[Suggestion] Harrasholes and Flashes take damage from ramming a max

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Saool, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. xCable

    Harassers just need a nerf to hit points imo.
  2. FrozenCustard

  3. xCable

    I dont think so. Lightnings don't have the mobility that a harasser has.
  4. Atuday

    In planetside one if you ran someone over in anything less than a tank you would take damage based on the remaining amount of heath the player had. This is something I would support if brought back. You can still run people over. But the cost would be similar to running people over in a car. They die and the car takes damage.
  5. AlterEgo

    Gotta save the certs, man. Times are tough, and all these invading snow men are not helping.
  6. Lifodd

    treat maxes like vehicles (cant run through infantry and other maxes, cant be revived), then im ok with this.
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  7. NC supporter

    Realism doesn't matter in a game with floating tanks and please cry more.
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  8. Hatesphere

    here's something I left in another thread. TL DR flashes should be avoiding maxes not the other way around. harassers on the other had I have less of an issue with.

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  9. Thornefear

    I agree with the flash bit, not so much the harasser. Accounting for armor harassers are heavier than you think (realistically) and flip way too damn easily. It's all that latex the Vanu use left pooling everywhere.

    I've actually never been run over by one o_O (harasser)

    I would love to see maxes fullstop or do dmg to flashes. we might even *gasp* see players do more heroic things (max diving in front of infantry to save him from a flash)
  10. Hoki

    Also I think maxes should squish infantry when falling on them, and damage infantry when colliding with them at run speed.

    Also I think charge should heavily damage, knock backwards, and cause re-equip animation when colliding with infantry.

    So many missed opportunities for making the max awesome, instead they just get overpowered weapons and then are forgotten.
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  11. Icedude94

    When my squad's maxes blast you away from the top of the stairs, you will wish you had a flash that you could turbo up the stairs to run them over with.

    Omg. RCN6 has to try this out. We'll do a point hold and keep a few flashes upstairs, when an enemy max crash comes in, we'll run them over with flashes while they're all packed together on the stairs.

    It's so crazy my outfit is obligated to do it and record a video of it.

    And to maximize the collateral damage, we'll put C-4 on the flash.
  12. z1967

    I understand that this may be a little bit difficult for some people, but have you tried... strafing? Aside from that, have you also attempted not being caught out in the open where all infantry are easy to kill? Why should MAXes get an exception to this?
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  13. Canno

    Vehicle collision and moveability in general should be reworked.

    A tank (light or mbt) should be able to move a harasser convincingly. Example:Harasser parked in my tanks way, I should be able to push it. MBT vs sundy would depend - on the move the sundy can move the tank, from a stationary start the tank should win out. Deployed sundy would be harder to move for a MBT, impossible for a lightning.

    Planes colliding should be serious for both planes. A galaxy should be able to destroy an ESF, but should take considerable damage. So on. I think it's ridiculous that ramming is a valid tactic with planes.

    Same for a max, perhaps they could even go so far as to add perks for various max types. A shielded NC max would do more damage to a harasser and destroy a flash. A lockdown max would do similar. A zoe max would..just run away ;)
  14. Movoza

    I hate the realism card that is being thrown around in this thread. Realism is far in this game. Not only the weapons choices that are limited for each class, as well as getting certifications to wield some weapons based on how much you where 'participating' in the war don't make sense. Furthermore you have Nanites for healing, respawning or building and all that require a strong computer to manage, so it is fully automatic. This can be done by either having each nanite have an individual computer that links to the others (most likely), or having an 'external' computer calculate pathing and operations for the nanites. With this power of computers, they could make practically everything automated, making locking on, firing, moving vehicles and all that fully automatic. Also, with the 'infinite' fuel and such, there should not really be a range on the rockets, and the before mentioned computer power would be small enough to be put into a rocket. The hole country wouldn't be safe.
    So you can state realism as one argument of many, not as the foundation of your argument.

    Looking from gameplay, I don't see much of the problem. Having played both the MAX and the Flash, I know where either would be best suited. As a MAX, this means that I either avoid being on the place where they can catch me easily, or I am able to destroy them beforehand. Flashes really aren't a problem, especially if you jump. I haven't played much Harasser, and it shows in my tactics against them. Harassers are more difficult, but jumping out of the way is still a good strategy, as well as damaging them during their advance and retreat. Even without extensive knowledge in driving Harassers I can tell that their power is situational, and you can just avoid most of those situations.

    My vote would be just to leave it like this. I do think nanites should be more dynamic, making stealth flashes more expensive than a normal flash, but that is another topic.
  15. EViLMinD

    It might be an interesting feature if a Max could damage just Flashes. The Max should need to be facing the Flash and crouched.

    Mmm-nah. Things are fine as they are.
  16. bl33ping

    tired of your max being roadkill? turn to one side and use the charge ability. works for me.
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  17. Blippy

    Fun fact: You can MAX charge into an oncoming Flash to send it tumbling through the air. You'll still take a fair chunk of damage though.
  18. HadesR

    Wraith flashes should automatically decloak for 20-30's with every impact .. :)
  19. p10k56

    I think it should lose portion of cloak energy when collide or is hit by bullet.
    But overall best will be to forbid weapons on wright flash.
  20. HadesR

    TBH I have no issue with the weapons .. They need to uncloak to be fired .. It's the high speed nearly invis road kill thats the major cheese IMO.

    At least the weapons take a modicum of skill and effort to aim ..