Helios - The Excuse We Call a Server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Terrex, Jan 13, 2013.

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  1. Terrex

    I've done enough for the "HELIOS". ;)
  2. Llaf

    I'm down for trying to get TB's support, and I agree with the second bit.
  3. Swiftstrike

    Wow, TR sure do complain a lot about the Helios server even though they constantly push into both Vanu/NC territory and control 40%+ of Indar at nearly all times of the day. Every time I log onto Helios, the TR have the NC Biolab or the NC Amp Station.

    I logged on just now:
    TR Population - 31%
    Indar Territory - 45% (including, surprise, surprise, Rashnu and Zurvan)
    Esa Territory - 31%
    Ame Territory - 37%
  4. NavSpec

    Could just merge Helios with the one that TB is on. Then all three leaders are on the same server with all their fans following them in to battle. As TR on Helios, I think me and my small outfit would be up for that.

    Funny thing about going to other continents is that you're in a lose-lose situation. IF you head to Amerish and start marching around there then you're a ****-head ghostcapper. If you head to Indar and go in to the grand melee somewhere on that continent which I'm tired of fighting in then you're just "adding to the problem of Helios" where we only fight on Indar. Lose lose.
  5. Fear The Amish

    Come to Waterson great pop's good fights and we are on FNO for last 3 weeks and probably next week too =)
  6. Terrex

    Derp, another post in which you decide to ignore the big picture. Yes, the population might be a tad bit better currently but look at what it is 80-90% of the time. Great we can push up with our 1 zerg that has no resistance then get cut off from the VS and NC back capping and their 1 zerg ignored. I see this crap happen on a daily basis, playing 6-8+ hours on this server each day.

    The server has a low population in which it can't even hold up consistent fights around the maps equally for all 3 empires. That is the issue.
  7. Mechanought

    The past few days TR has had the lower population, but a couple weeks back it was NC with the low pop.

    Honestly TR and NC are usually no more than a couple percent apart in population.

    Vanu is the one with all the players on Helios. But you f*cking TR seem to like joining up with the VS on attacking the NC. You push us back, then VS turns on you and they almost have Indar. Stop humping the purple guys and try shooting them.
  8. dracotonisamond

    im inclined to agree here with you about the population terrex. but you TR seem to do quite well for your population.

    we all would enjoy more targets just like i love getting you in my sights with a burster.

  9. Irrelevant--

    1. Come to Connery
    2. Join TRG
    3. Kill smurfs and barnies
    4. ???
    5. Profit
    • Up x 2
  10. Swiftstrike

    Maybe you should actual post a more detailed, constructive topic about server merges instead of a whiny, delusional story that TR have it worse than every other faction on every other server. Besides, I don't remember complaints when TR had 36%+ population on Helios (pre-buscus-geddon). There were hardly any battles during non-peak hours back then, but I guess it was alright because the TR dominated, right? I hopped on and played regardless of being at a 6-8% population disadvantage to the TR. I mean, FFS, the NC could barely hold their own tech station.

    Server Stats - Players:
    1. Miller - 36834
    2. Mattherson - 35799
    3. Waterson - 35704
    4. Connery - 33937
    5. Jaeger - 31650
    6. Woodman - 30032
    7. SolTech - 25822
    8. Helios - 22472

    Hmm, these servers must exist because clearly TR Helios have it the worst!
    9. Cobalt - 21989
    10. Ceres - 20911
    11. Mallory - 18971
    12. Genudine - 18735
    13. Lithcorp - 18135
    14. Briggs - 16371

    I can't see the big picture because I don't spend 8 hours a day playing PS2. I can, however, tell you that adding more players won't necessarily help the non-peak hour gameplay/battles and that the TR have a population that is +-2% of the NC's population during peak hours. I can also tell you that I'd be happy to see server merges so that we can have more battles on other continents, but I can't understand the non-stop complaining that TR on Helios somehow have it the worst. Seriously, I read stuff like this and "the VS/NC are ganging up on us" then I log every time to see the TR doing much better than the VS/NC.
  11. Terrex

    Those stats are clearly up to date.......... Another constructive post missing the big picture.
  12. Compass

    You mean like this from yesterday where you exceeded VS pop and decided with great power comes great pushes into TR territory at 6 or 7PM EST, and owning Esamir?

    • Up x 1
  13. Terrex

    *Logged into Helios*


    *Logged out*
  14. Nacasatu

    ^^ You logged out because of that ? huh ? TR are only 3% less than NC and yeah ok VS are 8% more but still, that's not drastic at all.
    TR put up a good fight on Helios, if anything, from playing an NC there, TR have been better organised than NC a lot of the times.

    It's also US West, which is what, about 10am in the morning or so when you logged in and took that screenshot, not exactly prime gaming hours for the majority of where your servers players are gaming from.

    Also, sorry but I've very little sympathy for an ESF rocket pod spammer - which if you're completely honest about this thread, is the real reason you're complaining as you haven't enough TR backup behind you that you'd like in order to sit at the back of the pack spamming rockets at a distance. Be honest, that's the real reason.

    You've over 40,000 kills against less than 3,000 deaths, skill spamming rocket pods at a distance, hiding behind the TR zerg - which for you isn't there all the time at the times you want to play.

    TR are fine on the server, stop being a coward hiding behind the pack spamming rockets and start playing some infantry battles.
  15. Terrex

    I logged out because the map is the same it has been for 5 hours. If you want more details I am probably going to make some breakfast and do a couple other things. Maybe paint you and I a new picture.
  16. Compass

    Terrex also drives a Prowler.

    And uses a MAX.
  17. Terrex

    Nice, another one of these in which it's a personal attack and ignores the issue. There is no TR zerg, we can't "spam" from a distance because of the render distance. You really don't know what you are talking about, you just look like a raging fool.
  18. Nacasatu

    It is the way it is not just because of TR, playing NC I can tell you there is NO leadership at all at any time. Any big platoons running are more content to run around on the other two continents ghost capping empty bases for hours on end, TR or VS follow taking them back and doing the same. The majority of NC players on Indar anyway are just random players, most probably not even in a squad or platoon. VS have the upper hand yes, I get that, but is there any leadership there at all either or is it just that youtube guy they have has more kids following him and hence a bigger zerg than the NC guy ?
  19. Nacasatu

    I was right though. Over 40,000 kills and less than 3,000 deaths ? There is no way in hell you can reach that number by actually participating in teamwork with your faction, you know, getting out of your aircraft and on the ground to help push into bases. You're a rocket pod skill spammer plain and simples, either that or you stat padded/cheated your way to that number. No need to resort to insults in order to deflect from the point.
  20. Compass

    How to lead a zerg:

    1. Locate a border location, preferably (but not always) the western or eastern border, that matches an enemy. Pick one at random.
    2. Form a squad or a platoon.
    3. Order the platoon to attack said location.
    4. For bonus brownies, use individual squads to coordinate objectives which do not need 12 people to take.
    5. Wait for the base to turn with the entire platoon despite the fact that only 6 people are really needed to cap the place. Everyone gets XP, after all.
    6. Repair stuff you broke.
    7. Go to step 1.

    How to fail:

    1. Order a base to be defended at any cost.

    I've summed up 90% of the tactics that are used in the game.
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