimator, should take up the primary slot. So if the HA wants to be an anti armor specialized infantry, they can, but it will come at a cost (being less optimal against infantry).
  15. 13lackCats

    If you were playing the game, you wouldn't need me to entertain you.

    Entertain yourself.
  16. Itermerel

    i like ratchet and clank
  17. 13lackCats

    First, you think the stats are accurate. Secondly, you think they matter. Neither of these notions support your claim to not need high TTK in order to remove a rage button that you possess.

    You still did not answer the question.

    Why do you *really* want TTK to be higher?
  18. MightQuinn

    SOE did an amazing job with infi weapons. I've chosen the ones I use because they are different. One is great close in, one is very versatile, and one has a very high damage model and small cone of fire, etc. full stop.
  19. gunshooter

    The stats are accurate and a low KDR is indicative of subpar FPS skill, which encompasses situational awareness. Fact. If you want to prove me wrong, post videos of yourself going 5:1 over multiple 3 hour sessions like I did.

    Since your main point was "you must be bad!" and it's been thoroughly disputed, there's not much point to replying to you anymore. Other than to get you to keep replying so that everyone else can see my post, that is.

    Now those are some unique weapons, they have minor situational benefits while functioning in the exact same way! Amazing job, John Smeddo.
  20. Xizwhoa

    Different guns performing differently has nothing to do with variety. Minor stat differences and a choice out of the 3 recoil patterns isn't variety. Variety is an entirely different type of weapon, which this game doesn't have for the reasons I outlined in this video - while its predecessor, by most accounts, did.

    This is where I took this thread as a troll.

    Then I realized it was just a smoke screen to say you want increased ttk.

    Different guns performing differently pretty much sums up what variety means, almost by definition...

    We get it, you want a higher ttk bro, stop misleading people and get to the heart of your want for the game.

    Before you call me had, I don't care, and neither does anyone else.