[BUG] Hitbox Changes for the worse

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by iPlague, Mar 16, 2014.

  1. iPlague

    As many of you might have experienced, the new hit box changes that Higby ONCE AGAIN, have implemented without prior testing, or having received any positive feedback about, has been implemented to the live client.

    Shooting the "ear" is a thing in other FPSs such as BF and Especially CoD shooters. The fact they now the current head hit box is smaller than the head itself, and also bugged so that bullets are absorbed rather than doing damage, also means that getting headshot "kills" where the final shot is a headshot are scarce these days.

    If I may redirrect you to my killboard, I'll give you an example.

    Now I'm using the T9 Carv S here, a Weapon which according to DA I have quite decent stats with this weapon prior to the recent patch.

    I used to have 28 % HSR on this weapon, which has fallen to 25, a fall on 3 % on just 2 days of playing, and this is reflected in my killboard. The fact that the Accuracy isn't dropping as much (just 1 %) Makes me believe that the head just absorbs / deflects the bullets of damage, they hit, but no damage is dealt.

    Another thing to note is this reddit thread also talking about the same problem

    Where people like VisiGodo / Ophraphopia even calls out this ******** of SOE.
    In case the thread gets locked, I would like to redirect everyone to the Reddit Thread to give it feedback / upvotes so RadarX might stumble upon it and smack the Devs with it.

    You're Free to discuss about similar experiences with this new joke of a hitbox in this thread, as well as call me **** for using a Banshee.
  2. Littleman

    Thinking we need to take more time getting used to the changes first. We were all spoiled by the huge hitboxes. People not even aiming at the head scored headshots regularly.

    To look at this change in another way, TTKs have been slightly lengthened as a result of victims suffering fewer headshots.
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  3. iPlague

    By the fact that the hit registration Isn't working as intended, isn't really a positive step. If you took notice of the Reddit thread which I linked too, and took notice of so said points in it then one would notice that the "head" is absorbing bullets.

    Body shooters basically have a higher chance of killing you than people who aim for the head. Is that really what you want? To not reward good aiming, and instead have people who prefer shooting in the chest to win against those who aim for the head? From a CS:GO stand point that would be utterly ********, glorious Deagle!
  4. minhalexus

    Its your unlucky day.

    2 days of gaming prove nothing this small especially if you aren't playing a sniper.
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  5. Nepau

    So far I've been dieing less from headshots then I use to, though I also have been having a bit worse lag issues as of late ( suddenly dieing to 3 shots though a Full Health Heavy with Nanomesh shield active).

    Also cant say I have noticed a large drop in my own head shot rate. I run an average of 28% or so for headshots with my Ursa.
  6. iPlague

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  7. iPlague

    You should check your killboard, but in general it's something you would notice anyway, now I'm not saying it's impossible to get headshots, but you'll probably notice you're needing a heck of a lot more bullets to get a kill.
  8. Nepau

    No I know my headshots have dropped a bit, just saying to me it feels that I requier a bit better aiming to get those Head shots then I needed before, because I did notice quite a few times where I would get headshots from shots that the Tracers showed that they really shouldn't have.
  9. SpcFarlen

    The hit box is not smaller than the head at all. You can still hit about an inch off the head model (visible default helmets) and it still could as a head shot. Prior to the patch the head box was the size of the chest hitbox, and that not even an exaggeration.

    What you are noticing is your hand not being held anymore to get a head shot. You actually need to aim dead center of the head with an automatic weapon to get a head shot, because of bloom and recoil. Yes this will cause your HSR to go down. Yes this may mean that aiming for the head at farther distance isnt as viable. And YES this is the right direction for the game.

    Also redditside has gotten just as a bad ans forumside in terms of people complaining about things with out actually having any evidence to support it.

    Mustarde did a a montage collection of what he thought were head shots but were not and the community helped show him that they in fact missed the head/ They either hit the shoulder or upper chest, where yes last week those were in the heard hitbox but were not part of the head at all. As other people have said in countless other threads, you are getting used to it.

    This is a good thing for gunplay. It makes the game less spray and pray because you cant just hold the trigger down and expect results. Well placed shots with good gun control will be rewarded, where 360JumpingBlindfolded drag sniping will not be unless you aim is really good. A head shot should hit the head, not the upper body, not some magical space around the head, just the head itself.

    On the hit detection issues, i never saw an issue. I was playing on Waterson all day yesterday, Connery is giving me horrible lag (i live on the east coast). Though that is not to say its not there for certain people, but i dont think its as wide spread as the vocal minority are taking it out to be. No one in my squad was complaining about it, or even brought it up. Though if your ping, like mine does for Connery, sometimes spikes above 200ms it can do some weird things in that time.
  10. Littleman

    Better than *plinkplink* dead in my opinion. TTKs in conjunction with lag are already pretty wank in this game. It's usually a matter of who sees whom first. If that's equal, then it's usually a matter of whom is the heavy assault. Headshots exacerbate these differences, and I personally believe this game would actually do better without in most cases. I don't dislike the few games that DON'T have headshot mechanics, and I don't dislike games that do. The skill set changes depending.

    What we had before was literally on the level of old school CS though, where people usually died to a random round zipping off into someone's head just from inaccuracy, more so than actual accuracy. RNG deaths basically. I could just tell myself "their heads are HUGE" and that psychologically was enough for me to aim at their head and score hits, and it worked because their hitboxes were huge. Did I always? Not necessary, not in CQC against ADAD strafers particularly, CoF never really allowed that.

    Finally, hit registration issues have always existed in PS2. I can score 5+ body shot markers and the target will still have half their shields when I die. Frankly, this game has bigger problems than to make sure the "skilled headshot" demographic can reliably stomp people with poorer aim.
  11. Meliorist

    Hit registration seems off as well. It's always especially noticable with shotguns given the sheer volume of hits to be registered, and I feel like I definatly need more hits even when going for centre of mass bodyshots with the jackhammer. Don't know if it's in my head and my aim is just off, or if those pellets aren't all registering.
  12. Utrooperx

    Me and a VS HA were having a little 1 vs 1 fight last night...I got behind him and unloaded 12-15 rounds from a MSW into his back...I took down less then quarter of his shield before he killed me...OK, I pulled a shotgun...went back for another try...it took 6 rounds to kill him from point blank (less then 3 meters) range...he pulled a shotgun...we traded kills a few times...he took 5 rounds to kill me, I took 6 to kill him....and we did this several times with both of us dying...

    I have used the auto-shotgun a lot...over 3000 kills...and it simply appears as it 2 or 3 rounds just do not register...the same with the MSW...the bullet hits simply are not registering right.

    Me and this guy sent tells back and forth comparing notes...he felt the same way...something was just "off".

    Since the last "patch", I've practically given up on my MSW and TMG-50 and have been strictly running with my shotgun...I think they really messed up hit registration, but at least with my shotgun I can toss enough lead downrange that actually "registers" to avoid getting constantly ganked...
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  13. Giggily

    The hitbox is the exact size of the head and there's nothing wrong with it in that regards.

    The problem with the head hitbox is that it isn't aligned with the head.

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  14. Paisty

    Body shots should have the higher percentage chance of killing you, they should land consistently. Head shots should not be a consistent thing, especially when one factions weapons have random left and right horizontal recoil.
  15. Booface

    It's a bit of an adjustment, it seems the head hitbox is much lower than it used to be. I'll have bullets that seem to pass right through someone's forehead and count as a miss, but if I aim for the jaw, neck, or upper chest I get headshots pretty consistently. So it seems to me like the head hitbox is now just about a hand's length lower than it was before rather than actually getting any smaller. At least that's the way it feels right now.
  16. SharpeShooter

    head box being smaller is an nc nerf..... Excellent :)
  17. iPlague

    This is the point I'm trying to make here.

    Not "HEADS 2 SMALL PLZ ROLLBACK" But just like in GU02 "You changed the hitbox, and not hit reg doesn't work, especially in the head"

    The head hitbox change itself is somewhat minor, the problem start when you shoot at it directly, and have to use +10 bullets to get a bodyshot kill, which is what currently is going happening on live.

    Read below. It's a game problem, not a "Forumside" or Reddit side thing, Hit reg is just plain off, and some "headshots" are being absorbed by this bug / error that was caused when they once again messed with the hitboxes, there was the exact same problem after GU02

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  18. Stevenmadcap

    This is just not good enough SOE yesterday i saw tanks flying TODAY my mag starts to want to fly if i were on drugs fine but i'm not ARE YOU ?
  19. Dtswiss

    Hit box in general seems To be good on and off. Some times where u aim hits while other times with crosshair dead on the target does no register. Sometimes your aim is off on target running across your screen yet it all register. It is definitely less consistent than before the patch.

    Inconsistent hitreg, weird head hit box for moving targets and changes in mouse sensitivity (seems ads Speed is faster on my end) makes gun play less enjoyable sincr the patch. Obviously it will take time to adjust but I hope they fix the registring problem because when u get the jump on someone and put half a clip into into said person and they dont die, something is wrong. Yet I have the same 34% accuracy.
  20. KnightCole

    The head hitbox is smaller? im ok with that. I dont see how shooting someone in the mouth is a head shot. Wouldnt be any worse then getting shot in teh arm. The headshot hitbox should be in the shape of a brain......thats where a headshot actually does any good.

    Headshot hit box extended clear down to our necks before.......I dont mind less headshot requirements to win engagements.

    This isnt Sniper Elite...its Planetside 2.