Have you ever regretted a cert investment?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sixstring, May 5, 2014.

  1. DrPapaPenguin

    *The Tomcats, since I really went down the A2G route for my mossie afterwards.
    *MSW-R. Only 330 certs wasted, but I still had to beat it to Auraxium medal only through sheer willpower, I did not like that thing much at all. Not using it ever again.
    *Meditool. I play medic so rarely that I barely remember it existing, and when I do it's purely for the SABR-13 or Cycler TRV, so herpedy-derp certity wasted.
    *I'd say rocket pods, but hornets were not available yet when I bought them, so it isn't really fair to say.

    Nothing else springing to mind really.


    Actually something did - striker. I really didnt remember ever buying it, but since I apparently did, I regret it :D
  2. iller

    Adding range to A2AM Lockons ... the description was basically just kinda.... misleading. I thought it said it increased the value it upgraded by for every tier. But it LOOKS like it only increases by 10m each time. That's just a crappy overpriced upgrade in general when compared to reducing lockon TIME which arguably becomes exponentially more effective the higher you go with it and basically leads to the majority of Rage that Airchavs have versus lockons (the fact they can have 3 missiles trailing them at once apparently from a single pursuer?) -- And no, the VR didn't exist at the time

    Basically both upgrades need to be brought closer together in Power. I really don't want to switch to reducing lockon TIME, that'd just be too cheesey currently and I wouldn't feel like I was facing the same risk in the Air if I had made that my main upgrade for A2A.
  3. Beeman

    Back in the beta when weapons cost auraxium rather than certs, I got the crazy gatling gun secondary for the prowler without having tried it. I was immediately disappointed.

    Around the same time, I spent some SC on the heavy assault's minigun and was also immediately disappointed. It's much better now, though so I don't regret that anymore, really.

    But after having made those regrettable mistakes, I plan my certs pretty carefully nowadays. No more impulse buys, I test everything in VR before deciding whether it's worth an investment.
  4. ExarRazor

    I've got a fully certed lib on my VS, and a fully certed skeeter on my TR, both of which I highly regret.

    I can't fly worth a damn, so I've got thousands of certs tied up in vehicles in never ******* use.

    I really wish I could uncert them and put them into something I use
  5. Vixxing

    Everything for Harasser and Phase****... all gear for VS MAX (after ZOE nerf)
  6. Corporate Thug

    I purchased an Anchor in which I just kept going back to my EM6 since it felt better except for hip firing, which the anchor isn't all that great. I used to enjoy flying liberators and my original NC char has a lib that has a few K certs in it. Flying the lib on Connery as NC most times involved too much camping an under populated faction. Lastly, I repurchased nanoweave 5 for one of my VS heavies. I always run ASC + resist shields since I try to play outnumbered and it lowers my down time.
  7. TheShrapnelKing

    Rank 4 Nanoweave for HA. Pointless, the ASC and Munis pouch are clearly better choices.

    Oh, and the Phoenix.
  8. johnway

    Luckily, i apply real life lessons when playing Planetside 2 and i am glad to say that i have very few poor investments. Which is why i'm sitting on a big mountain of certs with my characters for that rainy day that will never arrive. My nc account has 9000+ and my TR character has 4000+

    Ok, some have been wasted, like the odd one or 2 certs on lightnings and other vehicles that i never ever pull out. As far as i'm concerned, armour is a mobile coffin and a magnet for pretty much everyone and everything.

    But i still have some regrets. My main ones include:

    AMS: Yes very useful if you're part of a team. Not so useful when everyone had the same idea and it becomes a race for everyone wanting to deploy a sunderer to be useful. should have invested in a auto repair or ammo regen sunderer instead.

    C4 - i purchased a single brick of c4 for my Light assualt and found i never used the class let alone c4. In fact it has never been used properly. Its for someone who is suicidal, willing to take risks and live on the edge to take out tanks. Thats not me. Plus the range is pitiful. I bought some for my medic thinking that i would use it as i could heal already. I blame Bad company 2 and the c4 toss trick. Oh and how i have to use different keys to set or detonate the c4. Wish there was an option to customize dropping it so that lclick threw the stuff (its the most frequent action i will be using) and rclick to detonate.

    No regrets when purchasing weapons. Luckily.
  9. Luighseach

    You do know that the ammo pack is upgraded for turret and the pack. There is never a reason to go into battle with the ammo pack equipped.

    It used to be Level 3 ammo pack that was on the turret till they changed it to reflect the ammo pack upgrade line. that was over a year ago though.
  10. GaBeRock

    A2AM for my mossie. Never use it, don't really enjoy it, and I seriously wish I could have those 500 certs back. I would probably piss them away, but whatever. I kind of regret tank mines (sure, they make me certs, but not nearly ad many as a spent) but I suppose they'll pay off eventually. I don't pull maxes often anyways, so those infantry resources just go to waste otherwise.
  11. z1967

    I meant ammo pouch but I messed up the delivery of that. Too late now to fix it :|
  12. Luighseach

    Ah was wondering what you were talking about. Yeah I did the same thing. I think what was worse was when I bought 3 or 4 flashlight attachments for my guns before they changed it to the darklight. That was the biggest waste of certs I ever had, but luckily that is no longer a problem. Although killing someone with my flashlight on always made me laugh hoping they felt trolled.
  13. Brahma2

    I fully certed my Prowler and I hate that piece of ****. Also, regret any certs ever put into infantry.
  14. Gammit

    Yes, I can't wait for the ability to purchase something with SC that gives refunds.
    • Up x 1
  15. Hartkernharald

    10-15k certs in the lib that i don't use anymore because it's not the vehicle i thought it would be
    he gun, vulcan, stealth on the prowler
    racer frame on the reaver
    about 5k certs in the magrider, i can't aim this thing
  16. 99ytrewq911

    I want to get rid of attachments for weapons I longer use, such as the stock lightning cannon, the stock reaver gun.

    One thats making me angry is the dogfighting airframe. The only thing it increases is yaw(rudder)...everything else is sensitivity based. Spent up to level two on that thing...now I want a refund on it.

    I hope they add a refund system.
  17. Wobberjockey

    90% of the certs i put in infiltrator.

    if i knew at launch what i knew now, i would have certed into my scythe and been BR 100 by now

    yet i still hold out a fools hope that one day soe will add actual use for the infiltrator in capping a base.

    2017 isn't that far off is it?
  18. TTex11

    I misclicked and spent 500 certs on ejection seats for my Liberator.

    So....yeah, I kinda regret that.
  19. Raxor

    Dumping ~ 6000 certs in the duster/spur (i had 10k when they first came out and just bought a bunch of upgrades for them) Probably one of the few (insane?) with a max mag size spur...

    Horrible weapons :)
  20. Wobulator

    High capacity semi-auto shotgun. Then, a day later, they gave me the low-capacity one. I should really look at the PTS. Also, the PDW.