How can we promote engineers to actually throw down ammo?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dulu, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. Zorlox

    i'm too busy being 'pro' to drop ammo, assuming I even have ammo eq'd at the time.
    to be honest, I even bail out of my armor to drop boxes and repair maxes at times /shrug
    the only time not having ammo around kind of annoys me is when I'm making air dodge slightly to avoid the uber g2a missiles from a vantage point, otherwise there's always something relatively close that can be used to resupply. Though I'd say that the annoyance doesn't stem from the ammo at that point.
  2. Gisgo

    He wants a personal engie playing the game just for him.
    Not going to happen, i wish our ammo pack had an "ignore list" ;).
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  3. Swoll

    Yup I go through this all the time, lots of new new new neeeww players on NC. Causes fun fun rage. I end up playing engineer more mainly because I don't have to worry about dying with 0 ammo (as that makes me put on my sad panda face :( :( :( ).
  4. Jaquio

    You should actually watch this guy's video. There are four ammo packs almost immediately on his position. He just wants an engineer to actually come drop it at his feet so he doesn't have to move at all.
  5. Gisgo

    You know you can turn your ACE turret into an ammo pack, right?
    No excuse for not giving ammos, its your job and you only have to do it once every 3 minutes, not a big deal.
    Obviously giving ammos is different from babysitting noobs... :rolleyes:
  6. Aerius

    >superior player

    Sorry, I drop my ammo in the middle of a bunch of Burster MAX/heavies who are actually doing something useful, then I go do something useful.
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  7. Loegi

    It's right there you double ******.
  8. Swoll

    Ah well either way - I do notice a lack of ammo packs in general. Do you find this isn't the case? Being completely honest. Obviously people just need to learn the game and that will come with time but arg I hate feeling like I have to play EVERY class just to get something done.

    Oh they have a tank/sundy - let me switch to heavy/engineer.

    Oh they have air - let me switch to AA max.

    Oh no one is resing - you get the idea!

    Meanwhile the heavy lemming crowd is all bunched up at a choke/corner full autoing their weapons into oblivion!

    Don't get me started on how if I don't spawn a Sunderer there likely will NEVER be one.

    :p :p :p
  9. Dovahkiin

    So many fracking n00bs don't know that they ALWAYS have a lvl 3 ammo pack as an engineer, just select your turret and press "b" (select-fire button).

    Even worse, some engineers can't even drop ammo because they are too n00by.

    Just damage the engineers to get their attention. Works sometimes.


    Maybe the OP should search for ammo instead of asking to be spoonfed some.
  10. Sgarv

    I've thrown ammo for a group of HAs firing rockets once. Instead of using my ammo pack, they went all the way back to the sunderer...
  11. BuzWeaverPS2

    This is a common complaint even in BF3. Certain people have the impression that their needs should be met with expediency and upon request whenever "they" need something. As though we as teammates should cater to certain people's needs. These generalization post are just that, generalizations. I put down ammo as frequently as I do in BF3 and on occasions I drop ammo every 50 meters as I'm moving around a base.
  12. Aedelric

    When requested I always drop ammo when I am playing an Engineer, but I will make special exception never to drop any near you Dulu, get off your lazy rear.

    Not that I am ever likely to see you in game anyway.
  13. Drevar

    Odd...I rarely drop ammo unless someone is right in front of me and asks for it. Why? I see a dozen ammo packs already on the ground and 12 engineers chasing MAXes and dancing between tanks in the middle of a firefight. The chance that someone will actually use my packs is slim to none. Meanwhile the offensive push is stalled because 9 of 10 people are medics or engies and we no longer have the firepower to move the front line.
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  14. Firnros

    This. A hundred times this.
  15. The King

    Yeah, I get tired to chase people down to repair them as a MAX or a tank.
    It's annoying. You ask to be repaired, then run away as I am doing it. Then I chase you for a few and go.. wtf?

    I don't need the XP to repair you. I kill **** with my engineer. If you need ammo and I have to constantly chase you to throw it down, well, I'm not going to do that.

    Unlike what the video shows.
    I had many engineers that never repairs the maxes as needed, but only to repair 1 of the 4 that was there, then follow the one out to die. After there were 4 MAXes that was AA, but had to switch to anti infantry because there were 5 soldiers there, the stupid engineer didn't want to do any repairing. They capped and we pretty much died where we stood. I think we died from shock mostly..

    So, unlike the video being shown, there are crappy, really really crappy engineers out there. I've seen 5 mana turrets, no ammo around just yesterday. (not anywhere)
  16. mrPandarian

    Actually, snipers are most useless of all kind of troops. They do nothing. Literally. They have minimum influence on the flow of the battle, cause they don not advance, hold ground, seize objective nor helps regular grunts do so nor deny enemy. So no wonder that engies prefer to help other folks to do the Job rather to help another 'elite-one' to scratch his ego. :p
  17. Protential

    Protip : As an infiltrator you need to come off your mountian to get Ammo, its right next to you where all the guys with rockets are standing.

    Protip to everyone saying infiltrator is useless.

    Counter Sniping is NECESSARY

    Also, I ran through an open field and knifed/pistoled like 15-20 guys from TotalBicuits group in about 3 minutes yesterday...Any time you can kill that many people, that fast, without even being noticed. You are effective, I could care less how many rockets the HA is spamming at nothing, I am being more effective in the push. See'ing as I went out there and cleared a path with my knife.
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  18. Zerbious

    Which server do you play on? On my server I see Engineers (including myself when not playing Infiltrator) dropping them all the time and as stated there were plenty around you.

    Now, use some common sense... any engineer with half a brain will not walk up to someone sniping from a good position to drop you ammo and risk the chance of drawing attention to your position. Instead, like in your video, they will drop it nearby and let you cloak and move to get it as needed.
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  19. Loegi

    He wasn't Counter Sniping, he killed exactly zero snipers.
  20. Domnonos

    Eh... the only times I have problems getting ammo is when I use my dual burster MAX. For some reason (some) engineers just don't want to drop ammo near us (me?) which is just plain stupid, since a DB MAX goes through ammo like crazy and you'll get plenty ammo resupply XP :D

    I usually try and move to the nearest ammo pack but quite often it is placed in a rather "bad" position (seen from a DB MAX view) since it's usually in heavy cover so we can't stand there and shoot or if we do, our field of vision is pretty limited and we have a tendency to attract even more attention from Libs ;)