Higby tweets "rebalance" for shotguns in GU06.

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by IntergalacticYoghurt, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. Fallout10mm

    Got my *** handed to me as a Max (at about 75% health) by a NC LA w/Piston who was jetpacking along the roof the whole time. Wish my Haymaker could do the same.
  2. Kartaugh


    Adding the autos and pumps was a BIG mistake. Now they're gonna have to get all convoluted about the solution, when the really effective solution would be the status quo ante, which nobody would likely accept now.
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  3. Kroova

    Personally, I think pump actions were too strong (why PS2 even has pump actions when we already have both automatic and semi-automatic shotties is beyond me...)

    Unfortunately, it looks like SOE is going to "fix" the problem with some sweeping nerf/buff combination that will result in even more imbalance...

    On the other hand, they may actually turn over a new leaf and try some cautious incremental nerfing/buffing (think LoL), but what am I thinking, this is SOE...
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  4. zedfonsie

    They're most likely only nerfing the pump actions, which are in desperate need of a nerf.
  5. phungus420

    The piston and claw are obviously overpowered. Anyone defending their current state just wants their uber weapon untouched. Good change, looking forward to the upcoming nerf.

    the Haymaker is the exact same shotgun (just a different reskin) (all shottys are exactly the same across all accounts). You just dont do it to NC maxes as some have 3 shottys on them or even 6. XD (Then again if you tag team with another shotty user you can wipe a scatter gun max (without extended mags for the NC max) yes one of you will die but that max is worth a life.

    Only the vanu have any advantage/difference with shottys their slugs have no drop, and that is it.
  7. Metal Insomniac

    Bad idea. Maybe a slight nerf to pump actions. They seriously need to buff the ******* Jackhammer, though.
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  8. evansra

    ^ This
  9. ladiesop

    The Nighthawk is the TR equivalent. There used to be a difference with the COF with one for each faction being better than the other two when jumping, but it seems to be gone. They're literally all the same now.
  10. raumfahrer

  11. Turiel =RL=

    People seem to forget that the skillfree shotguns are the only way for NC to compensate for recoil, cone of fire. Give everyone the same precision stats on weapons and we can talk about nerfing shotguns.
  12. Dethx

    pumps just need slugs removed from them since the problem is being able to snipe with a shotgun and its needs its ROF toned down slightly and to compensate for this you make it have a tighter spread and less bullet dam drop off. This would make the Pump punish spammers and reward aimers.

    Semi is fine how it is

    Auto just needs a slight ROF nerf and it will be fine
  13. SeasickSand

    Claw = Uppercut = Phobos. They are exact same.
  14. SeasickSand

    Not sure about removing slugs, but that idea overall is pretty much the only viable one imo... Because pumps kill in 1 hit if you really land the shot up close atm... if you reduce the damage, then it's no better than the auto shotguns that down in 2 direct hits... If we'd need 3 shots from a shotgun to down someone than that would just be stupid. So some accuracy things can be done perhaps. Tho i'm using the Sweeper and Claw for NC and the Claw really needs a precise shot or just a suprise element.. further away and it's kinda **** without slugs( and then its 2 hit kill if not a hs).
  15. TheRighteous

    Saying; 'put a little distance out there' is basically saying 'Next time you see a shotgun light assault, make sure you're far away from them, that way you wont get killed'.

    They are situational weapons. Usually being used inside or in biolabs. Try add range then.

    It was so obvious a nerf was coming as soon as they released the stupid OHK shotguns. OHK guns IMO don't belong in any game, simply because they are so unfair.

    Semi auto, and auto shotguns are absolutely fine in my opinion, they dont make me annoyed as an uppercut TR shooting me in the face once after ive been pumping bullets in to their ******* brain, and then thinking they are ' Supa Pr0s!!1' because they played the wallet warrior and bought a OHK noob gun. Semi autos give you a chance, and wont kill you if you get the drop on the guy.

    Good on you @ devs for realising this.

    Righteous out.
  16. Phrygen

    cant wait for pump actions to get nerfed... more i play LA the more annoying it is. They are just too effective at medium range compared to carbines
  17. XOLiD

    I can't wait for shotgun nerfs, will be the most glorious thing to happen in this game yet.

    When you can get oneshot by a shotgun as a HA with your shield up, you know they're OP.
  18. WildCatNL

    Spot on, remove slugs and you will restore balance.
    Before slugs became popular, a shotgun was seriously handicapped and restricted to in your face combat only, but that is exactly how people expect a shot gun to work in you're Joe average game. Slugs, makes the shotgun as deadly as a sniper rifle but now fired from the hip with deadly accuracy. I rarely use slugs and still enjoy using the shotgun very much, it know its restricted to short range only and out in the open my side arm will be more lethal than a shotgun.
  19. Corvus12

    Slugs are the biggest issue? What? They are so inaccurate, that your enemy needs to stand perfectly still. Add some heavy bullet drop to it (excluding VS). I've been killed by the slugs maybe two times in the entire game. The only problem is OHK potential on pumps. I have over 1.5k kills with the Uppercut, and I agree that it is quite OP in CQC. OHK happens 50% of the time for me. But if you take away that OHK, then what are pumps? Just semi-autos with worse RoF and the smallest magazine.
  20. Torok



    compare them.