[Suggestion] Hi, I don't like alert lockouts

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LibertyOne, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. LibertyOne

    I don't like how you can be involved in a big fight and then have it abruptly end because of the continent lock after an alert. It's no fun. I'm starting to avoid alerts because I don't like being in the middle of a great fight and then see the equivalent of last call lights being flipped on told to go home.

    How about you go ahead and give the benny to the VS (They're going to win anyway) but let the fight continue on?
  2. LibertyRevolution

    I actually like the end of dominated alerts..
    It is the only time when killing someone feels like it actually matters, as they can't just respawn on the map.
  3. ChampagneDragon

    What is irking me is the last several days it's been an Indar alert started during primetime, so Indar locks nightly on Emerald. I logged off 2 hours early because I'm sick of Esamir, and the pop imbalance on Amerish is just sick.
  4. LibertyRevolution

    It makes me happy when I login at 3am that I don't have to play Indarside2.
    I like esamir, walled bases are better for infantry play than getting openly farmed on indar anyways.

    I guess if you were a tanker and had to choose between amerish and esamir that would suck for them..
    Oh well they can go play world of tanks instead of farming infantry here.

    Yeah, I love gathering up at a highly populated area and form a deathmatch squad. We hold out until every enemy is dead and tank farmed. It's fun hunting for the stragglers, its a good bonus round/challenge. Medics make the world go around and it practices tighter squad play for everyone to stick together until we're the last men standing.
  6. Archiadus

    I actually prefer tanking on Esamir, almost every base has a handy mountain or hill nearby that you can use to get yourself in the best positions imaginable. :D

    Also the terrain is great for engaging / getting away from enemy vehicles as you can easily spot things from miles away and it might just be a personal thing or maybe I forgot about it as it's almost 8 AM but it always seems to be daytime on Esamir which is great.
  7. Inex

    I wonder if there's a membership level where you can arrange to have an Indar alert start 2 hours before you log in?