How bad is the subtle hacking in this game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dunkman, Dec 27, 2013.

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  1. Mhak

    I would estimate closer to 0.1% or less, based on how many thousands of players there are fighting every day and yet I've only seen two blatant cases of hacking since I've been playing this game. Some guy flying tanks and ATVs like ESFs, and one of those flying infantry that blips around, nearly impossible to shoot, which might have been due to lag. There was one time when tanks kept spawning with nobody inside them, on top of each other, but I think that was some GM or dev having fun since it was just extremely amusing and didn't kill anybody.

    It is possible I've been killed by aimbotters but I've never seen a definite example of it. For every time I've been headshot while sprinting and zigzagging from a sniper a million miles away, I've occasionally made the same fluke shots and I'm a mediocre sniper. And great snipers can do that on demand without needing aimbots.

    Imho hacking is overhyped.
  2. metrotw

    Come play on Mattherson. You can see entire squads from well known Outfits having this magic "skill" at nearly every large battle..especially VS. ;) ;) ;)
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  3. Giggily


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  4. johnway

    I've only encountered blatant hackers every so often. Subtle hacking i can't really tell. I have my suspicions but generally i let that slide and give them the benefit of the doubt. I've done some lucky hits from long ranges or lucky headshots and the such. If i do get hit by subtle hackers its usually too late to record or point fingers anyway.

    But who knows, maybe people have been accusing me of hacking but i never pay attention to the chat box anyway. But we all know that someone who cries hacks and cheats when you're not is the greatest form of Kudos you get.

    "You're so good that i bow before your awesomeness and crazy skillz that the only way that anyone could do that was if they were machines. And in the game!"
  5. FriendlierFire

    Hiding underground may just be an exploit, which many games have had, or it might just be a glitch in the map. ****, I've ran into two places where I could go "under" the ground and had fun popping out to shoot people all ready. Stumbling onto map bugs is a far cry from "hacking!".

    As for 100% head shotting, how does that work exactly? Because if I ran an aimbot for the head, I'd miss almost every sniper shot due to travel time. These cheats have figured out how to try and predict movement? Or are they headshotting still players (As if you need hacks for that)? With no hitscan, I'd love to see how this works past 40m.

    1000s of kills an hour? Surely you can post a link to their profile, which should be somewhere way up top on statistics.

    1% would be 150? You're right, probably less then. Oh right, we aren't talking about actual hacking, but 'subtle' hacking, like improved ADS strafe speed! You have a video of that anywhere? Oh you don't? Shocking!
  6. Giggily

    This has been possible for a long time.
  7. FriendlierFire

    Rofl, how does this work? It takes all the objectives, terrain, and units in the area and trys to estimate the path a person will take? Or predict when they will start strafing the other direction in a fire fight?

    Oh I'm sorry, you meant for when they are running in straight lines, it just calculates the interception? Well obviously, hitting someone who is running in a straight line must be hacking, because that isn't something anyone who practiced sniping a little bit could do.
  8. Giggily

    A lot of people don't serpentine when sprinting across open fields and in close quarters fights the high bullet velocity means that guns are effectively hitscan with an aimbot.
  9. FriendlierFire

    Have you ever seen some of the stuff tribes players pull off? Shooting someone in PS2 who is running in a straight line, even from close to render distance, is not particularly impressive.

    While close range, it would work, but that is typically very obvious. We aren't talking about obvious hacks though, ones that either brake game mechanics or are clearly super-human. No, you are complaining about 'subtle' hacks. How do you tell the difference between a 'subtle' hack, and someone who is just good at the game?
  10. Giggily

    There are aimbots in Tribes. Also I'm not complaining about subtle hacks, the dude in the post I quoted was accusing me of being one.
  11. come1l

    I have been playing this game for a year and I seldom meet any hackers except during Asian gameplay hours (early morning).
  12. Ealhdun

    Eh most people you kill unaware claim you hack. I sometimes scream hacker at my screen before accepting it was my stupidity. Though I never actually tell anyone or report any of those.

    Actual hackers seem to be rare. I think I encountered 2 or 3 this week (40 hours game time). And those were 2 obvious speed hacks and one strafing hack. They don't last long either and are often bad enough players that you kill them quickly enough.
  13. Sordid

    That's the thing, though. How do you know? How can you know? This is known as the toupee fallacy, the "I can always tell if someone's wearing a toupee because they all look fake" thing. Except of course those that don't, in which case you can't tell, and you don't know that you can't tell because you can't tell. Not all toupees look fake, and not all hackers are obvious. "I play a lot and I rarely if ever see any hackers" actually really means "I rarely if ever see any obvious hackers". How many non-obvious ones you encountered, that you can never know precisely because they weren't obvious.

    Needless to say this atmosphere of uncertainty and paranoia is extremely frustrating and toxic, and it makes me really sad that it's even a thing.
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  14. Ivke

    I posted this conversation with a cheater about a month ago and I'll repeat it here:


    That's a big problem, the same people just keep cheating untill they get bored and leave and that might take a long time.
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  15. Sordid

    Oh don't even get me started. That's the problem with our wonderful anonymous internet, you can't ban people from it. You can ban an account, you can ban an IP address or an IP range, you can even ban a specific computer. But you can never ban a person. It is simply not technically possible.
  16. Infinn

    I've seen about 4-6 highly questionable player within mattherson's highly skilled unit. Other than that most of them are from average to highly skilled players.
    I have two examples of one highly questionable light assault using an ESP hack. Within a intense battle I un-cloaked at about 7-10 yards in an adjacent room, while he was engaged in a firefight, only to be met at the door at his rear and killed before I could open fire.

    Another example is a lag exploit by a accurate individual, from 5-10 yards we opened fire within 0.3 to 0.5 ms (I opened fire first he wheeled around) of each other only to have his ns-11c outgun my jaguar and he lived. No "ping" shots registrated and I was dead before my 750~ weapon made for CQc could unload 10 shots. I will give him the credit of being extremely accurate shot and I do fall victim to being killed after being killed 1-2 steps within cover, however that is clearly foul play with latency, via an ADAD macro or a lag box sending out packets after he has finished shooting.

    That is just within that outfit, one highly questionable individual, with which I have video, is clearly using an aimbot, as his 10kd ratio shows. Amazing how thru smoke and my clock he registered 5 headshots after turning 180 degrees to the rear of the battle
    So I would say around 15-20% of all players
  17. Ealhdun

    Why become paranoid over people that do not have an obvious advantage over you? The hack would have to be so subtle that it would make the other person above average at best, in which case they aren't a real problem for me. (Not that I am that good, I just fight in teams making it a non issue)

    If anything those subtle hackers wasting their money on tools that will eventually get blocked are actually paying so I can train up and confront better players down the road.
  18. Ealhdun

    It is technicaly possible, it is just not ethical to use the means available.
  19. Posse

    Less than 1%, people who think otherwise are usually people who suck at the game and need to find excuses.
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  20. Sordid

    That's a very positive attitude, one I'm afraid not many people are capable of. A non-obvious advantage is still an advantage, and I for one can't help feeling bothered (to put it mildly) by the idea of my opponent having an unfair edge over me.
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