Hotfix 9/5

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by andy_m, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. r4zor

    Judging by the patch notes I think some things were a bit _over_buffed.
  2. r4zor

    The patch wasnt online yesterday derp, they are just updating the servers NOW.
    So what you prove is that the Valkyrie was fine the way it way pre-buff.
  3. TheChimera

    Care to share what exactly you feel will make it OP (what do you think they over-buffed)?

    the flak resistances are needed, even burster maxes are agreeing its too easy to kill the passengers.
    Composite armour +1% nosegun resistance change, big wupp... if a competent ESF just even looks at you, you're as good as dead.
    Valkyrie airbrake made better, personally I wasn't too affected by its slippery landings, but I've heard enough people complain to see why they'd do this.
    Small arms damage reduction (25%), maybe a HA won't actually be able to one-clip this slow-*** vehicle any more.

    The only change that I'm confused about is "Valkyrie base resistance to armor piercing bullets increased from 50% to 70%", my guess is Shredder / TB / Vulcan / Hellion though.
  4. r4zor

    Well, this would of course have to be evaluated in-game. I only stated it as an opinion so the following is just my guessing as to the effects or what they did.

    Going by that order:
    - Composite armor: increase is really minor, nothing worrying. Not sure if that has a great impact now or not (probably only 1 bullet difference anyway)
    - Small arms: definitely needed.

    - Base resistance to flak: 37% (from 25%) is a noticable buff against Skyguards/Bursters. Will have to see how this turns out.

    - Bases resistance to armor piercing bullets: Would be nice which exactly are all countingtowards armor piercing. A 20% increase is actually a lot. Guess this also counts against Walkers and similar machineguns.

    - Increased Valkyrie airbrake: not sure that was necessary, I found it plenty maneuverable already before

    - Innate passenger Flak AND OTHER explosive damage: This is what I find truly worrying. Does it imply they are now immune to Flak? It is an open-window transport vehicle. Sure the prior flak-damage against the passengers was too high but how far has that been nerfed? Interestingly no numbers given. And how much was other explosive damage reduced? Not having numbers worries me. As I said it's a rumble seat. Players should be prone to a certain lethality on them, that includes explosive damage. Leaving out the numbers on that buff implies that it was EITHER a veeeery minor "make them feel good by mentioning it" buff OR a major buff, greatly reducing the lethality on these seats (like 70% reduction in explosion damage to rumble seat passengers). If it was that much then yes, I think that is, together with the other buffs, too much. If not, then just forget this ;)

    As I stated in other posts before, the Valkyrie is no Gal and should be no substitute for it (nor the Liberator) so that it has its own defined support-transport role. Pilots need to adapt to that and its vulnerability. Hovering should only occur the moment the players drop onto the designation, whenever else the pilot should fly low, use cover and keep moving in order to avoid being spotted and shot.
    I honestly think, many players just expected the vehicle to be something different (a Lib2.0) and thus also used it wrongly, resulting in them dying often. Therefore, some of the past crying about Valkyries was over the top.
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  5. Elrobochanco

    The word is efficient. What you are describing would take a bunch of extra work and for what, just to have an animation to watch and degrade performance for everyone around who needs to have the state of it synced.
  6. Axehilt

    Well they could spend a lot of time implementing that, and then spend a lot of time fixing the bugs related to it.

    ...OR they could go for the quick solution that solves the problem 99% as well with fewer potential bugs which lets them move onto more important bug-fixing and game improvements.
  7. Champagon

    I don't understand, what is the point of buffing valks versus flak. Anti Air is there for a REASON. If AA is chewing you up, then coordinate to take out the AA then back it up with valks. Who am i kidding no one cares about strategy, just instant gratification
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  8. Leonard DeVir

    Before it was craziness unleashed. You died to ~5 AA hits, and it was hilarious to watch your dead body drop to the ground together with the other people. There was no survivability. I guess its due to the explosive damage some AA rounds do, they hurt you so hard if they explode that you simply cant survive even with flak armor.

    Contrast to, say fighting infantry with a Skyguard or Walker, where you needed a couple of rounds to down someone. In my book, its very well to die to flak if you are on a rumble seat, but it should take roughly the same amount of hits like it does on the ground.

    I think, for gameplay its much more fun if people start dieing as the Valk gets heavily damaged, it cant take a lot of punishment anyway.
  9. Prudentia

    yep tankbuster it is pretty much.
    it is hilarious how easy it is to kill a Vakyrie with tankbuster, you just have to aim in the generel direction once and click and it is dead. i think before the buff it took less TB rounds than an ESF
  10. r4zor

    Dont get me wrong, I stated that flak killed the rumble-seat passengers too easily. It is just that there is no percentage as to their "innate resistance" and this "innate resistance" is also not only against Flak (which is okay) but also against tankshell-explosives (which IMHO shouldnt be).
  11. TheChimera

    to be honest I agree with pretty much all your points.

    The "Base resistance to flak: 37% (from 25%)" change I can only imagine from the Valk's point of view, I haven't tried pulling a skyguard and seeing how easy the Valk's really are to take down by yourself, but I'll be able to jump on soon enough and test it out.
    -If- the Valkyrie was to get a speed buff though, this new flak resistance might have to be reduced again to balance it.

    About the "Bases resistance to armor piercing bullets"; I did a quick google search and looked at this;

    I'm not sure if it's correct/accurate/up-to-date, but I originally thought that this means HMG's (Basilisk/drake) until I hovered the mouse over "Armor-piercing machine gun" and found it only applies to the Lib (Shredder/Tank-Buster) and TR (Vulcan) users (and I would assume the new Valkyrie's Hellion too)

    And the last point; "innate resistance to Flak and other explosive damage"

    Referencing the link I provided again, it shows that "flak explosive damage" is calculated differently / separately from "explosive splash" (all other splash damage), so I think that they'll reduce the flak damage significantly (perhaps like you said: 70%), I doubt they'd get 100% resistance as it would say "innate immunity to Flak and resistance to other explosive damage" otherwise.
    For "other explosive damage" I think it will be a minor reduction like you said, not really worth mentioning numbers.

    Your last paragraph makes perfect sense, however, would you agree that to make that sort of play style more usable for the Valkyrie it should at least have more speed than a liberator?
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  12. Gu7z

    ROFLMAOTHFO! Guess i just needed a few more hours to get used to it, spent a good 5 hours on it last night. It also helped to put a few more Certs into the Valk yesterday, cant wait to try it out now.

    Just goes to show you im still a bad *** even with a Derp of a Aircraft :p +2
  13. Ronin Oni

    Yup, those and only those.

    TB was killing in less than a stock clip
  14. Ronin Oni

    I think you misunderstand a critical thing here...

    and that's flak blast radius.

    Which is HUGE.

    When flak detonates for air proximity, the splash was large enough to hit ALL passeengers even if it was exploding IN FRONT of the craft.

    This is to make Flak reliable as an AA. They can't nerf the radius.

    So passengers are taking flak damage from EVERY ROUND. and the entire passenger crew would die before the Valk would even take 30% damage... which was hardly any time at all.

    It was so fast that passengers died before even having a chance to react to taking flak!

    Then there's the A2A and G2A missiles that would hit on the side of the craft and splash on them.

    Rumble seats were suicide. Seriously.

    They'll still take full DIRECT damage. Hit a passenger and you'll be able to kill them. But they're exposure to splash damage...

    They're still vulnerable. They're just not suicide anymore.
  15. FieldMarshall

    The notes said "resistance to Flak", not "immunity to Flak". If resist meant immune then everyone would play HA.
    I dont think they would have worded it like that if infantry no longer took flak damage. But you never know with SoE.