How do you guys feel about the sensor dart?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by auxili, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Flaeb

    It's good if you spent about 200 certs on upgrade. Then the range and tics are pretty large, and you can use it at corners to know the enemy before they do.
  2. Marinealver

    Well if it takes down infantry shields then i would call that a pluss. But really EMP grenades are not made to be an anti infantry weapon, they are made for vehicles.
  3. Inu

    You don't get points, the radar is too messy to make a decent use of it. It does seem short, however i think if the radar was cleaned up it wouldn't be so bad.
  4. HvcTerr

    Not too useful, mainly because:

    • The minimap itself is not reliable or zoomable.
    • There are times I KNOW an enemy is there, but nothing shows. Is it motion-sensing only?
    • It flies like a dead duck
    I do not know if firing it reveals you on the minimap.
  5. gunshooter

    It'd be good if it spotted people in the radius or something but the radius is super limited as it is now and not too useful.
  6. VKhaun

    Useless IMO. It doesn't update fast enough, and anywhere you need it is no where near where you need a sniper.

    To get the benefit of the dart, you have to bring a **** infantry person. Honestly I'd rather have any other class than an inf and a dart. If no one is in the room to get shot and sh ow you where enemies are on the map, then you nade the crap out of it before you go in.

    When stealthers aren't second class citizens in bases we can talk about the dart. Until then it's really not part of the game IMO. Even if someone uses it and I got a benefit... that benefit was, again, not as large as if they'd been some other class aiding me PLUS another infantry person with a good gun for the range in question and full HP.
  7. m44v

    is only useful after you update it a few ranks
  8. Neoxide

    Incredibly useless IMO. VERY limited ammo and lifespan. Many times it's useless because the minimap is clustered with icons.
  9. paraspam

    Never used it. I'm bad.
  10. lNeBl

    The minimap doesn't seem to work at all for me. I have used the dart, and had enemy players run right by it and there was no indication on the minimap. Also, enemy players never show up on my minimap even if we are in combat with one another.

    Also, when there is an enemy dot on the map, it is usually a false positive indicator. Many times I have run right up ontop of an enemy dot and there was no enemy to be seen.

    My conclusion is the minimap is bugged to hell when detecting enemy persons, and so I never use the sensor dart.
  11. MagisterCrow

    My mind, there's a couple of issues.

    1: Duration. As others have mentioned, they don't last nearly long enough. I'm lucky since I have an engineer in my outfit who I can ask for ammo to keep it up.

    2: Glitchy. It might just be me, but I feel like the thing...doesn't work a good deal of the time. I've shot it at the bottom of a stairwell, kept my eye on the minimap, and watched as a MAX waltzes up and blows me to kingdom come.

    3: Capacity. This is in conjunction with the first point, but...two darts. You have to pick between making sure one place is covered or covering 2 areas for half the time.
  12. Athessu

    I feel it's underwhelming. If there was another option I would take that in a heartbeat.

    I don't know if it would be overpowered but I would like it to show enemies visually as a general outline rather than on the minimap, at least for the infil using it.

    Also this.
  13. Revanmug

    Mostly number 2. The radar just doesn't work half the time. I know there is an enemy in the corner and still doesn't show up. I hear people running upstair and nothing up. If anything, this thing can give you a false sense of security and that's bad.

    Add the minimap clutter and good look spotting red dots.
  14. pilg0r

    You should also get spot bonuses if people who were spotted by the sensor were killed.
  15. OldMaster80

    So, to summarize: almost everyone agrees that detection probes are useless. A few players say the device is good, but only if you spend some certs.
    It seems the main issues are:
    - Low probes duration.
    - Low scanning range.
    - Low ammo capacity.
    - Not clear if probes show every enemy or just those who are moving.
    - Minimap is messy and not scalable / zoomable, which actually makes pretty hard to see if someone has been detected.
    - The detection device suffers competition from vehicles radar which has instead a huge range and is always active.

    Now, for those who never played PS1, let me show you our old motion detector device:

    Kinda ugly, large, impossible to hide. But this tool worked great:
    - It was persistent, no deconstruction timer, but players could destroy it.
    - We were allowed to place a lot of them.
    - It could be jammed by EMP grenades.

    Now I believe devs should find a compromise between PS1 solution and the current device we have. We need a reliable tool, with a decent range, good capacity and probes should last enough to make it worth. But most important we need them to improve the minimap because today It's almost impossible to check the detector result, map is just too small!
  16. Blackhand

    After getting the dart certed up a bit (at least level 3) I've really come to rely on it. Use it before entering a building or when holding a position for capping. I only hate it when I'm outta darts, but we have the ability to hack class terminals to reload so it's just a matter of getting to one.
  17. Adamar09

    Was it mentioned somewhere that it doesn't sense through walls? That might explain why it's not picking up certain things.
  18. iller

    Even at level 4.

    Because I Need to be looking at the center of my screen in a Fight to stay alive...not the far bottom corner of my monitor
    Either show us the damned enemies it "sees" as Red-Doritos the same way we see Allies.... or replace it with a Teleportation-Dart.
  19. m44v

    The sensor dart is motion sensing, tha'ts why it doesn't detect enemies sometimes.
  20. Gunhazard

    It's useful for base capping. You hack an infantry terminal so you can upkeep ammo, then you just shoot them at key areas where danger is expected from, or as soon as you hear a sound and it can give you a jump on other players.