Hardcore Servers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ClubberLaing, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. GamerOS

    Why is everyone convinced that a more limited HUD and low health/high damage makes something more hardcore?

    Sure, makes it harder to live... but way easier to kill....

    You know what's hardcore? Rogue-likes!
    Or heck, anything with proper Perma-death.

    Nothing is as hardcore as knowing one mistake will force you to start anew.

    Hardcore should not be defined by how easy you die or how quickly you kill or how limited a UI is.
    It should be defined by how much your death impacts you as a player.

    As long as you can respawn with all your gear like nothing happend it's not hardcore...
  2. TR4ever

    I meant COD has hardcore servers with the features OP is describing. I never said COD was a hardcore game.
  3. AshOck

    How is making people easier to kill hardcore?.. you are describing the exact opposite. Change your request to easymode servers.
  4. Czuuk

    These two. WHY? Why limited HUD? I'm wearing a space helmet. I expect more HUD. Instead, we don't even have polarized lenses.

    No 3rd person view for vehicles? Sure. After they revamp the entire flight control mechanics. And add some useful info on the dash. Like streaming gunner views.
  5. Shinrah

    Sure, but one cannot compare a tactical simulation like the old Rainbow Six games with PS. PS isn´t a simulation it´s a combined arms shooter with focus on teamplay and large battles. If one wants combined arms and more realism one might want to check out ARMA. Personally I found the old RB games very fun, but then again you weren´t under constant fire by aircraft, tanks, and several enmy squads, ALL THE TIME
  6. Skurcey

    no hud and teamates on hud, no enemy detection
  7. Czuuk

    Plenty people have useful things to say. If they disagree with you.
  8. treeHamster

    I know, that's my point. This game shouldn't have a hardcore mode. If they want one, then go play a different game.
  9. Shinrah

    Misunderstood you then, my apologies.
  10. xNPCx

    While I am a fan of Hardcore modes on other games, I don't think it would work for Planetside 2. Simply because in a game as large as Planetside, having a steady population is a must and by implementing a separate server for Hardcore mode you would effectively divide you playerbase and each server may suffer population issues. Also Hardcore servers is general are a niche game mode that attracts a smaller population. So if they were to actually implement a Hardcore server I don't think enough of the playerbase would make the jump and you would be left with an underpopulated server that wouldn't reach the scale of the current servers.