Higby plans to focus on quality of life after GU09

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ultimatestormer, May 14, 2013.

  1. acksbox

    There are many, many, ways to destroy any vehicle in PS2, with infantry, and all vehicles have longer respawn times and resource costs than infanty (with the exception of MAXes vs. Flashes).

    Vehicles can also be used for defense.

    Planetside 2 is neither historical, nor does it make pretenses of being a sim.

    Even if your assertions about the historical value of infantry vs. vehicles were correct (and it's not), it would still be a strawman argument. Vehicles aren't the "pinnacle of offensive conquest" in PS2. You still need infantry, and infantry is still useful.

    Vehicles are useful too, and in a game that includes them, they should be. I rarely use vehicles, but I would certainly prefer that bases not all be completely enclosed/contained/protected, as this would trivialize vehicles overly much, in my opinion.

    I have no idea where these asinine assumptions are coming from. I stated that I have no problems with the current layout with bases and how they interact with the vehicular/infantry combat dynamic and you some how read "fallback and attack"?

    I'm big on defense. I would rather hold what I've got than lose it just to retake it 10 minutes later. Nothing about vehicles is remotely incompatible with this.

    You can have reasonable defense, as is.

    If you cannot figure out how to use vehicles in defense, or assume that defense implies sitting on a point and waiting to be steamrolled (as opposed being proactive, sending out sorties, flanking and blunting the enemy attack before it reaches you, etc), then I'd say you are one suffering from idiocy and (since you brought it up) a lack of historical context.
  2. Phrygen

    i would also like to see a warning that the spawn room we are in is going to switch to nanite systems when in a satellite spawn rooms.

    I basically avoid them and refuse to spawn in them at this point because there is no way to tell when the thing is going to flip without looking at the cap point.
  3. NikkoJT

    Freeze on redeploy

    Vehicle-on-infantry collision detection

    The ability to unlock attachments from the loadout screen the same as you can with weapons

    Drop pod spinning

    If you empty your UBGL, switch to a different weapon, pick up ammo from an ammo pack, then switch to the UBGL, the reload animation is screwed up. Fiiix. (this bugs me so much)

    Reloads completely resetting if you interrupt them with 0.001s left on the cycle (especially annoying with things like SAWs because the reload's so ******* long - and the last half-second is just the character making sure they're holding it comfortably)

    Other people's weapons do more damage with higher accuracy than my own, fix pls

    Clipping a single leaf on a tree can potentially send your aircraft into an uncontrollable death flail

    There are way too many places you can get expensive vehicles irretrievably stuck


    Flashlight should be in a separate category to other rail items

    Large Base outposts should display their name in-game, not just on the deployment menu
  4. SgtScum

    His feed in on the forums but that's just a feed. You still have to leave the site and go to twitter if you want to troll him.

    And again, no, they can't simply change the rules as its a normal practice for nearly all gaming forums run by a large company for the employees to have to be professional on them.

    But as twitter has shown they can be as arseholey as they want to the idiots who wander into their sights there.

    So go figure why they prefer twitter. ;)
  5. Rhaeyn

    Also an optional compass for infantry / all vehicles / gunner seats on the top of the screen or somewhere around the crosshair, if possible with degrees. Not just the small one on the mini-map.
  6. huller

    2X scopes for T9 CARV, MSW-R, T16 rhino and all other guns that lack this scope. Also fix hit detection please. Make IR/NV, night vision and thermal usefull on lower specs as well
  7. Advanced Darkness

    heh ooooh no no no no no..shiny new guns and barbie dress up helmets make money. why would they be in a rush to fix anything when people cant wait to spend their moms money on yet another shotgun that works like the old shotgun but has gold video game paint on it? :rolleyes:
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  8. Brusilov

    Faction sanctuaries for safe recreation and relaxation :p
  9. Phelan Wolf

    Would it be possible to stop the aimbots and ESP hacks? I sort of like a level playing field. I know
    it might be a hard request..
  10. ClubberLaing

    More than 2 aircraft Re-supply pads in the WG. there should be at least 4 imo.

    The ability to swap loadouts on vehicles. (for a small resource cost or only available at the warpgate or put in a 2 min timer to complete)
  11. Philipsz

    My biggest wish at the moment is a mechanism that alleviates the huge population imbalances some (many? all?) servers have.
  12. Keiichi25

    Here's a clue bat - Beat this into your head.
    1. Yes, we know there are many ways to destroy any vehicle in PS 2 with infantry, most involve direct line of sight to the target and the target being STUPID ENOUGH TO STAY THERE TO KEEP GETTING HIT. When it involves a spawn room, one has to STEP OUT TO GET LINE OF SIGHT OF THE SMARTER TANK DRIVERS TO TAKE A POT SHOT. Said Potshot can be avoided, meanwhile, tank getting potshotted can invariably blow the shooter before the shooter can duck back in.
    2. Not all bases have a vehicle pad that spawns something better than a Sunderer or Harrasser that comes close to a form of base defense vehicle. The Lightning and MBTs can only be purchased on places that will spawn tanks, which is iffy in some areas. While now the harasser is a new vehicle that can be spawned at the same place as a Sunderer or Flash, and this is presuming someone is using the Haliberd or the Ranger/Walker to provide the means of anti-armor or anti-Air support, there is still the need to get to the vehicle pad to begin with, and get people to mount up the weapons to do so. And BTW, the weapons on the Sunderer are limited to the Fury and Bulldog for anti-vehicle defense, which are not as good as the AV weapons that are on a Lightning or MBT, even if they are using HEAT or HE.
    3. Add to this, the positions for which infantry CAN try and take on vehicles, are not the greatest positions vs Vehicles in most cases. Even dumbing it down to the level of not even air being the issue (Which circumvents most cover positions), there are few to no defensive positions for infantry to take that tanks can't smack. There are several places on indar where the Attacker even has an advantage over defenders unless defenders actually prevent attackers from using it or getting to it, which from the base getting attacked from, is difficult as it is.
    Which you deftly ignored the earlier point made several times about what vehicles can be used and also the point of when a tank or air is orbiting an overflow base, will prevent you getting to a vehicle pad to spawn a vehicle for the proper defense. Which also ignores YET ANOTHER point that not all places spawn Tanks.

    Then you, mister, are more of an idiot than I first aclaimed you to be. Let me clue you in on something.

    World War 1. The introduction of the Tank. It was presumed that warfare would no longer require infantry to do combat. Tanks would be the end all of war. Yet, World War 2 and on, we are still using infantry to take a hold of locations.

    Vietnam War, repeatedly, the US has bombed strategic locations, and used air strikes called in by infantry, yet the Viet Cong still made the US forces fight tooth and nail for each location. Same with the Russians for Afghanistan. The Viet Cong and the Muhadin did not have armor or air superiority. Even with the backing of the North Vietnamese for some air assets, the majority of their victories were from infantry warfare.

    Our current situation in the Middle East, where now we have cruise missiles, stealth fighters and tanks... We are STILL USING INFANTRY TO TAKE CONTROL OF THE SITUATION. It isn't a strawman argument to point this out. The problem YOU are having is not seeing how the vehicles are used in this game to make it literally 'No defense' possible. You KEEP IGNORING the point made that when the enemy overflows with vehicles to other locations, there is no way to properly defend any of these locations because you can't get decent vehicles out to fight those locations, the spawn room and control point locations are too easy to supress with vehicles that the current means of conquest makes vehicles just ridiculous in a base capture and you are too hung up on this stupid belief I want vehicles gone and making your own strawman arguments and ignoring the proper reality of the whole thing.

    You said it yourself, if they are in the base, you lost. Except the WHOLE point of a time capture is to have defense keep trying to push out and fight it.

    Thing is, YOU, and others like you harp this tirade that the base is lost, go to another one and attack as the next method, ignoring again, the same problem that happens where you fall back to another base nearby, which is under the same situation as the last one, because the spillover decides to prep that. So again, the comment 'YOU LOST THE BASE, GO TO ANOTHER'. Which again, difficult to do when you can't push out at all because vehicles can just spam the exit points with little trouble from the infantry pushing out.

    No. If reasonable defense requires 2-3x more people defending vs the attacker... Positions that can be easily spammed by vehicle fire than having infantry pushing up to do the work or encourage people to do MORE than just be in vehicles... Then the reasonability sort of goes out the door. And this is coming from a person who has seen both sides of this.

    And here... Is where you get added to the ignore list. You obviously don't know proper defense or the way these places are. Further proving my earlier statement that you are literally an idiot. You assume I don't know how to use vehicles for defense, completely IGNORING the earlier statements of how those locations, the defense can be derailed. There are very few places where defense can hold out without an issue, very few. Even fewer places where you can roll out proper vehicles for defense, but the majority of them lack the means to defend with proper vehicles or positions in order for infantry to suppress the attacker.
  13. Advanced Darkness

    whoa! are you requesting a bug fix or exploit patch? What are you a monster!? They need to add facebook and twitter integration before any of that can happen.

    Just look at all the exploits PS1 still has.
  14. SLiCKRiCK

    For the love of god, turn off the drop pod spinning!
  15. Ash87

    1.) Reduce lag (Straight up, I don't understand this enough to comment intelligently, but whatever can be done to reduce the lag in massive battles, please help)
    2.) Reduce the population imbalance (I'd suggest updating the recommended servers for people of whatever faction and/or preventing the creation of new chars in overpopulated factions without permission/purchase of waver, and DO NOT allow transfer tokens to let people transfer established characters to a server where their faction is currently overpopulated)
    3.) Bug fixes (teleporation upon exit of vehicle, to vehicle spawn point. Dud lock on launchers. Disappearing voice chat indicators. There are others)
    4.) Give some love to small units.
    5.) ADAD fix
  16. ARCStormtrooper

    How about a Primary/Secondary weapon toggle button keymapping. Help me free up a mouse button. Coincidentally, this would probably fix the whole UBGL remapping keys issue as well.
  17. Blitzer

    Add some kind of weapon stocks to carbines thank you very much. I can't properly express how much the current overall look of stockless carbines grinds my aesthetic gears.
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  18. Navoletti

    NEED FIX THE BUG OF ADRENALINE SHIELD!!! Are there any situations where it won't fill, even if you kill the person
  19. Nurf3d

    Make decals show up on composite armour your money grabbing feks
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  20. Gasher Bloodspuer

    Better joystick support
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