Heavy Shield- Rocket Primary 2.0

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Verviedi, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. Bobman23

    With all due respect, it was about volume, whether you meant it that way or not. One server with a particular quirk doesn't make a compelling argument for change, but every server with that same quirk does. Your video had the direct effect of exporting that behavior to other servers.

    The ethics of said behavior is still very much debatable, but that's not what I'm really focusing on.

    When you make a video, who do you think watches it? What do you think they take away from it? Because you're right, a single montage is not a fair or representative sample of actual gameplay - but people see it as exactly that. You have two sides of a coin here: one side looks at that video and says "this is a real problem, look how easy it is!"; the other side looks at it and says "oh hey cool, let me try that!" Both of these views are distorted, because you are quite frankly a better player than most of the people who watch your videos (myself included). People see your edited video and think that everyone is having the same experience you are. The one side thinks that everyone can do what you do (believe me, they can't) and the other side thinks that they should try to do what you do. This is exactly how marketing works. You don't sell the reality of the product, you sell the image, the emotion.

    So yes, it is definitely an eye-opener. For me, it opened my eyes to just how malleable people are.
  2. Verviedi

  3. Mustarde

    That was a great post, thank you :)
  4. Rovertoo

    Just chiming in here.

    I think the biggest reason most (most) people don't complain about OHK sniper rifles but do about Rocket Primary is because of how much easier it is to get kills. OHK's with a sniper rifle requires hitting a pretty small target at long ranges. Rocket Primaries however are (or where) OHKs no matter where they hit, at close ranges. Not to mention the HA has this free OHK-launcher in his pocket, while the Infiltrator trades his primary of choice for it.