[Suggestion] How about depolyable forcefields for engineers.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Monnor, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Metalsheep

    I personally would like to see a Shield like the Deployable Cover from Halo 3.

    It has limited, but high HP in the sense that it takes a ton of small arms fire to down the shield, and the shield shows wear by turning redder and redder. Heavy weapons and special weapons easily collapse the shield. But, the shield is emitted by a generator. Where, if the shield is left unmolested after taking fire, it will recharge itself back to full HP. Same with a "downed" shield. If the generator isnt destroyed, it will redeploy at full HP after so many seconds.

    Changes for PS2 would be that vehicles couldnt run through the shield, but infantry can. And that the shield persists untill destroyed or the engineer deploys a new shield. The generator is much more vulnerable to small arms, and the shield itself takes a hell of a beating before it drops.

    This would give both worlds of a "indestructable shield" and a shield with "limited HP". The engineer doesnt have to babysit the shield, but the shield generator deployed behind the barrier.
  2. Seryi

    For that matter, can we get PS1 style boomers, Spitfires, and motion detectors for Engineers too?

    If the devs aren't going to make bases more defensible, why not give us the tools to rectify it a bit?
    • Up x 1
  3. a golden fishy

    Sooo, basically, you want the Halo: Reach bubble shield.... Is that what you are saying? Cause that just seems pretty boring and pretty stupid.
  4. Monnor

    I want the planetside 1 shild.
  5. Hammerklau

    My thought for this was to have a shield module that you have to drop, you then repair that module to deploy it. (so you cant just drop it), to fortify an position.

    This shield would be able to walk through and be able to take 1 or 2 dumb fire missiles before being destroyed, but instantly destroyed by EMP grenade.

    Engineers could focus on keeping this shield alive, but if EMPed they'd be left open (meta game for infiltrators and engineers).

    This shield would be able to walk through like the amp shield, but not shootable through, from both parties to prevent people blocking doors or stopping bum rushes.

    I think it'd add a nice meta to infantry squads.
  6. Hammerklau

    The deployable shield from Tribes for example works in a similar way.
  7. a golden fishy

    I wouldnt let people walk though it.. Cause then you would just have people barely poke though it and shoot then back up a little to reload.. Kinda like what some idiots do on the spawn room doors because they are... well.. idiots...
  8. Rentago

    because planetside 1 was based on tribes and planetside 2 is based off battlefield.

    more importantly the reason we don't have energy barriers and such is because everyone used them AS DOORS.

    just placed them at door openings to stop people.from just walking in and repaired them, caused problems, but it shows that if we had doors the game would play a lot better.
  9. FelixG


    I would play Engi instead of Heavy if the engis had fun options instead of...******o turret
  10. Serrow

    I haven't read the entire thread so excuse me if this was already posted.

    It'd be interesting to see this idea taken a few steps further; What about different kinds of shields? Maybe an air-cover shield that creates a protective dome around a small area for when you need to be shielded from aerial strikes - but offers next to nothing against people shooting at you on the ground.

    Or as someone on this page suggested, perhaps something to hinder vehicles. Force infantry to actually clear the way for the armor before the zerg can be unleashed, anything that can promote better interaction between players.

    I don't ever play engineer, but I'd really love to see something like this implemented, could help with the current vehicle versus infantry debate and make the engineer class more interesting all in one swing.
  11. Hammerklau

    They do it already with other shields, problem is if you dont let them walk through it you have another impenetratble wall syndrome like with the engineer turret in the middle of a door way.

    Nothing wrong if they can walk through if the shield can only take 1 or 2 missiles / grenades to go down, and the whole EMP grenade turning it off thing.
  12. SirBobington

    Here's my idea:

    • Shield nearly indestructible from an outside force
    • Shield is a bubble shape
    • AMS Sundies cannot deploy from within the Shield
    • Engineer (or whichever class) has to remain within a certain distance to keep the shield up/
    • Shield has a centralized generator that would slowly tick down it's HP needing the engineer to repair to keep it going.
    • Attacking the shield will cause more output needed to keep the shield going, causing it to drain faster. 1-2 tanks firing at it shouldn't be a problem for the Engy to keep the shield going, more than that and you'll lose ground on keeping the generator up.
    • Cannot be deployed inside or 5m from buildings or be interlaced with other shields. (enough so the shield doesn't overlap into the inside of a building)
    • Cannot fire from inside the shield.
    • Tanks can pass through. Aircraft cannot. (keep those mines up)
    • Generator will give a warning when it gets low. Similar to base shield generators.
    • If generator fully depletes it will explode doing damage to anyone inside.
    • Small arms fire can easily destroy the generator.
    • You will only gain points on repair if the shield integrity is lowered by outside fire (not from friendly-fire or general maintenance.)