[Higby] Nice one, now THIS I aprove of ! :)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Inzababa, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. VodkaGR

    Yeah right,and it took him half a year to realize.

    Truth is Higby should not even be called a developer.His idea of balance is nerf hammering everything and insulting everyone who disagrees

    To be expected i guess,since to create a smartly designed game,you have to actually be smart

    VS is supposed to be the all-round factions,and it does exactly that.There is no stat in every vehicle or weapon on theirs that is the best compares to other empires,except agility
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  2. GamerOS

    I think all factions got a fare share of PS1 vets, if you want to claim your faction got more then other faction please hold a head count on all factions to be sure of such a claim, thank you.

    Personally tough I don't know why Highby thought this wording in a tweet was great idea... I'm all for upsetting people but at least try to be subtle about it.
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  3. Inzababa

    that's a good point actually -_-
  4. Dice

    My views on the Mag are public record so I am not going into that. My issue here is that people are surprised someone will back flip on what they have said before. We all do it.

    I will admit tho the idea that he gets defensive on a Friday night if someone comes points out something he dislikes bothers me tho. Someone who does that often is hard to make see a point of view they do not agree with.
  5. Ender

    I love the generalization that an entire faction is just, "fotm scrubs, OP 4th empire hoppers" and should quit whining and play. It was stupid and wrong when people said it towards the NC just being bad cod kiddies and its stupid and wrong to use it as an excuse now. The double standards that go on here....and the fact people flock to agree with just blows my mind. I hardly used the mag before, and I use it MAYBE once or twice every 5-6 hours of playtime now. The populations have taken a bit of a dip, although it depends on what time and what server you play on.

    The biggest problem now is the mag is not perceived as fun as it use to be because of the hill climbing. This is the type of nerf that is deadly to player population in a game completely lacking goals and motivations other than killing the other guy. A better nerf would have been an armor nerf or damage nerf. Then you can still have fun and peck at an enemy. As it is now you can still get to some spots the other tanks can't get to, but not nearly the same as before. They should have gone with other empire buffs FIRST, and if the mag was still destroying tanks by a large margin think about a nerf. (I figured most people would like shooting a mag completely exposed on the side of a hill? Guess not) Don't couple increased projectile speed with decreased mobility and positioning. A smart pilot will still get kills, but most engagements even when getting the jump on someone will leave the mag with a good amount of damage.

    The Prowler was fun because it MASSACRES infantry. The Vanguard was supposed to be fun because it was a brawler (wasn't before, now is... at least in regards to the mag) and could turn on its shield for that feeling of "**** you, eat this". Tell me what the fun factor is in a tank that consistently gets locked on to, requiring it to constantly retreat behind things to stand a chance in a battle? A tank that now has a much less chance to dodge incoming shells because of their increased velocity in a game that doesn't like rendering said shells 50% of the time. Is it it's non one volley infantry HE killing power? Is it the almost complete lack of infantry killing power with it's AP rounds? Is it the ability to get stuck on weird edges on terrain even with max rival? Maybe it's the completely lack of rear situational awareness because of the camera angle? The Saron is a good argument for the fun factor, except it's not the driver's weapon. If you switch to it, you can play the same card as the TR anchor immobility. Could it possibly be the Disco Raves you can throw with the slow moving PPA orbs? Maybe it's the water you can hover over in PS2.

    IMO, they should have nerfed it ANY other way but it's versatility/mobility. These were directly related to it's "fun" factor, and were SPECIFICALLY what Higby said they would not touch. TR/NC petitioned for MBT vs MBT balance and it was granted, but shouldn't this also mean the Mag get's it's MBT vs infantry power brought in line with the vanguard and prowler since we're complaining about equality?

    I don't think the Mag is a pile of junk after this balance pass, but I still don't have an urge to use it. If you feel that balance passes like this are healthy for the game's longevity then i'm not going to get my hopes up about it's lifespan. Fortunately, more balance passes will come, more things will be tweaked and made fun, hopefully some meta game is added at some point in the distant future. Maybe CSHD will go away again since it's implementation in GU2.

    Trash talk is fun and all, but getting what you want and then rubbing your opponents face in it while kicking them in the shins at the same time is only going to be detrimental to a developing game.
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  6. Jagdwyre

    It has always annoyed me that people complain when devs who are in the spotlight consistently eventually lash out against the myriad of idiots on the internet every once in a while.

    Unprofessional? Yeah it's also called being human, people need to get the hell over it.
    I still think every single person on Earth should be required to do some type of customer service job for at least a few months, maybe then they're realize why these kinds of remarks get made every once in a while.
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  7. treeHamster

    Well having Smedly and Higby posting to twitter instead of using the forums is not only unprofessional, it means half their messages are going to be fly-by-the-seat comments with little to no thought taken in what they're presenting. That type of PR is what sends people from PR to HR to NR (newly retired aka a polite way of saying fired). At least in the forums they can change what they say, with those stupid social media, it is post and it's permanent.

    Facebook is for people without real social skills, Twitter is for people without real reading skills, and Instagram is for people without any real skills.
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  8. Jagdwyre

    There are very good reasons why developers rarely like to post on their forums in general unless it's a smaller inde developer. Most gaming forums are not for just talking and complaining to the devs, they're for discussing the game between gamers. When developers post on a topic it can very easily skew the discussion.
    I've seen what happened when developers decide to constantly post on their forums. The threads they post in become over saturated with people asking redundant questions and sometimes they even blatantly attack each other or the dev's themselves. This is a pretty serious problem when it causes other threads that could have a very constructive and well thought out topics to be completely overshadowed. It causes the forum threads and posts to flow in a more rigid way, and a lot of things that shouldn't be overlooked by players will be overlooked because god knows they all want to post on that thread with [SOE] on it. This even leads to more time wasted on the forums just merely complaining "you post in this thread but not mine SOE?"

    It's also much more of a pain in the *** to try and sift through all of these threads and finally decide which one they respond to because they know when they do it will become completely flooded. It's much more constructive for them to just read these forums instead of constantly posting on them.
    Something like Twitter circumvents these issues, welcome to 2013, game developers don't just sit on the forums for your amusement.
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  9. treeHamster

    If you know anything about company liability, social media is a nightmare when it comes to individuals who represent the company, post their own thoughts. It's why people get fired over Facebook and other forms of social media. With forums, the company controls the medium and can remove unwanted information or can limit who gets to talk about what.
  10. Jagdwyre

    I really hate it when people who have weak arguments decide to only quote SOME of a post, just focusing on one aspect of it and conveniently trying to counter that segment of it alone. And you complained that places like twitter are for people who "can't read" even though with larger posts, especially from people like the devs, get completely ripped apart and analyzed, and eventually skewed toward the readers own idea of what it meant.

    Anyways, let me know of any developers over the years and years who have used twitter and facebook have been fired because of them.
    Developers can get scolded at by their peers or higher ups just as easily if they post something nasty on their own forums, it has less to do with "who owns the medium" and more to do with that fact it is all available for the public to see. In fact I would argue it would be more offensive for the players if the devs would make a smart remark on their "home" forums than on something third party like twitter.
  11. BengalTiger

    The Vanguard's damage remained unchanged.
    The Enforcer did not have drop before the patch, this was added (and in Beta it was a guided missile).
    Side and top armor was increased for the Vanguard, front is unchanged.

    I think the Prowler and Mag were accurate though (although I don't know what Normalization in PS 2 is).

    http://www.ps2calc.com/ - based on in game files, contains info from both before and after patch.
  12. BengalTiger

  13. B0SS

    What is balance in an Asymmetric Game?

    This game was meant to be designed on Strengths and Weaknesses.
    The people supporting the NERF, do you even Realize that the Mag's main cannon cant swivel, they need to turn the whole damn thing, whereas NC and TR can just rotate the cannon with the swing of a mouse.
    VS is meant to have EXTRAORDINARY mobility and accuracy.
    TR is meant to have EXTRAORDINARY rate of fire, speed.
    NC is meant to have EXTRAORDINARY damage.

    Obviously the Devs didn't do it like that and hence the game is screwed.

    IF NC could one shot everything, and TR could empty their guns/weapons before others reloaded and VS could doge almost every attack then players may start learning to have a playstyle, but NO, its not like that and people expect to play VS the way they play NC.
    Thats not meant to BE!!!
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  14. Prodigal

    Please read in the whole context. Suspend your judgement until you have understood. If you do not understand, do not talk about something.
  15. Prodigal

    If you want to be taken seriously, please make a valid point. Until now, I've just seen you trolling.
  16. TheEvilBlight

    The use of reddit and twitter parallels the death of textual reports and the increase of Powerpoint. Measured responses and thinking go out the window when you are racing to post on Twitter before others in a 140 character limit.
  17. Inzababa

    actually, I double checked and VS is 31% right now on Cobalt, with TR on 33 and NC on 36%

    Used to be more VS and TR had less than the other two.

    Oh well, maybe they get warp gated some :)
  18. chilly154

    I think he doing good job. I'm not going to lie; if I was making another video game I wouldn't want to make it for the vets, sorry.
  19. †Ashley†

    That's simply a disgusting and unprofessional way to speak to players if its your job to speak to the community. If or not the magrider was overpowered or not, and balanced correctly or not, he simply should not be allowed to speak to the community is such an appalling way.
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  20. Sharpe

    He spoke to the community in an appaling way? Disgusting and unprofessional? Really?
    Over reaction much?
    He insulted no one. He said if the VS players complaining about the Magrider want their OP vehicle back there's nothing he can do for them. Which is true - they aren't going to make the Magrider what it was.
    I actually commend the straightforward and honest nature of the communication going on - but if you prefer to go back to the more traditional method of dev communication filled with politically correct lies, public relations clichés, and vague half truths to cover all bases, sort of like politician blabla then go ahead and be outraged over nothing.