Hardcore Servers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ClubberLaing, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. FigM

    I think "hardcore" server should simply triple all spawn timers, for everything

    Infantry spawn once in 45 seconds. Vehicles from 5 mins (full certed) to 15 mins (full certed)
    And make all infantry missiles and AV turrets cost 20+ infantry resources
  2. Dubious

    an afterthought, PS1 might be more hardcore, since it takes longer time to kill = it requires more skill

    Fast kills = anyone noob with a gun can kill, only need 4 bullets to hit..
    Long kills = getting the jump on someone wont do you no good if you cant aim
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  3. Liquid23

    lol @ higher TTK means it takes more skill
  4. Dubious

    Prove me wrong?

    a player comes behind and shoot you dead in sec, you get no time to react (PS2 way)
    a player comes behind and shoot you, you turn around and land more hits than he does, you win (PS1 way)
  5. Liquid23

    so you think the more forgiving system takes more skill than the one which leave no room for mistakes... lmao
  6. Devrailis

    Some people have fun playing Chess.

    Others have fun playing TicTacToe.
  7. Liquid23

    I prefer nude twister myself
  8. Dubious

    Skill vs. luck?
    Think girl..
  9. Devrailis

    I'll bring a tub of butter, you bring a pad, we'll call it a party.
  10. Liquid23

    lol skill... high TTK just means weapon stats instead of skill or luck are the deciding factor... you use skill to flank me, get the first shot off and have it perfectly aimed at my head... I turn around and wipe the floor with you because my rifle has a higher DPS...

    at this point I'm not sure most of you even know what the word skill means... it's like you think aiming fully automatic weapons is hard or that shooting someone is harder than not being shot in the first palce... a forgiving system that lets 2 people pound on each other ends up being decided more by weapon stats than actual tactics or reflexes...
  11. WalrusJones

    Being forgiven.... For something that is over half random..... Says nothing about skill.

    I notice you shooting me, I avoid your fire, and return with far more accurate, and well led shots with a wilder strafing pattern.
    This was the way of the shooters of old.
    Skill was very high.
    Hiding, very low.
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  12. Liquid23

    except in reality it's more like
    I notice you shooting me, I turn around and empty my entire rifle at you and you die because my gun has a higher DPS or the same DPS but holds more rounds...

    there was less hiding in old school shooters because they were straight up twitch shooters with laser accurate weapons which required no more in the way of tactics than bunny hopping around tiny maps... they took good reflexes because everyone was running around like they were ODing on meth but no more skill... what works in a twitch shooter does not work in a large scale open environment combined arms game

    it's hilariouse you think skill was higher back then.. it was still mostly idiots bouncing around spam firing
  13. ClubberLaing

    Some real great feedback here...mixed with some not so great spam. Thanks to everyone who posted constructively.
  14. EvilPhd

    War never changes....or does it?
  15. Krayus_Korianis

    I wonder why no one is going on about permadeath... Hardcore is perfect for it!
  16. Jex =TE=

    How about a guy with no brain...?
  17. Jex =TE=

    If you think COD is hardcore you haven't played many games.
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  18. Jex =TE=

    It's never going to happen - on what server are they going to introduce this when the PS2 population dwindles daily? Who would want to start the grind all over again. It's not like you can host your own server and make it HC so nice thought but SOE can't even decide how they want this game to play yet and it defo won't be HC,.
  19. Virulent0o

    @OP, hurry to the steam sale. Red Orchestra 2 should still be on sale.

    It's got what you ask for.
    Also complete with cover system, leaning from cover, stamina, suppression effects and wounding!

    But on topic... I have to disagree, PS2 should not have "hardcore" servers
  20. TR4ever

    This is already available its called call of duty.