Higby plans to focus on quality of life after GU09

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ultimatestormer, May 14, 2013.

  1. Netsurfer733

    I'm sorry to say I was actually thinking just the other day how great trenchcoats would go with the new TR Commissar hat...
  2. SgtScum

    Devs typically don't come to gaming forums as they tend to be attacked on every turn because they have to be nice when responding back to even flame posts calling them inept fools who couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions printed on the heel.

    In twitterland though its fair game to smack a troll right upside his head for all to see and since its twitter soe can't say sheet. :D
  3. Cinnamon

    Option to keep crosshairs on screen for vehicles in third person mode. Why should people have to do something like stick a dot on their monitor if they want to target in third person.
  4. McChimperson

    Unified map + islands between continents.

    Also more infantry cover
  5. Erendil

    I'm not sure if these all qualify as "Quality of Life" options, but here we go:

    Minimap changes/additions:
    • Ability to turn on/off different data/feature layers
    • Player-set custom zoom levels
    • Resize the minimap to a custom size on the screen
    • Move the minimap anywhere on the screen
    • Have the Cap point info, cap progress bar, etc always show at the top of the minimap regardless of the minimap's size (right now it's hidden if the minimap is set to "big")
    • Custom transparency levels
    • A hotkey to completely hide/restore the minimap (maybe just a 3rd toggle added to the current Large/Small option, so it's Large/Small/Minimized)
    • The option for a circular compass circumscribed around the edge of the minimap a la PS1 instead of the current bar compass
    • A unique minimap "radar" signature icon for MAXes to differentiate them from softies. In PS1 it was "[" and it worked well.
    • Option to display interior floorplans when indoors for the level you're on
    • Option to display all friendly CE on the minimap

    Other/general changes:

    • Give us more saved loadouts in the class inventory screens
    • Let killspam for ALL nearby players get logged in the chat window. At least for squad/outfit members if nothing else.
    • Option to have more than one chat window on your screen at a time.
    • Dedicated Command Text chat channel.
    • Allow everyone with Command Chat cert to use /Orders, not just SLs/PLs
    • Allow multiple cert levels to increase the frequency you can send /Orders
    • Give us the option to send either cont-specific or global /Orders
    • Let us swap out vehicle weapons at a re-arm tower
    • Give us keyboard shortcuts for many if not all class/inventory selection screens. E.G - I should be able to hit 1-6 to choose what class I select instead of having to click w/ the mouse. Same for choosing weapons and equipment, saved loadouts, etc.
    • Option to place more than one squad/platoon waypoint on the cont map, and have them numbered
    • when editing a loadout at the inventory/redeploy selection screen, when you go back out of the loadout DO NOT revert the highlighted/selected loadout back to loadout #1. Instead, stay in the loadout you were just editing.
    • Give us the ability to remove/temporarily disable a weapon attachment in the field without having to go to an equipment terminal
  6. Nocturnal7x

    please, He goes on PSU, its a forum, and people on reddit aren't mean?

    Higz could slap people around on here just as easily if not more easily (delete their posts/suspend accounts) than anywhere else.
  7. Xale

    Some things to consider:
    • Spawning at warpgate should have a 0 second cooldown. (Just like in VR)
    • Tone down the offset between nosegun and cockpit in the Reaver. (And other vehicles as needed)
    • Reduce the offset on MAX weaponry. As it is, they're so far apart that being vaguely close to a target often means the projectiles will fly right past it on a 'perfect shot'. Very counterintuitive behavior, and it is a particularly noticeable problem for AV MAX weapons.
    • Remove the god damn mechanic where vehicles take continuous damage for being flipped upside down. Disable their guns and prohibit them from any further maneuvering if you want (until righted), but for the love of god near instant-death does not belong. Instanced games use it to prohibit a vehicle from becoming permanently unavailable for the rest of the match, which is not needed in PS2. Fact is that this mechanic is buggy, and will sometimes also trigger when it shouldn't.
    • Suicides shortly after taking damage from another player should be credited to the player who last did damage.
    • Deployables counter. PS1 implementation is sufficient. (Which could be made smarter by only showing items you've actually deployed this session)
    • Deployables visible on global map (once zoomed in significantly). Preferably with your own deployables highlighted in yellow.
    • As suggested by Erendil below: PS1-like system where guided projectiles (lock-on, phoenix, laser guided) show up on Radar. Yes that is a relative buff to dumbfire weapons like the Deci (which did show on on radar in PS1), and Lancer.
  8. EViLMinD

    Mr Higby

    Here's some things that need fixin':

    • lag and bugs during alerts
      • causes ammo supplies, health syringes and repairs to stop working
      • Also, phoenix rockets sometimes fail to switch to camera mode
      • ... etc
    • Grips for bolt-action sniper rifles offer no benefit
    • Bursters occasionally stop doing any damage to targets.
    • Known hackers still not being dealt with
      • On Waterson, there is a VS hacker named Kolie who abuses the Dalton. Dude has been at it for months. Everyone can tell he's aimbotting and using some sort of graphic exploit that lets him see cloaked flashes. WTH has he not been dealt with yet? Seriously. Why? There is no possible way he is not hacking.
    • Inventory cycling with under-barrel attachments often sticks
      • Often, you can't hotkey back to primary/rifle mode (1) when UB mode (2) is selected. It's annoying. My work around is to switch to my 3-6 hotkey and then hit 1. It's an extra step that really shouldn't be required.
      • Plus, it would be a lot better if UB attachments didn't take up a slot because it changes all the familiar hotkeys. What if each time you tapped the primary/rifle mode (1) key you swapped between the two firing modes? OR, assigned the L key (or something else) to switch between modes.
    • Buff the battle rifles' damage to around 300. These guns need a little more punch.

    DON'T NERF THE FURY!!!! Nobody wants this and it simply isn't needed. Wraiths are balanced enough with paper-thin armor. C'mon, dude. It's fine as is.
  9. Erendil

    Oh, I forgot another one: Give all lock-on missiles a radar signature so they show up on the minimap. Not really a QOL feature but one that should be included nonetheless.
    • Up x 2
  10. Ronin Oni

    This too for sure.

    They have to be all PR and crap and people just act like jerks... I'd stay away too

    What you can do though, is tweet them pemalinks to posts so you can say more with your 150 chars
  11. Malkurn

    A variety of cross hairs to choose from would be nice. I would like anything other than the near transparent white ones we have now. Hell, just let me change the color, put in an RBG slider for them.
  12. acksbox

    These aren't problems and do not require fixes, IMO.

    Vehicles have a place in this game as much as infantry, keeping them out of bases is absurd.

    Drop pods fall from the sky, they should be able to land anywhere the sky is visible from, even the tops of bases.

    There are issues with rendering range, but the idea that you should automatically be pointed out if you shoot someone from cover, or from behind, or when they aren't paying enough attention, is idiotic in the extreme. Render distance for similar assets is already the same to each other. If you can see hostile infantry and you are infantry, they can see you too. It doesn't need to be the same for different assets; it's obviously that a tank is, and should be, visible from a greater distance than a much smaller object like a man.

    Camo has a utilitarian function, and should not be able to be toggled off by a client who doesn't like it. Textures like this have a trivial performance impact anyway.

    I agree with the majority of your other suggestions.
  13. Cryless

    concentrate on optimizing the game! that's all I ever wanted :(
  14. Keiichi25

    Then you are an idiot. Pure and simple.

    Vehicles have a point to a base attack, but to literally deny a defense at all is not one of them.

    No where in history, has vehicles been the pinnacle in any offensive conquest of territory. Not in the thousands of years mankind has been at war and it won't be that in the thousands of years to come. Infantry has been the forces to hold ground and take ground, even to this day. This should reflect in the game as much as vehicles.

    But if you are one of the many foolish people out there who insists 'fall back and attack', you are even more of an idiot than I stated earlier. The point of this game is to fight. Defense is one of those things and if you want to insist like many of the other foolish fools that once the vehicles are inside the base, you lost it... Then we might as well just not bother having infantry in this game whatsoever and play with tanks and planes here, because obviously, we don't NEED spawn rooms or infantry, it is just better to run around with tanks and planes cause we don't give a crap about defense, only attacking like a massive team deathmatch.

    But this game is suppose to be about having battle lines and holding ground. If it is all about attacking, we shouldn't BOTHER holding ground, we shouldn't give a frak about anything BUT running around with spamming vehicles.

    If you can't have reasonable defense, you can't create defense lines, all you have is a bunch merry go round zerging idiots. But hey, if you want that, go play Battlefield or CoD.
  15. Mudroc

    I did not know that, thank you for explaining.
  16. Phrygen

    mouse for yaw option for ESFs

    10 second Logout timer.
  17. SgtScum

    No, he can't. This is the official ps2 forums and there are certain standards of conduct expected by the suits even if the forumites never follow them(wuts a forim gudline and who ru 2 tell meh wat I cun do ar say?:p ).

    Again, in twitterland he can bash back without any worries.
  18. Nocturnal7x

    His twitter feed is on the forums. Everyone here can see it. Any reason he could have for not posting here is artificial, its their forums, they can do what they want, if their rules stop them from posting, any moron would think to change the rules.
  19. ShadowX

    They should also make explosives give assist points on detonation by another player. If the explosive caused more than 50% of the damage to the target, the kill should go to the person who planted the explosives and the person who detonated them should just get assist points. The only exception should be when a person detonates explosives set by another person and causes a teamkill; that should still be applied to the person who detonates the explosives.

    Seriously, as someone who mainly enjoys doing sapper stuff on my infantry, this would be a massive increase in quality of life. I've easily lost 50,000 exp and a good 10,000 (Yes, I use C4 that often; its not uncommon for me to go through 20 to 30 C4 blocks a day) infantry resources to placing C4 on sunderers and tanks, then having some random person shoot it, typically killing me in the process. If I can get to a vehicle and dump 200 resources on it, and it dies as a direct result of my planting explosives on it and wouldn't have died otherwise, I should get the kill.
    • Up x 1
  20. Jachim

    So this game will eventually have a quality of life higher than Haiti? :)

    I support this. Enough new stuff, time to fix and improve for a few months, then go back to adding more stuff again.