Has anyone found a use for the tungsten liner?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by oOHansOo, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. oOHansOo

    When the new battlerifles where introduced, they came with a slew of addons and gadgets, some good ones like the semiauto barrel for the dragoon, one insane safety override for the obelisk, and then there's the tungstenliner for the bishop, which does... **** all i guess?
    It increases the damage for your bullets form 335 to 350 under a range of 10m then falls of to 335 again by 20m, while heavily increasing the recoil of your weapon. This means, at almost knifefighting range, you need ether 3 bodyshots, or 1 headshot and 1 bodyshot to kill standard infantry without the tungstenliner, and 3 bodyshots, or 1 headshot and 1 bodyshot with the tungstenliner. No practical difference.
    So, what is the point behind this thing? Am i missing something? An addon for a medium to longrange weapon, that is supposed to change shortrange behavior without changing anything aside from giving the player a strong detriment.
    As it stand right now, the tungstenliner seems to to downright useless, with no redeeming features. Maybe if it increases muzzle velocity, or reduced bulletdrop, then it would be worth the increased recoil. But right now, it's just dead weight.
  2. Campagne

    It is mostly just useless.

    It currently stops the auxiliary shield from increasing the shots to kill by one as "useful" as that is. If I can recall correctly nanoweave with an auxiliary shield will nullify if the befit of the tungsten liner.

    Junk attachment.
  3. JibbaJabba

    It's useless junk. Wrel had to act like they were doing something cool for the other factions.
  4. VeryCoolMiller

    the tr one is crap too
  5. oOHansOo

    The explosive ammo? At least that doesn't make the gun worse, it just changes the damagetype.
  6. Halkesh

    I think dev should buff tungsten liner by removing the minimal damage so you can kill HA and auxiliary shield infantry more reliably at any range.
    Unless they've changed it again, it reduce the shot to kill to 3 (head) / 4 (body). That said, you ususaly need 4 bodyshot anyway due to nanoweave.