"Hey little lady..."

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Col_Jessep, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Salryc

    I have not found the female character to cause much difference in the amount of heals/repairs/assistance I get. In fact, most people assume I'm male by default (granted, as NC, the visual cues from male to female toons are a lot more subtle). Yet speak up in VOIP, and you'll spend the night amused by the pathetic attempts to seduce through one liners.
  2. Monnor

    I dont care which gender my guns kill. And females get the same attitude as males, cause i dont play rainbows unicorns and cotton candy online.
  3. Nephera

    Hey little lady is kind of tame.

    on the other hand my perspective may be skewed from playing too many crappy MMOs.

    And that two weeks i played an Elin on tera. Ha ha oh man i expected some heinous PMs and i still wasn't prepared for the onslaught of **** thrown at me.

    **** sucks man.
  4. Soylent

    What's creepy is that someone actually recognized that you're using a female.
  5. datfluttershy

    I am so happy our Outfit has 1 Girl in it ^^.
    But seriously - i think that woman or girls in this regard, playing PS2 are well able to defend them self against creepy ppl.

    A good note for Female gamers: Do NOT go VS - these guys are strange.
  6. JP_Russell

    There's an NC guy on my server that randomly says into proximity chat "Heeeyyyy... sexy lady," with a voice modulator. No female character models around, nothing to actually trigger it or anything.

    *shrug* I 'unno.
  7. Bassik

    It doesn't matter if you are a woman or just pretending to be one, when someone goes all creepy on you, shoot the bastard!
  8. Xarx

    Says the Brony.
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  9. datfluttershy

    Wait now im getting wierd looks from you because i like an animated Series that is done in Flash/Vector which teaches you about Friendship? There is more to the world then firefights and violence.
  10. JackD

    Thought they were all female. Learn a lesson everyday.
  11. Llaf

  12. exLupo

    I roll male dwarves almost exclusively in fantasy MMOs. What does that say about me?
    The only place I use female toons, of any species, is in Dark Souls. Not sure why.

    Regardless: MMO = Sausagefest. If you talk to anyone, expect a wang on the other end of the conversation.
  13. Bassik

    I am just as surprised as you are... well, I say surprised, but we both should have known this.
    It's just... WHY? You'll never even see your avatar with the exception of the log in screen. Why would anyone play with the opposite genre? Do you secretly want to be a woman?

    I play a lot of tabletop RPG's. When a man plays a woman in those games, it always becomes creepy and disturbing, and I generally don't allow it in my games.
    Generally, don't give a man access to female body parts in games, it never ends well.

    And now we're talking anyway, we must face the inevitable and terrifying conclusion from all that has been said and done...
    Are ANY of the female soldiers running around played by women?
  14. Munq


    Hey little lady..
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  15. datfluttershy

    Yes the armor can be quiet deceiving at times.
  16. Col_Jessep

    I would just feel uncomfortable playing a dude wearing purple spandex... ;)

    My NC and TR toons are male.

    A couple but the majority will probably be male. I would advise against chatting up anybody based on the gender of their toon, that's for sure. :rolleyes:
  17. Col_Jessep

    Oh well. Maybe I was just lucky that day.
  18. Oraculum

    I just can't stop imagining the guy doing a Johnny Bravo impression when he wrote that.
  19. Hydragarium

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  20. Aractain

    Freedom is Magic? (Its not btw, but Friendship is our Tradition).