How do you guys feel about the sensor dart?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by auxili, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. auxili

    I feel it's pretty good but I haven't used it too much yet. I seem to use it the same way I used the Recon's radar ball in BF:BC2. Do you guys find it more or less useful as the radar ball in that game?
  2. windcaler

    Far less useful then the motion balls IMO. It doesnt last nearly as long as it should. If I want to constantly use it to watch a stairway or doorway I pretty much have to sit on an ammo box the whole time and if I need an ammo box to make it useful that means theres more then 1 person there, negating the need for the motion sensor in the first place since we can both watch an entrance
  3. auxili

    Yeah I found the same thing. I draw the comparison here, but I was interested in a closer comparison:

  4. LeanV

    Almost useless. Kinda wish you could actually hit vehicles with it, because as soon as it starts driving away the dart floats in the air where it initially made contact.
  5. Mistylee

    Strangely it used to stick to vehicles i guess they "fixed" it, it was quite useful/
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  6. Moxin

    Useless, the time is way too short.
  7. Apina

    Its sometimes handy when you're capping or when you're moving to the next destination. I dont know it works correctly though.
  8. Good_Kitty

    I have a ton of uses for mine and use it ALOT but it needs MOAR AMMO

    2 shots WTFFFF! Im a bad *** and I kill atleast 2-3 groups of people before i run out of ammo.
  9. Rigsta

    They're a bit hit-and-miss. Sometimes people well within the pulses simply do not display on the mini-map. They seemed better in beta, but then I had dumped a bunch of free certs in them.
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  10. Good_Kitty

    Needless to say. If you don't use your sensor dart while you hunt people down. You are asking for death. Knowledge and brains is an infiltrators best gun.
  11. Dcrd

    Useless piece of ****.
  12. Zmerc

    I dont think its useless, when i want to see how many enemies are behind a bend or a hill top. I lobe it over a hill and instantly know how many enemy targets are there. Just because it only has some limited uses, doesn't make absolutely worthless. Now the EMP grenade is useless, its like spending 200 certs on a grenade that does half damage lol.
  13. Timeraider

    its very usefull in potential, but the duration is way to short to work as an UAV protecting a room for example (even fully upgraded)
  14. Marinealver

    too underpowered, but then again Iam used to this as the sensor from the engineer.
    Now if that dart was more of a Aiming tool that like highlights a tank or target area and puts a waypoint on a MAP sort of like the laze pointer for aircraft to try and take out that would be better.
  15. RobotNinja

    Would rather have a single use deployable radar type item.
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  16. Marinealver

    An EMP does damge WTF you got to be kidding me.

    EMP are not supposed to do damage they are supposed to jam abilities and prevent vehicles from firing weapons, heck maybe even stop them in their tracks so they could be boarded or destroyed.
  17. Helwyr

    I would rather keep myself off Radar than add others to Radar. As far as Class tools go this one is fairly underwhelming. I do use it, but it seems very unreliable, and hence not very useful. Haven't invested any real certs into it, rather put those in a Tool that really makes a the one on my Medic.

    Tanks and Sunderers can through certs provide permanent radar upto 50m, Flashes 100m, and the ever OPed ESFs 200m. So what's the point of this lame dart?
  18. Zmerc

    What I was getting at is, that In beta an EMP grenade Locked weapons and took down shields. All it does now is take down shields, which to me is worthless. why would I use a EMP when I can use a stock grenade and kill them instantly, compared something that only takes down shields which is considered half damage.....
  19. irishroy

    sry, but how is it used right?? o.0
  20. Wayfar

    I think the darts are good. I too like tagging the backside of a hill and peeking on the enemies trying to stalk over it.

    I just wish I got some points for using it when someone gets a kill in area I've marked or something. Engi's get points for using their tool, so I think this class should too. Even if it is a small amount of points, it'll hopefully mean people use them more.

    And if you fire a dart, and it goes a certain distance without hitting anything it seems to just despawn. I dislike that. Some times your up high above the enemy and need to see whats doing on down and ahead of you.

    Also I haven't noticed, but are vehicles not showing up on the mini-map with this? Seems to be only infantry.

    What I'd like to see is for this to get a bit more use out of it. I think that if you can get close enough to tag it on a vehicle, something should happen. Like the tank or whatever gets hit by a dart, and then is tagged to help speed up lock-ons (and also giving the infiltrator points for vehicle being destroyed) . I wouldn't mind that being part of the cert tree, instead of "faster mini-map refresh".

    I think the whole cert tree could get a look at now to add a little more function.