How can we promote engineers to actually throw down ammo?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dulu, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. Llaf

    Literally my next post after the one you quoted explained that last bit smart guy. Unless you are fighting at crown, friendlies aren't staying in one spot for long, and if they are, theres a good chance I'm staying there with them, moving the box around according to who needs it most(dudes with rocket launchers, burster maxes, whatever). Maybe its just the way I play, but I'm constantly on the move, as well as most everyone else on my team, and the only time I have ever seen the need to leave an ammo box in one place is either fighting at crown or as a safety net fallback point if I'm using a shotgun and run out of ammo. Ammo boxes change position far too much for anyone to keep track of where they are for long, and I usually place them around whoever I happen to be fighting with anyway, until we move, which usually doesn't take long.
  2. Vashyo

    Keep on spamming for ammo

    Best way to do that is to hold Q and point at the engineer you want the ammo from, then keep spamming until he gets annoyed enough to drop you a box :D
  3. Izriul


    Is there anything you NC won't whine about?...

    Oh wait, all it was was a 5 minute video of you wanting an excuse to post a kill streak video...Of you hiding behind a rock for 4:30 picking off random targets, then 30 seconds of you yelling for ammo without really even bothering to look around you to see if any Engi's are there, thinking they should all come to you.

    So, again, what was the point of this topic? To show a uninteresting game play for four and a half minutes which wasn't even needed, or to show you stood there for 30 seconds asking for ammo without moving from your spot.
    • Up x 1
  4. MiZrY

    Ammo was dropped multiple times throughout that video..... hope you learned something new today.
  5. Linedan

    Dude, I throw ammo anytime I see a group of grunts. Seriously. Problem is, I have no way of yelling at them "ammo here." Give me a quick "ammo here" voice emote so you "superior players" will get your heads both out of your *** and out of your scope, and LOOK AROUND for the stuff. I do try to throw it at your feet if I can, I really do. But I can only have one down at a time, so I might have to *gasp* put it in the MIDDLE of a group for easiest access.

    If I put ammo down three seconds' sprint away from you and you don't go get it? That's not my fault.

    EDIT: 0.58 k/d and yes, I suck at gunplay, thanks for asking.

    EDIT #2: If you're standing 25 feet from a deployed Sunderer and are still screaming for ammo? Please don't breed.
  6. Jestunhi

    I think it was to show how tunnel vision makes people stupid. ;)
  7. Ripshaft

    Since this is 5 pages I'm sure it's been said, but resupply xp is extremely significant and is some of the easiest xp in the game to get, and easily compares to the xp of a fairly decent killer in the same situation. More importantly it works even when there's not much of an enemy presence. The zerg loves to waste ammo, even if there's nothing worth shooting at, some ammo packs and you profit for their stupidity.

    The reason people dont throw ammo is for the same reason at the core of most "problems" in this game: people are goddamn stupid.

    Edit: also it was pointed out that there was ammo 10 feet from you the entire time, think you've got alot of learnin to do.
  8. NoctD

    Yeah - you show it yourself by failing to watch the video and see that OP had ammo packs all around and was just lame and lazy to walk to them. Its quite amazing how quick people draw conclusions without even taking a moment to understand the situation. ;)
  9. Kevorkian

    OP just wanted to brag about his unimpressive kill streak video. The fact you all took the bait and engaged in any kind of discussion is, sad.
  10. Ripshaft

    I was just answering the question of why ammo is not dropped alot of the time, which is a real problem. I don't care about his specific situation aside from that it's funny.
  11. Zer0range

    Dunno what you're taking about. I see ammo almost everywhere.
  12. DevErik

    Yeah, hiding behind a rock 200m away from the fight with a sniper rifle is superior. You only do that because you know the kills come easy and you can't operate in a crowd. Anyone can nurse a K/D ratio. 30 kills in that scenario is average. Congrats, you are average. Now go find your own ammo. It's probably in the base where the battle is taking place.
  13. DevErik

    Then he would have to come out from hiding to get it. Which means he will surely die.
  14. ent|ty

    "V-F'ing 4! V-F'ing 4! [trains guns on nearest engineer] V-F'ing 4! V-F'ing 4!.. .... [opens fire]"

    That works well.