Hotfix 1.12.13

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Mistwraith, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Zermus

    You seem to ignore all the facts that point to this being an SOE issue, especially the part how they have fixed this previously.

    It's also funny how everyone not running SEP seems to be SEP geniuses and somehow magically "KNOW" this is a Symantec issue when you have no knowledge or experience with the issue itself.

    Everyone who is actually running SEP in this thread knows it's an SOE issue just from the history we have with it.

    If this actually is a Symantec problem (Even when in the past they admitted it was their own and they fixed it themselves) all we want is a statement from SOE saying as much, why is that so hard for all you Symantec trolling geniuses who have no experience with the product to understand? I guess that's just inconceivable for you to understand, to pun your unrelated youtube there. I have no idea what basis you have saying this is an SEP issue with all the facts present in this thread. (Or if you do understand all the facts then you are in fact trolling)

    If you're not trolling and really are trying to help (Which are far from actually doing), you should wonder why SOE won't address the issue, and not keeping on speaking out of your bum on an issue you know nothing about (And not helping in our bug report thread either)

    The only response we have got so far from opening tickets are to uninstall SEP, which we find as an unrealistic and absurd solution to the actual problem.
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  2. TeknoBug

    Thread is kind of hilarious. I had SEP on my laptop, but I no longer do now. Perhaps SEP doesn't have zero-day updates? Seems to me the only people in this thread having crash issues are SEP users?
  3. Zermus

    This whole thread is about the SEP issue, in the beginning we weren't for sure . SEP has zero-day updates, but I'm not sure how that would be related. Sony has fixed it and admitted it was their fault in the past but they won't release any information on it as of the previous two patches, so I guess that means they just don't want our business or something.

    Sucks for them too since most SEP users are corporate or government workers who have that disposable income and we normally like to spend money on games like this.
  4. bodmans

    zermus is right, for instance my entire university runs SEP.

    i do wonder why they have to do hotfixes instead of implementing the fix right in regular updates
  5. Rago

    SEPP ? Wo bist :D:p
    Indeed Symanctec Products Causing Computer problems since 2003.
    I Often got bluescreens or Dead Windows,....that is why i never use them, my Customers also have often several Problems with this.

    The Thing is, you decide.
  6. Zermus

    Well in the past 5 years or so this is the only game or program I've had an issue with SEP, so I guess to each their own.

    Symantec gets better ratings than most other corporate AV clients that are US based.

    F-Secure sucks because their downloads are so slow and they don't have any decent US mirrors.

    Kaspersky slows my FiOS down where it can't go beyond 40Mbps and is a well known problem for people who have FiOS or services that go beyond 40Mbps

    I hate trend micro, just the lay out of it is horrible IMO.

    McAfee gets terrible AV ratings over the past 3 or 4 years.

    Just about any corporate client is going to be 50x better on detection than any free AV client.

    Free AV may be fine for most of you but I have a lot of important work stuff on my gaming PC so that's why I use SEP. (That and it's free for me)

    Sounds like I'm not missing much though. From the last few patches I've gathered cheaters are rampant, tanks are flying across the continents, and I'm hearing lots of rubber bullet/shell/AA flak stories. LOL thanks SOE
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  7. Piepants

    This is true. I am at a major university that has a contract allowing students and employees to use SEP. Since many of my friends are associated with this university, none of them can even try Planetside 2 (and I've been trying to convince them to try so I have more people to play with).

    Also, the version of SEP I have installed has been fantastic. It is very unobtrusive (unlike most free AV software) and has yet to fail me.

    I play a lot of different computer games (and some different MMOs like Guild Wars 2) and have never seen this problem before. I mean, SOE actually hotfixed this problem when they first introduced it a month ago. Why they are ignoring it now I am not sure, but I would like to see them address the issue to either fix it, or tell us 'we will not fix it, but a new AV'. If they were to do the latter, I would try to get back the money that I have spent on SC for this game, as I spent it before when the game worked fine and can't even play it now because of a change they made.
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  8. bodmans

    so... any ideas to force them to fix it?

    perhaps we can show them the amount of PS2 users who have SEP. that would be hard since they cant even play it...
  9. Zermus

    Open tickets, flood this forum, their twitter and facebook feeds.

    My tickets with Symantec just get closed blaming SOE and my ticket with SOE has just sat there with no response...

    Maybe the more tickets SOE has sitting around clogging their ticket queues for Symantec/Norton they'll finally decide to act or at least give us a response.

    It's absurd as big as this issue is that they have not even given us a response on it 2 weeks after they broke it.

    The game was fine right after beta, but this new 1.12.13 patch has pretty much put the game back in a more broken state than it was in beta. Early beta had some messed up stuff and crappy performance, but now we're just seeing even more exploits, even more crappy performance, and a large group of people who use one of the biggest AV clients in the world completely locked out of the game unless we ditch our AV that works perfectly with every other application in the world.
  10. Zermus

    I GOT A RESPONSE on my ticket. It says that they are working to resolve the issue with Symantec and currently the only known fix is to uninstall Symantec or Norton. Here is to hoping they fix it soon.
  11. bodmans

    as in valve time soon or just soon
  12. Zermus

    Heh yea no idea on that part